Activities Family & Friends Holidays Me

New Year’s Eve


Ever since having kids, I have not been out on New Year’s Eve.  In fact, I was doing well if I could even stay up until midnight, to ring in the new year at home. 

My kids are growing up, so I guess I get to go out again for New Year’s, and I am really excited about it.  I’m going with my sister, brother, and their spouses, and some of their friends.  Joe is going to have a boy’s night in, with Ryan and Cole.  I told them tonight I was going to go out, and they were going to have a party with Dad- I told them they could have some hot chocolate, and they just thought that was the best thing ever.  🙂 It is cute how sweet and innocent they still are. 

We are going to have dinner at a delicious restaurant in Cherry Creek that my sister used to work at, and her best friend is the manager there now.  Then we are going to go to a nice drinking place (bar) and say good-bye to 2008.

I don’t usually make New Year’s Resolutions, but I do get in mind some goals I would like to accomplish for the upcoming year.  The big one, is to finally get all our junk worldly possessions moved to the new house, and get our place rented, so we can finally finish up with all this house stuff. 

I also wanted to lose some weight, but due to the stress of trying to move all our worldly possessions to the new house, I lost some. That is always nice, but I do want to start a regular schedule of doing some exercise a few times a week. 

One other big goal is to not let the house fill up with so much junk- really.  I don’t know how it gets so accumulated, but it is really freeing to throw away and donate so much of the stuff that has piled up; stuff we never use.  Moving is good for a few things- one of which is getting your life de-cluttered  🙂 

I’d love to hear any other resolutions or goals everyone has- I might even be able to add a new one to my list.

Whatever you are doing on New Year’s Eve, be safe and enjoy.

Happy New Year!

Activities Cole Family & Friends Holidays Mothering Ryan

No Rest for the Weary

With Christmas over, that nagging feeling hits me every year.  The feeling that I have forgotten something- that something always being Ryan’s birthday.  He was born the first week of January, and with the holidays, I always fall behind on his party.

Back in June, I thought of this, and planned.  In years past, I have never seemed to plan his birthday far ahead enough in advance, and then all the fun places are booked.    My ‘baby’ is turning five this year, and he has been excited forever for his birthday.  I actually booked the venue in June, and that was too early to do all the other planning, so I have put it off-again.  There is always so much going on with the holidays, it just naturally falls to the back burner. 

So this week we will be trying to move, work, and finish the preparations for Ryan’s big day, which is next Sunday.  Fortunately, I have all the party favors, and just have to find some time to assemble them.  I would love to make his cake, and some of the other food, but I’m not crazy. There is just no way I can manage that with everything else going on.

If my blog posts taper off, you know I am up to my neck in boxes, and party favors.  🙂  I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and here are some pictures from ours:






Activities Family & Friends Holidays

Wanted For Christmas: Socks With No Holes- A Christmas Miracle

When my sister, Mara, sent out an e-mail in November to her family and friends, pleading with them for any help they could provide for her 26 impoverished second grade students so they could each have one Christmas present, I know she never expected a miracle for these kids.  After I read her e-mail and the sad circumstances these kids were in, I was in tears. I immediately called her and asked if I could post part of her e-mail and write a post, putting the call out to my readers who could help. 

I had lots of inquiries and questions, and many people who said they would be able to send my sister a care package or a gift-card.  We were overwhelmed at the generosity and response.   Combined with the other donations from family, friends, and strangers, we went shopping for the kids last week, and Mara was so excited.  The donations had far exceeded her expectations, and she knew all her kids would have several necessary items, as well as a few small gifts. 

Then on Friday, the miracles started showing up in her classroom. One of the miracles was five of our brave Air Force Officers from Buckley Air Force Base.  Sergeant Alex, read the first post I wrote about these kids, and called Mara at the school. Unfortunately, it was a bad message and the only thing she was able to catch from Sgt. Alex’s message was his name, he was from Buckley, and he had read about this on A Mama’s Blog.  Mara asked me to put a call out to him to have her call him back.  I wrote that post, and Sgt. Alex took the time again, to call Mara back.

I so wish I had been able to come to Mara’s class and bring the boys, but I had to work.  So I am going to post Mara’s account of the day (with pictures), that includes not only the generous gifts Sgt. Alex’s unit brought, but of all the gifts that everyone was able to give. 

Reading Mara’s account of the donations that Sgt. Alex’s unit and members of his unit’s family brought to these kids-well, words can’t describe it.  Together, all these gifts and donations amounted to a true Christmas miracle for these kids who had nothing, but now feel like they are the richest kids in the world, all because people showed they cared.   That is the true spirit of Christmas, and it has been the highlight for me this Christmas. 

To all my readers and everyone who was able to help, all I can say is THANK YOU!  I know Mara and the kids thank you too.  Now get a tissue ready, because you will need it after reading about the generousity so many showed, to help 26 kids have a Christmas. 

An Amazing Day (by Teachingmommy-Mara)

I barely have the words to describe what it was like in my classroom on Friday. I’ll do my best because I know there are a lot of people who worked to make it happen and want to know how it went:

Imagine 26 kids excited for the last day of school. Their teacher has told them a special surprise is coming, but they don’t know what it is. They are thinking about how it’s going to be 2 weeks off of school and that can be scary because home life isn’t the most stable. Sometimes it’s great, but parents have been talking lately about how there isn’t any money for Xmas presents and they might lose their house like their friend did and have to move. They are quietly doing their work at their desks when they hear a noise and look up:

5 uniformed Air Force men are walking into the classroom! Mrs. Corzine is smiling at them and goes over to introduce herself and shakes all their hands. They are dragging about 10 huge garbage bags with them! What is this???? Mrs. Corzine tells them to put their work away and says that these nice men are from the Air Force and are our new friends. They care about us so much that they’ve put together Christmas Presents for every child in this room! In the bag are Christmas Presents!

The kids look at each other with huge eyes and squeal!! They can’t believe it: they try to sit quietly as the men pass out 2 wrapped gifts per child, but this is too much. They’ve never had gifts like this before. They were all prepared to not have anything for Christmas this year because Mom says there isn’t any money for things like that! They start laughing and jumping up and down while the presents are being passed out. Mrs. Corzine looks shocked at the amount of gifts and she has tears in her eyes. One of the girls asks her why she’s crying and Mrs. Corzine can’t even answer her…this is amazing!

Finally everyone in the room has their 2 presents…but wait! They’re not done yet! They bring the bags up to the front of the room and start taking out MORE presents to give to Mrs. Corzine for the whole class. Mrs. Corzine is smiling and crying at the same time and telling them it’s way too much, but the men are shaking their heads and telling her how happy they are to do this for the kids. They have piled gifts on the front table and are explaining to Mrs. Corzine what is in each of them: soccer balls, basketballs, footballs, jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, chapter books…enough to share with the entire 2nd grade!! Oh…an a box of homemade cookies that one of the officers’ wife had stayed up late to make.

The kids all say “Thank you!” and then start to rip into their presents. It’s the best scene you could ever imagine. They are laughing and excited and talking to the officers and their friends and saying things like, “I needed new socks!” and “Now my feet won’t be cold!” and “Legos!!! Now I don’t have to share with my brother!” and “Oh…jewelry! I’ve always wanted a necklace!” The officers and Mrs. Corzine are just standing by and watching them tear into their gifts…probably the best they’ve ever gotten (or will get). The joy in their eyes is unmistakable. It is pure happiness. They are shocked at the amount of goodies they’ve received:

Sweaters/Jackets for each kid (nice ones too…Nike, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, etc.)
Legos for the boys
Jewelry packets for the girls (each with necklace, earrings, bracelets)
Hair things for the girls
Hello Kitty! Stuff for the girls
Hats and Mittens and Scarves

They are modeling their new outfits and trying on their hats. A few pictures of them doing this are below. They have never been so excited in their lives. Imagine you were 8 years old and you knew you weren’t going to have much of a Christmas this year. You had resigned yourself to that and you tried to convince yourself it didn’t matter…then this happens!!

Mrs. Corzinestarts passing out the other gifts for the kids to open. The boys go nuts at all the balls…now they have something to play with on the playground! They start squealing and yelling and jumping up and down all over again.

The principal comes in to say hello and her jaw drops when she sees how much stuff the kids have gotten. She shakes each officer’s hand and thanks them…she says later that there aren’t any words to describe how amazing this is. Just look at the kids’ shining eyes…I know, Mrs. Corzine replies and tries to smile back without breaking into tears in front of the kids.

The officers eventually leave but first they tell Mrs. Corzine what a pleasure this was and how 50 families were involved and they’d love to come back on a regular basis to read with the kids! They say they’ll be in touch and hug Mrs. Corzine and tell her “Merry Christmas”…and they smile and go back to the base where Mrs. Corzine hopes they’ll spread the news at how Christmas Miracles are REAL and they made something happen for 26 kids that they will never forget…these kids are experiencing not just the new toys and clothes but the feeling that they are important and they matter.

But wait…the day isn’t over yet!! After lunch, a special Christmas helper rolls in another cart filled with more presents! A elementary school in Cherry Creek (for those of you who don’t know…the wealthy part of town) adopted the kids and made school supply boxes for each of them to have at home! They each got all the markers, pencils, crayons, rulers, etc. they’ll ever need to do their homework! As the Christmas helper (thanks Christina…) passes them out, there is more cheering and comments like, “Now I can do my homework!” and “I’ve always wanted my own markers!”

Then the kids notice something…more presents on the floor: the gift bags that the WalMart gift cards were able to buy! Their eyes pop open and you can see their tiny brains about ready to explode: this is almost too much!!! One girl says, “Mrs. Corzine…there’s more?????” as Mrs. Corzine explains that people from all over the country sent them some gifts because they care about them and really want them to have a nice Christmas. Also because they really want the kids to know that they are important and the best way to pay these people back is to do well in school. Who’s going to do well in school to say “thank you?” All the kids shoot up their hands and their grins couldn’t be any wider.

As they open their gift bags (standing on their chairs throwing the paper around…), Mrs. Corzine watches their faces closely. This will be a day these kids remember for the rest of their lives. It’s not so much the new chapter books each kid got (we had enough donations for each child to have 2: plus we added to our classroom library and we gave extras to the school library and we also gave a bunch to the principal to pass out to kids who’ve earned a special prize), or the new basketballs, or the socks or the hats and Hannah Montana dolls (one girl saw her doll and immediately gave it a hug)…it’s the fact that for this one day these kids felt RICH. They felt like they mattered in the world. They are important. You could see their self-esteem just shoot up as they realized how much other people cared about them.

One girl goes up to Mrs. Corzine and gives her a bug hug and says “Mrs. Corzine…this is amazing! All this from people we don’t even know??? They must really like us and want us to read better!” Mrs. Corzine laughs and says she’s right.

Finally, the gifts are over and it’s recess time. Not a single 2nd grader is playing on the swings or the one slide we have. Every single one is on the blacktop playing with a new soccer ball or jump rope or kickball. It’s shocking…we’ve never seen them do this before! They are all laughing and having a great time.

This is the true meaning of Christmas. For all of you who donated, to Sgt. Alex and his unit, to those of you who sent WalMart cards, your child’s old books, to those of you who drove all the way up to Commerce City to drop items off so I wouldn’t have to, to you who bought new books online and had them mailed, sent blankets and to Emily who had her 1st grade class make school supply boxes (with personalized notes from the 1st graders…my kids loved that!)…

Thank you isn’t enough. I hope some of the pictures tell the story better than I can because you truly made a Christmas Miracle happen for these kids. It was a day I know I’ll never forget…it was truly one of the best days of my life because I saw dejected and hopeless kids turn into kids full of joy and happiness. Even if for one day…

Thank you all and Merry Christmas! The world today is a bit better because of you!

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Activities Mothering Parenting Ryan School Work

Ryan’s Concert

Ryan woke up today with a sore throat.  He said he did not want to go to his concert, but I figured he would change his mind as he got up and moving. 

When we arrived at Grandma’s house, he still was saying he did not want to go the concert; his throat hurt.  Grandma hugged him and told him she knew he would feel better soon.  I love seeing Grandma and Ryan interact.  I know Ryan loves me, but he adores his grandmother.  I had to get going to work, and I figured if anyone could make him feel better, Grandma could. 

Yesterday when I picked Ryan up from school, one of his teachers told me the kids were going to have costumes- I sighed.   Then she said they were going to have penguin costumes (their song was about penguins)- I wailed, “Penguin costumes- how cute.”   But I  did not say what  I was thinking, “I’m not going to be there.”  But the teacher did tell me they usually always record the concerts, and they would burn a DVD for me. 

I had a hard time trying not to think of Ryan all morning, especially when the time of the concert rolled around.  I hoped his throat was feeling better and he was singing his heart out as a little penguin.

When I arrived to pick the boys up after work, Ryan’s grandma told me how cute the concert was. She said the school did a really great job.  She said Ryan was also a snowflake, and at the end of the program they had a slide show with all the kids pictures, and of course there was a picture of Ryan.  I asked Ryan how it went, and the first thing he said to me was,

“You should have been there Mom.”

He didn’t say it sad or mad- just matter-of-fact.  Then he told me he was a penguin and got to stand behind a big curtain, and when they opened the curtain, it was time to sing.  He also said Grandma gave him some hot chocolate before the concert to help his throat.  Then they went out to lunch afterwards.

I am so glad and so fortunate that Ryan has such loving Grandparents that made sure he was able to participate today, even though his parents couldn’t work it out. Cole knows the song Ryan was singing, and he sung it for me when I got home.  I think they all had a nice time.  Grandma even brought me home a program so I can see my little penguin’s name in print-twice.

As we were driving home, Ryan told me again that I should have been there, and they showed his picture up on a big screen after he was done singing.  I told him in my most happy, non-guilty voice, that I was so sorry I missed him today, but when school starts again, we will have the concert on a DVD, and we can watch a movie of him on TV.  He was excited about seeing himself on TV.  He asked if I would be able to see him behind the curtain too.  🙂

I just hope someone actually recorded the concert-that will be one movie I will watch over and over again.

Activities Cole Family & Friends Holidays Ryan

Wanted for Christmas: Socks With No Holes- Shopping for the Kids (UPDATE #2)

Today my sister, Mara, my sister in-law Kat, the boys and I, went shopping for the impoverished kids in Mara’s second grade class.  Here is the original, Wanted for Christmas: Socks With No Holes post.

Mara had received enough donations of school supplies and books, we did not have to purchase any of those.  The little girl who needed a pencil to finish her homework will have plenty, and the boy who wanted some chapter books, will have a good supply of them.

The first section we went to in Wal-Mart, where the school district’s tax-id number is on file (so we wouldn’t have to pay tax for the items), was the sock section.  Mara has 11 boys in her class, and she wanted to make sure they each had two pairs of socks, so we bought three packages of 10-count socks.  She is going to give the little boy, whose plea to Santa for socks with no holes in them, the remaining eight pairs. 

Then we did the same for the girls- Mara has 15 girls in her class. We also bought some pretty headbands, rubber bands, and bows for their hair.  Kat was touched by the little girl who asked for a sparkly red dress, and wanted to personally buy the sparkly dress for her.  This little girl will be the princess, she wrote Santa about. 

Our next stop was the blanket section, where we picked up a red fleece blanket for the little girl who asked for a blanket because her house was so cold.  We also bought fleece hats and gloves for all the girls, and Batman and Cars hats and mittens for all the boys.  Mara said none of her kids have hats or gloves when they come to school. 

Then it was time to get them some toys.  We found a great deal for the girls- High School Musical Barbie Dolls.  Mara say the girls love High School Musical, and none of us are fans of the Bratz dolls, so this was a great alternative for them.

The boys got little hand held video games- we got an assortment of racing, soccer, basketball, football, and bowling.  We also picked out card games for the boys like Go Fish, Old Maid, and Crazy Eights.  They also got some rubber bouncy balls, that Mara says the boys love.  Mara also bought several soccer, and footballs for the class to play with at recess.  The school does not have any balls for the kids.  We also got recorders (the musical instrument) for every kid in the class. Mara says they have a few recorders when the kids have music, and most of them really liked playing it. We got some sidewalk chalk for the kids to draw with at recess.  We got the girls some lip gloss, and some Silly Putty for the boys.  

My sister is an excellent present wrapper. She always has the prettiest packages, so our next stop was the gift bag area, where we got blue gift bags for the boys, and red and green striped bags for the girls.  Then we were done.

As we waited in line, Mara showed us all of the gift cards that had generously been sent in to her- some from people out of state, whom she didn’t know.  Here is a picture of all of the gift cards:

I still hadn’t bought my gift card yet, so my sister gave me some items to just buy outright.  Kat and I paid for our purchases, and then helped unload the carts of gifts for the kids. When all the items had been brought, there was still a few gift cards left!  We couldn’t believe it, and we were all overwhelmed at the generousity of people-most who were strangers to us.

These are not easy economic times, and yet so many found a way to give something to these kids who have far less.  None of these people have ever met these kids.  They just heard they needed help, and they jumped into action to help. 

Even Ryan and Cole, who usually are bad shoppers (they just get bored and start fussing) seemed to be in the spirit. I can’t recall at time, I have taken them shopping when they have been so well behaved.  Ryan was not feeling himself either.  We were there for two hours, so it wasn’t a short trip by any means.  Ryan told me that we were lucky we had toys, and he liked shopping for Auntie Mara’s kids that didn’t have toys.  I could not have been more proud of them.  Here is a picture of them with Auntie Mara, in front of the carts:

Here are two more pictures of us shopping.  Thanks to a very nice shopper, we were able to get a picture of the three of us with the items, and then one of my sister and I:


Mara is going to assemble the gift bags this week, and then give them to her kids on Friday- the last day before Christmas break. She has invited the boys and I to come to her class for that so we can take pictures and meet the kids.  I want to see the little boy when he sees his 10 pairs of new socks.  I want us to see and share in the the smiles and joy that these kids will have when they realize that Santa heard and responded to their requests.

Ryan told me tonight as he was falling asleep that he would really like to go see the kids open their presents.  He asked if Santa was going to be there, and I told him Santa will not be able to be there in the class, but Santa has many, many helpers.  I told him Santa’s helpers were the reason we were able to get so many gifts for the kids, and Santa’s helpers will make the kids very happy.  He nodded his head and said, “That’s good Mommy. Santa’s helpers are good.”   

On behalf of Mara, and myself, thank you so much to everyone who was able to help these kids out this year, and thank you to all my wonderful readers who were able to help as well.  There just aren’t enough words to express the gratitude.  I will post pictures of the kids with their gifts, and once again, thank you for being one of Santa’s helpers.  🙂