Cancer Health Me

Thyroid Biopsy- Finally!

**I want to apologize if you are visiting today for the second part of  My C-section, Five Years Later post.  I had said it would be up on Thursday, but at the time I did not know I would be having a biopsy on Wednesday.  I hope to have the post up by Monday, so please check back.**

I finally had my thyroid biopsy today.  I didn’t want to write the post tonight, because I am having a lot of pain, but I have received so many e-mails and inquires from family, friends, and blog readers who are concerned.  Forgive me if this isn’t the best post I have ever written, but at least I have a good reason- right?

I worked this morning and arrived at the hospital around 1:30.  My sister, Mara, took another half day off from work to be there for me.  I was calm, but still a little nervous.  I had received so many well wishes from everyone, I felt very confident and strong.  I checked in, and we didn’t have to wait very long before the ultrasound technician called us back.

She told us right away that Mara could come back with me for the prep., but she couldn’t stay in the room with me while they did the actual biopsy. I was upset to hear that- I planned to protest!

I was having an ultrasound guided biopsy with a fine needle.  The tech. told me what they would be doing, and told me they were going to use the smallest needles they have.  She told me the needles were small enough, I didn’t need a numbing agent.  After she gave us some more information, Mara spoke up and asked her why she couldn’t be in the room, and the tech. went into the hospital procedures.  She told us that in case Mara had an aversion to needles, and fainted, the doctors didn’t want to have to stop the biopsy to take care of her.  At this point Mara said, like only my sister can, “I have had a baby- a needle is NOT going to make me faint, y’all.”  The tech and the assistant laughed, but they didn’t change their mind. 

At that point they asked me to get on the gurney, and Mara had to leave.  She told me to breathe and think peaceful thoughts.  The hospital doctor, Dr. G.,  came in and introduced herself- she was going to be the one inserting the needles.  She told me she would take a few samples, and then a pathologist would examine the samples right then, to determine if there was a large enough sample.  She made it very clear that they would not have any results though today.  She said they wanted to make sure they had enough sample to get a proper reading, so I wouldn’t have to come back .  The doctor told me they had to make sure if they tell me it is benign, that it is benign 100%, so they may need a few samples.

Then she started putting something like betadine on my neck, and prepping me.  The tech told me it was a very easy access to get to the thyroid, so I felt good about that.  We had to wait a few minutes for the pathologist, but as soon as he was there, Dr. G., said she was going to start.  The ultrasound tech. pulled up pictures of my thyroid, and Dr. G. watched the screen as she started.  I closed my eyes because I didn’t want to watch the technical aspect of it. 

I was surprised.  The needle stick did not hurt at all, but I guess the needle was inserted very deeply into the thyroid.  That hurt.  She also wiggled it around- I assume getting the sample.  It lasted about thirty-seconds.  Then Dr. G. said she was going in from another angle, and repeated the process.  This one was much deeper, and hurt even more.  It lasted the same amount of time.  Dr. G. told me the pathologist was going to examine the samples, and she and him left the room.

The tech told me this was the longest part, but I was doing great.  I closed my eyes again and tried to keep breathing. I know that Dr. G. told me they were not looking for cancer at this point, but I couldn’t help but wonder if a pathologist would be able to tell immediately from looking at my blood under a microscope, whether there were cancer cells in it.  I mean, how could he not- that is what they do.  

About ten minutes later, Dr. G., and Dr. Pathologist came back into the room and Dr. G. told me they needed another sample.  She did the process again, and took the sample back to Dr. Pathologist.  I turned my head and could see him looking under his little microscope.  They were talking in very low voices.  I could hear their voices, but not the words.  Again, I was wondering, how could Dr. Pathologist not know if he was seeing cancer or not?

Dr. G. came back over to me five minutes later and told me Dr. Pathologist needed one more sample- a fourth one.  She stuck me again, and dug into my neck with the needle.  It felt like she had already taken a sample from this area before.  The ultrasound tech told her she was into the nodule perfectly, and then she wiggled the needle around for what seemed like forever.  I’ll be honest- it hurt!  It really hurt! I got tears in my eyes.  I was hoping she was getting what they needed and they weren’t going to have to do this a fifth time.

After another consult with Dr. Pathologist, and more hushed voices, Dr. G. told me they had enough of the sample, and I was done.  Dr. Pathologist turned to me and seemed very upbeat.  He said they may not have results for me until Monday, but I could check as soon as Friday afternoon with my doctor.  He and Dr. G., left, and the ultrasound tech told me to keep the betadine on my neck for several hours to help cut the risk of infection.  She put a Band-Aid on it. I sat up and felt light headed, so I sat for a few more minutes before I went back to the waiting room.

I found Mara, and we sat for a while, so I could stop feeling light headed.  I filled her in the procedure and informed my family and friends, via Facebook.  🙂  Mara and I went to eat lunch.  At lunch, my thyroid really started throbbing.  Every time I swallowed it hurt. 

As I was driving home, I realized I could not turn my neck, without it hurting.  It was still throbbing and and aching.  I took some Advil and rested.  A few hours later, I had to go pick the boys up from their grandparent’s house.  Just moving my neck hurt.  We decided to have Ryan stay with his grandparents tonight, and I took Cole home.  He was a very sweet boy for me tonight, cuddling and kissing me. 

I expressed my concern to my mom and sisters on how many samples they took, and how could the pathologist not know if I had cancer or not? My mom made a  point, which I hope is right, that if they saw cancer (assuming he could tell), in the first sample, they would have found what they were looking for, and I would have been done.  My mom thinks they didn’t see anything, so that is why they could have been taking more samples.  The last sample was so forceful and specific, my instincts tell me they were really trying to get into the ‘heart’ of the nodule, for a reason.  I don’t want to speculate too much, but I do feel no matter what, they got an accurate sample, and got enough cells to be able to give me an accurate diagnois.

I am about to take some more Advil, drink some tea, and go to bed.  My thyroid is still aching, but I think with a good night’s rest, it will feel better in the morning.  I took a few pictures of my neck, and you can see the needle sticks.  I am hoping these pictures will help someone else in the future, who is also facing a thyroid biopsy.


The first two pictures are right after I took the Band-Aid off tonight. I still have the betadine on my neck. 



The needle sticks are red- they look like pimples.  The one near my vein, near the top of my neck is from the fourth stick- the one that hurt the most.


So now the waiting begins, but I am one step closer to finding out the answers I need.  Again, I can’t thank everyone enough for their love and support.  I am so touched by the support and encouragement- some of which comes from people I have never met before, but consider friends.   Thanks for supporting me on this journey- I will keep you updated.

On a final note- I have been reading Twilight, and plan to go read it right now in bed.  It makes me laugh that I have an aching and sore neck, and am going to go read about a vampire!  🙂

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday- Butterfly

Butterflies always make me think of spring, and I took this picture at the local butterfly pavilion.  Check out the other pictures at Wordless Wednesday, and Happy Spring!


Cancer Health Me

The Biopsy that Wasn’t

Friday was my scheduled biopsy.  Except someone failed to tell the doctor.  I’ll explain.

If you have been following this in my other posts, then you remember that after I had an ultrasound, and they found a nodule,  my doctor told me I needed to have a biopsy.  This is to check for cancer.  She referred me and sent my file to an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor, Dr. S., in town.  I called and specifically told the receptionist that I needed a biopsy.  She told me they had received my file, and they were going to fit me in right away for the biopsy, since I had a nodule.  My sister, Mara took off work, so she could accompany me to the doctor, and the boys’ grandmother graciously babysat.

We arrived at the doctor’s office and I filled out all the paperwork.  Then we went back to the exam room, and waited for the doctor. When he arrived, he started going over my medical history.  He asked me a lot of questions about my health in general.   Then he pulled out a booklet and started explaining what the thyroid does, and what having a nodule means.  I had a hard time focusing because I was wondering when he was going to start the biopsy. 

He told me  in my case, a biopsy is needed, but an ultrasound-guided biopsy at the hospital will give me the most accurate results.  It hit me that I was not going to have a biopsy on Friday.  About that time Mara asked if he was going to do the biopsy.  He said he could do one with the needle in his office, but without the ultrasound, the results might not be very accurate. 

I really wanted to get this done and over with already. I was tempted to tell him to just do it.  But, no matter what the results were, I would have that question in the back of my mind- could I trust the results?  I decided since I have to have it done anyway, I might as well make sure it is the most accurate it can be.  So that means scheduling it at the hospital for the ultrasound led biopsy.

As we left the office, I was really annoyed and mad.  I couldn’t believe the doctor’s office failed to tell me this was a consult only.  I was also annoyed because now this means more waiting.  I just want to get this behind me, one way or another.  I tried calling the hospital all afternoon on Friday, to get the biopsy scheduled,  but no one ever answered the phone!  I was beyond frustrated.  I can’t control it though, so I will have to just go with the flow.

The only silver lining, was I got a lot of my questions answered.  The doctor told me after the biopsy, I should have results within 3-5 days.   He also told me if there is cancer, they remove the entire thyroid.  He says it isn’t worth the risk to just cut out the cancerous portion- the entire thyroid is removed.  So I would be facing surgery.  Then I would be on medication for the rest of my life.  He actually increased the percentage of cases where it is cancer- to 15%.  I had been told 10% previously. 

Dr. S. told me if the nodule is benign, then I can decide to just leave it, but they would watch it very closely to make sure it didn’t become cancerous, which I can only assume more biopsies.  He said sometimes patients decide to just have the benign part cut out, so they don’t have to worry about it becoming cancerous.  That would mean surgery.  He said they would still monitor the thyroid, but not as much.  He said even when the biopsy shows the nodule is benign, and a patient opts to have the benign part removed, they will examine the nodule, and sometimes still find traces of cancer.  He said if that happened, they would remove the thyroid at that point too. 

I don’t like the way most of these options end.  It sounds like nothing is for certain- even if the biopsy shows the nodule is benign- cancer could still be a possibility at some point.  This information is preparing me for the choice I will soon have to make.  Dr. S. told me my ultrasound showed some abnormalities, but he couldn’t make a diagnosis from just the ultrasound.  He also said when the nodule measures more than 3 centimeters, they become very concerned.  He said my nodule measured 1.7 centimeters.  For some reason that sounded reassuring- like I don’t have this awful mass on my thyroid growing. 

Dr. S. told me his own wife had thyroid cancer two years ago.  She had asked him to be his surgeon, and he said she was fine today.  He said thyroid cancer is very treatable, and is very slow growing. He told me it is the slowest growing cancer, and if I had to have cancer, this was the one to have. 

Obviously, I don’t want any cancer.  I don’t want to be treated.  I don’t want surgery. I don’t want to have to take medication for the rest of my life.  But  I also have two little boys to think about, who need their mommy healthy for the next 18 years.  So whatever the result is, I will process it, and make a decision. In the mean time I am going to read up on diet, and more natural things I can incorporate into my life- I figure it can’t hurt, and I will be taking a more proactive roll in my health. 

Thanks again for all the healing and positive e-mails and comments. I appreciate them so much.   As always- I will keep you posted.



The hospital just called me back, and can fit me in this Wednesday afternoon.  I am glad the biopsy will be sooner than later.  Now if I can just stay calm between now and then.  🙂

c-sections Cole Health Me Mothering Pregnancy & Birth Ryan

My C-section-Five Years Later

Ryan, my oldest son, turned five in January.  It also marked the fifth anniversary of my only major surgery- a Cesarean or C-section.

I have written and shared my experience with my C-section in a few posts.  The post, The Reality of C-Sections, is by far, the most read post on my blog.  It averages 700 page views a month.  Its follow up post, Recovering After a C-Section, is the third highest read post on A Mama’s Blog. 

In the fifteen months since I wrote The Realty of C-Sections, the comments have varied a lot- from readers supporting my views, and expressing similar experiences, to readers who have nothing but the most positive and wonderful C-section experiences.  There were many readers who felt I was portraying all C-sections in a negative light, and I was scaring women.  I added a prelude to the post in September, to address this issue. 

The comments have shown me that no two women’s birth experiences are the same.  It has also taught me that no matter what side of this issue you fall on, the feelings involved are real, and authentic.  Finally, by the amount of page views these posts receive, there is a lot of interest in the subject.    

Five years later, I still feel that my C-section should not have happened.  Ryan was breech, and that was the only reason for my C-section.  Years ago, breech babies were delivered vaginally.   Breech deliveries were no big deal, and doctors performed breech deliveries all the time.  It seems unconscionable in the 2000’s, doctors are no longer being taught breech deliveries in medical school, and the only option offered when a baby is breech, is major abdominal surgery.  I feel like the medical community failed me in this regard.  An OB/GYN ought to be able to perform a vaginal breech baby delivery, if there are no other reasons warranting a C-section, besides the baby being in a breech position.  

I am still resentful that the medical community approaches breech baby births as a “problem” which the only solution for is major surgery.  This is a huge psychological aspect that has taken me a long time to resolve.  No one has major surgery unless there is a major problem.  Having a baby in a breech position, usually does not present a major medical issue in itself.   Having been there, I heard a C-section is the only safe way to deliver my breech baby, and it subconsciously affected me. It frightened me.  I thought if my baby was born breech, it was not safe.  It also made me feel like there was something wrong with me and my body because my baby would not turn. The only way to “fix” this was to have major surgery. 

My doctor told me after Ryan was born that his umbilical cord was short, and it was wrapped around his wrist several times, more than likely preventing him to turn.  She told me there was a reason he didn’t turn.  That amazed me.  Thinking about that over the months, I came to realize that my body and Ryan’s body were working exactly as they should be.  There was no “problem.”  His cord was too short and if he had kept trying to turn, he could have gotten the cord even more twisted around him.  I can’t be sure, but I believe there is something in a baby that if it can’t make that turn it knows it is not safe to do so.  By Ryan not turning and remaining in a breech position, it probably prevented more complex problems.  I don’t understand why doctors can say something like this after a birth, but before the birth it is presented as a problem and a high risk delivery.

I am mad at myself that I accepted a C-section was the solution to this “problem.”  I wish I would have done more research and had more confidence in my body.  But in the state I live in, Colorado, even midwives cannot attend a birth that they know is breech- it is against the law.  It still makes me sad that we have come to this point, where more or less, a woman’s only choice for delivering a known breech baby is a C-section. I am still upset for the time I lost to the recovery.  I felt so bad for so long, and had so much pain.  Even five years later, if I move in a different way, I feel pain in my abdomen. 

However, I don’t think about the C-section as much as I used to.   All numbness in the scar area has faded.  I was really worried I was going to be numb at the incision point forever.  All the redness at the incision site is gone too.  Today, it is a very small, thin, white line. I barely notice it anymore. 

But the biggest affect on me from my C-section, to be perfectly honest, was I felt cheated out of the birth experience. I know not every woman feels this, but I did.  I wanted to experience childbirth by being in labor, and I feel it was taken away from me.  The experience of childbirth- with my first baby- I will never get that again.  I lost that, not because of a true medical emergency, but because of the way the birthing business is run today.  I was left to process it, and to make peace with the experience I did have. 

One of the biggest events that helped me in this regard was attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean) with my second son, Cole, in 2006.  I was in labor for over 40 hours. I hadn’t slept during this time.  I had a few complications arise.  I was “stuck” at 4 cm. for several hours, and Cole was faced the wrong way for birth.  I was told if I wasn’t dilated to 10 cm. in the next hour, and if Cole hadn’t flipped back around.  I would be facing a C-section.  When I heard that, something that was more powerful than a surgeon’s knife kicked in, and I told myself I could do it.  My husband and doula encouraged me too.  I knew at this point I had to be strong and confident, and this time it was up to me how my baby was going to be born.     

After the hour was up- I knew.  I knew before the nurse checked me that I would be at 10 cm. and Cole’s head would be in the right position for birth, and it was.  They told me it was remarkable after being “stuck” for so long, that I was now fully dilated. 

I pushed with Cole for two hours. It was the hardest thing, physically, I have ever done.  My contractions lasted two to three minutes, and they told me they normally last about 30 seconds.  When I thought I couldn’t push anymore, I would feel another contraction, and I had to find it in me to push again.  Even though I was beyond exhausted, I knew my body was made for this, and I could do it.  I never knew I had that kind of physical endurance.  But that endurance that was in me all along.  It gave me the strength to keep going- to keep pushing- because I had to.  That endurance and strength brought me to the end, when the doctor told me to give one more push, and Cole was born.

I have never felt more proud of myself, and my body.  I was able to hold Cole right away and look over all his miraculous details.  I wasn’t tired anymore. I was euphoric. These feelings felt normal, natural, and the way it should be.  Not lying in a recovery room by myself without my baby, groggy, and barely able to move.   

I called my mom, who has four of her own children- all delivered naturally.  I cried on the phone with her as I told her I had done it- no C-section this time.  I will never forget what she said to me: “Isn’t it gratifying?  To be able to give birth to your baby- there is nothing that made me feel more powerful as a woman.”  That was exactly how I felt. Not every woman needs to feel this way, but I did.  A C-section did not allow me to experience this natural process. 

When C-sections are performed as routine, and not reserved for true medical emergencies, I feel it takes a piece of something away from women that is sacred.  The right to experience what our bodies were made to do.  The experience of childbirth can build enormous confidence in yourself, and in your body.  For some women (like myself and my mom), it goes deeper- to very essence of our power as women.  This should not be taken lightly, and I feel as the C-section rates continue to increase in this country, women are losing this right and experience. 

Having had both a C-section and a vaginal birth, I would compare my experience, to hiking up a difficult mountain you have never hiked before.  You want to climb this mountain, but it seems impossible.  It is intimidating and you aren’t sure how you are going to do it.  Many “experts”  in mountain climbing tell you it is very hard, and there could be many complications and problems.   However, many people have climbed this mountain before you, and will climb it after you.  You start to think that maybe you can do it too.  You prepare, you read up on the mountain, you buy the appropriate gear, and you take classes to help you prepare.  You have confidence that you will be able to make it to the top.  You know it won’t be easy, but you are ready to try.

Then a climbing “expert” stops you, before you even begin.  He or she tells you that you are endangering your life, because you don’t have the proper hiking boots.  They tell you this is a serious problem. You become scared.  You believe them- after all, they are the expert.  The climbing expert never offers you the proper pair of hiking boots,  but they make it very clear, the only safe way to summit the mountain is if they get a helicopter and fly you to the top.  Somehow this seems like overkill, and doesn’t really make sense, but after all- they are the expert, so you believe them, and do what they suggest.

The flight up the mountain goes fine and you are safe.  You are finally at the summit, and yet the experience doesn’t feel whole.  As you see others climbing up the mountain,  and reaching the summit, you wonder if you really could have made it, by hiking.  Even though you are happy you made it to the summit, you wonder what the experience would have been like, if you had been “allowed” to try- if you had the proper pair of hiking boots.  

I am so grateful that my VBAC was successful with Cole. It gave me back the experience of hiking to the summit of the mountain myself- which I had not been allowed to do with Ryan’s birth.  I know I can do it, and that knowledge gave me power within, that will always be with me.     

I realize I am only one person-one mother- and these are my feelings five years after my C-section.  I have interviewed several women, who have also had C-sections five years or more ago, and I will share with you their thoughts, experiences, and feelings. They are fascinating, and I plan on having the post up next Thursday.

As always, please feel free to share your own experiences, and thoughts.  Birth is different for everyone, and I think there is a great benefit in being able to share our different experiences in a respectful manner.

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday- St. Malo Chapel

This Wordless Wednesday isn’t so wordless, but since this is Easter week, I am sharing two pictures of the St. Malo Chapel I took a few weeks ago.  St. Malo Chapel is in Allenspark, Colorado.  Pope John Paul II, visited St. Malo when he was in Colorado in 1993, for World Youth Day.  I have always loved this chapel.  I have been inside of it as well, and whenever I hear the word “church,” St. Malo comes to my mind. 




Visit Wordless Wednesday for more pictures, and to all my readers who observe Easter, Happy Easter!