Cole Family & Friends Health Ryan

Mama’s Sick

Yesterday afternoon, a stomach bug hit me out of nowhere!  I’ll spare you all the lovely details, but today I feel like I was hit by a bus, am achy, have a pounding headache, and I am exhausted.  To top it off, Cole seems to have come down with another cold.  He is miserable, whinny, and clingy.  On the positive side, Ryan has just been such an angel.  He entertained himself this morning while Cole and I rested, and after lunch he went outside and played for two hours!  I didn’t even attempt to take him to pre-school this morning. 

Joe had to go to work today, and is trying to get his class done early so he can come home.  Last night he totally took over and fed the boys, gave them baths, and got them ready for bed.  It was so nice being able to just rest and let Dad take care of everything.   Days like this are so hard.  It is bad enough when you aren’t feeling good, but having a sick child too, who wants and needs you is so draining. 

I just got Cole down for a nap, and Ryan and I are going to go take one now too.  I may not post for a few days, but as soon as I am feeling better and caught up with everything, I’ll be back.  Hope everyone else is staying healthy.  These stomach viruses stink!

Activities Cole Family & Friends Ryan

Moving Day

While I wish I could say today was our moving day, (hopefully we’ll have one in the near future), Ryan and Cole got a taste of what moving is like.  Our wonderful child care provider was moving into a new house today, and needed some extra help. 

Ryan had a preschool make-up day today and he spent Friday night at Grandma’s house.  So we picked him up from Grandma’s and took him to school, where we were informed that a cow just had a calf that morning!  Mama Cow and Baby Calf weren’t ready to make an appearance today, so hopefully we’ll be able to see them on Tuesday.  We also got to see several baby goats and Ryan also said that a sheep had a baby lamb.  It must be spring time or something!

 Joe, Cole, and I went to get some coffee (Cole had water) and then we took Cole to the park to play for a while.  It was a gorgeous day.  Then we headed over to J.’s house.  I am so glad we decided to help out, because all of her “man” help had canceled.  There was only her daughter’s boyfriend (teen aged boy), and one other man there.  J. didn’t have too many things but with not a lot of help, it took Joe and this other guy about 3 hours to move the heavy stuff.  I was trying to help with smaller items, but had to keep an eye on Cole too.

I managed to load a few things in the van, and move some toys into the van too.  Cole had fun “sweeping” J’s garage and walking up and down the moving truck’s ramp- hence why I had to keep an eye on him.  I was trying to let him walk up the ramp in between Joe and other guy loading loading heavy, big, items.  At one point, Cole was getting really fussy so I was holding him in one arm, and carrying what I could manage in the other arm. (more on this in a sec.)

When it was time for me to go get Ryan, the truck was loaded, so Joe said he’d go over to the new house and help unload, and then I’d come by and pick him up.  Well, Cole was tired, hot, and hungry. After I picked up Ryan, we made a pit-stop at Grandma’s for lunch.  She made the boys a nice lunch, and definitely helped thwart off two melt-downs.  Even though Ryan eats lunch at school, he was outside playing all day, and he was hungry!   Thanks Grandma!

We finally made it to J.’s new house, where Ryan flipped out when he saw a real live moving truck, with a ramp no less!  They were about half way done, and Ryan turned into the moving director.  He would stand at the side of the ramp, and tell me to stay back- it was too dangerous for me and Coley, but since he was a big boy, and Dad was a big boy, they could be near the truck.  After Joe and the other guy were off the ramp, he would run up the ramp, into the back of the truck, and pick out what Daddy and “the other man,” were going to move next. Of course Cole had to be right there too, next to Ryan.  I managed to help unload a few things, and set some toys up, but spent most of the time watching to make sure Cole didn’t fall out of the truck!

We finally finished at 2, and J. was very appreciative. They boys were exhausted, but we managed to keep them from falling asleep on the way home, so they could take their naps at home.  I’m very happy we were able to help J.  She does a phenomenal job of taking care of Ryan and Cole.  You can’t really pay someone like this, who not only watches your children, but loves them too, enough, so we were happy to be able to do something else for her.

Now for the reality check: as we were driving home, Joe said that he heard J.’s teen aged daughter and her friend talking at one point. He said he didn’t hear the entire conversation, but he heard one of them say, “He is the husband of the mother with the two little boys, (obviously referring to Joe and I), and then she added, “they are old.”  OUCH! 

I guess to high school kids, we are old.  But Joe made the point that even if he was old, him and this other man (who is also “old”) out worked all three teenagers combined.  I also realized I was carrying a 30 pound toddler in one arm and carrying crates of movies, toys, and chairs in the other arm at one point, so enen though  I may be “old,” I’d like to see those teenage girls do that!  So take that, young whippersnappers!  🙂

Activities Cole Current Events Family & Friends Mothering Parenting Ryan Work

Take Your Sons to Work & Weekend Activities

We have had a pretty busy weekend around here.  On Friday morning we had our Music Together class.  After that I took the boys to my office, because Ryan has been asking where I work, and all kinds of questions about my office.  Plus, my boss has been wanting to meet the boys since started, and it has just never worked out before.

We got to my office about 11:15, and discovered my boss, “Jane” (not her real name) was the only person in the office.  One of the ladies had called in sick, and the other person was a client’s office.  So Ryan and Cole had the place to themselves.  Ryan walked right up to Jane, stuck his hand out to shaker her hand and said, “Hi, I’m Ryan.  Nice to meet you.”  He was so cute and not shy at all! 

Jane got stamps out for the boys and let them stamp their hearts out.  Cole progressed from paper, to stamping his shirt.  Of course, I dressed them up in nicer than normal clothes, so I have yet to see if the red ink will come out of the shirt. 

I finished up a tiny bit of work, while Ryan and Cole “worked” too.  They were very busy three-hole punching paper, highlighting accounts, and of course stamping.  Then Jane was trying to fax a really long document and Ryan was very interested in the fax machine.  I tried to move him away from the fax, while Jane was trying to use it, and Jane told me it was OK- he wasn’t in the way.  Then Ryan said, “Yea Mom, I’m working with Jane.”  He proceeded to follow her around the rest of the visit, and ask her about all of her pictures of her family on her desk in her office. 

The favorite part of the day was the shredder.  We have a closed and locked bin where all documents go, and then once a month a company comes and shreds the entire bag.  We can open it if we need to, but there is a slot where we slide the papers down.  Ryan and Cole were just enthralled with that.  I guess for little boys, that was just way too cool. 

Another funny thing was about half way through the visit Ryan told me he had to go pee.  I took him to the bathroom, and after he was done, he asked, “Is this where Jane goes poopie?”  I had to laugh at that one.

As we were leaving Jane told Ryan and Cole that they had both been very good boys, and they were welcome back anytime.  Ryan smiled at her and said, “OK, we’ll come back then and finish our work.”  Then he hugged her.  I would have to say that I think Ryan has a little crush on Jane, which is very sweet.

Then I treated the boys to lunch at our favorite noodle place, just up the street.  We had an awesome view of the mountains, and just had a fun lunch talking about the office.

On Saturday I took Ryan to his friends fourth birthday party, where he of course, had a ball.  He got to dress up as a fireman, make a train placemat, play grocery store, play with all kinds of trucks, trains, and toys, and play outside.  The party was in a city-operated preschool, where they have birthday parties on the weekends.  The best part for him was the birthday cake-of course. 

It was fun for me too, because Cole stayed home with Joe, so he could have his nap, so I got to visit with my friends more than I normally do at parties like this.  It was a nice afternoon.

Then the reason Cole needed his nap was we went to my dad’s house for dinner, to see my grandmother, Mimi, who is in town for a few weeks.  She comes to “the big city” to get away from the cold winters where she lives.  Mimi is the only great-grandmother that Ryan and Cole have, so it is very important they visit with her when they can.  Ryan gave her lots of hugs, and Cole did too, once he got used to her.  We had a yummy dinner, and got to visit.

Today Joe, Cole, and I made a Costco run, while Ryan was at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.  Then Joe took Cole out there, and I found myself alone- with no kids.  How often does that happen?  I went for a really, really, long walk and it was great, despite it being windy.  Now I am off to fold some laundry and get some dinner ready.

I am also excited about the Academy Awards tonight.  I LOVE to see all the fashions, and will write my Mama’s Blog Second Annual Academy Awards Fashion Reveiew” tonight, hopefully.  So check in later to see who made my best dressed, and worst dressed list, as well as the overall winner in my book for best and worst dressed.  Enjoy the show dah’lings.  🙂

Cole Family & Friends Mothering

Cole Speaks!

Cole has been saying lots of single words just in the last week.  His favorite is “no.”  The other day I asked him if he could say “big bird,” and he tried, and it kind of sort of sounded like it, but probably only to me.  He is talking so much earlier than Ryan- I don’t think we got a word out of Ryan until he was almost two.  I am sure having a constant chatterbox around him, better known as big brother Ryan, doesn’t hurt.

On Wednesday night, we were having dinner at Joe’s parents house and we were discussing the eclipse.  We wanted to take the boys out to see it, but it was too cloudy.  We started talking about the moon.  On the drive home, when Cole looked out his window, he exclaimed, “Moon Mama!”  He was so happy to see the moon, and be able to communicate to us that he too, knew what the moon was, and what we had been discussing.

I’m not sure if I am ready to start hearing Cole talk so much.  He is so sweet with the little smiles and head shakes he gives.  On the other hand, his voice is just so cute, I smile everytime I hear it.  Guess we are moving into another stage, whether I am ready or not.

Cole Family & Friends Holidays Mothering Parenting Ryan

Happy Valentine’s Day


I got my first Valentine’s Day card from my eldest son on Sunday actually.  While I was out shopping, Ryan and Dad made my card.  Ryan was so excited to give it to me and couldn’t wait, so I got it that evening.  It is a beautiful, big, heart, with stickers on it.  Dad wrote out the words, but Ryan traced over them.  It said, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mom- Love Ryan and Cole.”  It is the best card I have ever received. 

Then at preschool on Tuesday, the teachers helped Ryan make another card, which he wanted to give to me right away too.  It is has been like a homemade card bonanza around here this week, which is really nice. 

After work today, we had dinner at Joe’s parent’s house.  Grandpa took Ryan out for some chocolate shopping today for Grandma and myself, and Ryan and Cole were so pleased with themselves when they pulled out the boxes of chocolate for us.  I have to say I was quite surprised!

After the boys were asleep, Joe went out the to car and brought in not one, but TWO dozen roses for me- the picture at the top of the post.  I used to be a florist and was thoroughly sick and tired of roses this time of year, so Joe just never bought them.  However, that was many years ago, and I miss them now.  Since I can usually arrange them ( I did all the flowers for my wedding) he doesn’t bother having them arranged.  I arranged them, and it was really fun.  I didn’t have my floral arranging secrets (foam or tape to keep the roses in place, or even stockier greenery), so the roses flopped around a bit, and didn’t stay quite where I wanted them too, but I still love them.  The entire kitchen smells like roses!

Tonight Ryan kissed me goodnight and told me I was his special and best Valentine.  He gave me a hug and said, “Goodnight Valentine.”  It was so sweet, I got tears in my eyes.  I know people always talk about Daddy’s little girl, but you don’t hear too much about Mommy’s little boy.  My little boy is just the apple of my eye, and such a sweetheart.  He can melt my heart in an instant.  Since Sunday, he has been showering me with hugs and kisses for Valentine’s.  I think it is a tiny glimpse into his heart, and it makes me stop and realize how much he loves me. 

As a mother, you do so much for your kids, you lose track.  You don’t remember all the nights you are up with them, all the tears you dry, all the scratches, bumps, and bruises you kiss, all the messes you clean up.  You never realize all these things are registering somewhere in their brains.  One day, if you are lucky, and I certainly am, they are old enough to express their thanks and love for you, for doing all these things.  I think that is where Ryan is right now.  It is just the best thing ever. 

This has certainly been the best Valentine’s Day I have ever had.  I am very fortunate to be surrounded by so much love- love that I don’t always think about, and take for granted.  It has been a great reminder for me, how much a simple gesture can mean, and how it can show your love.

I hope everyone has a great Valentine’s Day too, and you are surrounded with your sweethearts as well.  🙂