Activities Family & Friends Health Ryan

Winter Birthday Party Ideas- UPDATE!

After all the great suggestions, and ideas, (thank you everyone who e-mailed and posted ideas), we decided to have Ryan’s party at a kids indoor amusement park “in the big city.”  It is about an hour from where we live.

We went to another kiddie amusement park (outside) not too long ago, and Ryan just loved, loved it.  He has already stopped talking about Christmas, and now just wants his birthday to come.  As he was falling asleep tonight, he said, “Mommy, I’m going to dream about my party.” 

Now the hard thing is deciding a theme- Ryan goes back and forth between wanting trains and construction, so I think we may just do both- have Thomas plates, and construction truck cups.  I guess it will all work out in the end.

The only down part to having the party so far away, is it is not a convenient location for our friends in our town.  Fortunately, the place doesn’t have a time limit, so if people do make the drive, they can stay as long as they want- they won’t just get there, have an hour, and then have to turn around and drive home.   

We have quite a few family members “in the big city,” so it should be a fun time.  Now if I can just get everything done between now and then, and hopefully, cross-your fingers that no one is sick on the big day.

Here is the original post on Winter Birthday Party Ideas if you missed it.

Health Me

Braces for Mama?

I had a dental cleaning today- about six months late.  I am usually very good about going to the dentist every six months, but the time has gotten away from me. Last time I was there, (which was almost a year ago), I mentioned to my dentist, Dr. K, that I wake up sometimes with aching teeth.  He told me that is a sign of clenching teeth in your sleep.  We talked about a night guard, which will prevent it, but I never made a decision about it one way or another.

I have tried to become more aware of my mouth to see if I was clenching my teeth during the day, and I didn’t really notice it.  It also seemed like the days I woke up with sore teeth were fewer and fewer, so I liked to think mind over matter was working.

After the hygienist was done scraping and cleaning, Dr. K came in.  She told him everything looked fine, but there was one tooth where the gum around it looked inflamed.  After checking it out, he told me the tooth was loose, and he said he couldn’t believe how “off” my top bite was.

He poked around, made me do that tap,tap, thing so he could see my bite and he told me my top teeth were seriously out of alignment.  He “sandpapered” some of the offending teeth down a bit, and told me to try that.  I couldn’t believe it!  My mouth and jaw felt so light- like a lot of pressure had been released.  I hadn’t realized how tense my jaw was, and evidently it was because of my bite problem.

Dr. K told me I need a consultation with an orthodontist, because the “sandpapering” was just a temporary fix.  He said the teeth will keep moving back out of alignment, and pretty soon I’ll be right back to where I was.  He said he was pretty sure I was going to need braces!  He gave me two referrals.

I was a bit stunned!  Braces, at MY age?  Evidently I am a thirty-something mother with two young children, going on 12.  I had braces from the age of 13-17; most of my teenage years, and now I am facing the possibility of having them again-some 20 plus years later!

Dr. K told me the misalignment could be causing me to clench my jaw too.  He told me which tooth was loose, and of course I immediately had to wiggle it, and he told me not to wiggle it or play around with it- it could fall out!  WHAT?!  Now I am not only a thirty-something mom, with a 12 year old’s mouth, I am going on 70, where my teeth (or at least a tooth) is in danger of falling out. 

While I was gathering my free toothbrush and free sensitive toothpaste (yes, I have sensitive teeth on top of it all), the hygienist told me the good news was (really, there is good news in all of this?) I was young, (I had to hold back a laugh there), we were catching it early, and she said with the proper treatment, my teeth and loose tooth will have the pressure taken off of them, and the ligaments and tissue can grow back correctly and not be loose anymore.  So maybe I am not facing dentures before the age of 40.

I walked out of the exam room, pretty stunned.  I was making my next appointment in 6 months, (look what happens when I slack off and miss my cleanings!) and Dr. K came up to me and said, “Please, please call the orthodontists today.”  He told me this was very serious and could cause me a lot of problems down the road if I don’t take care of it.  He told me if by chance I don’t need braces, then I would definitely need the night guard.

Still stunned, I came right home and called the orthodontist.  I have an appointment the second week in January.  Joe and I have almost every insurance possible, but of course we don’t have insurance for adult orthodontics.  He had braces too, when he was a teenager, and we have orthodontic insurance for the kids.  Who would have thought we would need adult orthodontic insurance?  Our days of wearing braces were  behind us- or so we thought. 

If I do have to have them, I hope I can get the clear ones, although I hear food and stuff shows up in them more- lovely.  My two adorable teenage cousins just got braces, and they have bright pink ones, and lime green.  Somehow, I just don’t think those colors are appropriate for someone my age. It would look like a box of crayons exploded in my mouth.   But I don’t think I can take being called “metal mouth” again in my thirties…let alone what my boys will think.  Ryan notices everything.  They will probably think I am a robot taking over their mama’s mouth.

Oh, good times are ahead for me and my mouth!

Current Events Holidays Parenting

Should Santa Be Thin?

I came across this video clip on Yahoo tonight, and watched it- mainly because I couldn’t believe the heading: Experts Believe Santa’s Body Image Harmful (or something close to that- I don’t remember it word for word).

The clip is about two minutes, and it did raise some good points on the health of the actual people who play Santa in the malls, and some of the problems they may encounter from being overweight.  It said the “experts” agree that Santa is a role model, and kids look up to him- but come on- it is SANTA!

I have never heard a child say he wanted to be overweight, fat, obese, etc., because Santa Claus is.  Isn’t Santa like the constant that every kid has?  Kids look up to Santa because he is magical, kind, happy, generous, and loving- the best of the human spirit.

This clip said there is an actual website and movement devoted to keeping Santa fat.  One of the men who runs the website asks something like, what was next?  Are we going to start melting pounds off Frosty the Snowman?  What about the Easter Bunny?  He said he was starting to look a little chubby.  He said this was absolutely ridiculous.

Then the reporter asked some people on the street what they thought, and they all said Santa should be chubby.  One girl said she didn’t see people leaving carrots and celery out for Santa.  That made me laugh.

The story ended with the point that Santa used to be portrayed with a pipe and they dropped that.  I think that is good, but Santa isn’t portrayed eating junk food, holding donuts, and soda pop!  Maybe Santa is just big boned.  Maybe Santa has an overactive thyroid- not everyone who is overweight eats bad!

If we start taking these things to this extreme, what IS next? Will children not be allowed to have a role model (teacher, policeman, baseball player, coach, parent, grandparent, etc.) who is overweight? 

Yes, obesity is a problem, but I think talking to your kids about a proper body image, giving them good eating habits, and making sure they exercise, will go a lot further in preventing childhood obesity than insisting Santa is thin. 

The world is made up of all kinds of different people.  Why should our kids only be exposed to thin, skinny people as role models?   What kind of message does that send them- that overweight people are not worthy of being a role model?  I think Santa teaches us that it is OK not to have a perfect body.  Santa is overweight, but guess what- no one (until now) cares.  Children  and adults still love him, and he is defined by what he does, and who he is, not what he looks like, and not by how he does or does not live up to a perceived body image.

That is my stand- keep Santa fat!  I am curious to see what everyone else thinks about this.  Please just keep the comments respectful.

Merry Christmas! 

Activities Cole Holidays Ryan Work

Let It Snow

It started snowing last night and it hasn’t stopped all day.  Not counting all the snow that melted as the snow first hit, we have about 8 inches.  The weather didn’t forecast this at all…why is that not surprising!

Last night we went to a Santa’s Workshop, and an outdoor light walk.  I was a little disappointed.  A lot of the booths were empty, and the lines were really long for the train ride.  Inside, at the workshop, it was arts and crafts for older kids, really.  The kids that were having a lot of fun all looked about 8 years old and older. 

But Cole enjoyed being outside, but Ryan, who came down with a fever last night, obviously was starting to feel sick, so he didn’t have a very good time.

Tonight we braved the weather again to go to our town’s holiday parade.  We have always gone in years past, and this year it was a little disappointing too.  Seeing how it was snowing, and about 20 degrees, I am sure a lot of the floats and performers backed out.  In years past, there were always at least three of the high school bands- this year there was only one- and it was a small private school’s band.  Usually the parade lasts about an hour, and this year it was under 45 minutes.  Cole again had a blast- but Ryan and I went into a store, and watched about half of the parade from the window.  He is feeling better, but still isn’t 100%, and I didn’t want him to get chilled.

I realized last night that Ryan’s boots from last year, didn’t fit him this year.  So I stopped off at a kiddie consignment store today, and picked up a pair in his size.  He wore them tonight, and when we were outside, he was standing in about 2 inches of snow.  After the parade we went to eat dinner, and Ryan said he wanted to take his boots off in the restaurant.  I took one off, and his foot was SOAKED!  Poor little guy- his feet must have been freezing.

I knew he would want to play in the snow tomorrow, and he needs boots when he goes to preschool on Tuesday, so we did a quick dash over to Target, where we got him a brand new pair of boots, that hopefully won’t leak.  I also got a pair for me.  I don’t own boots- I haven’t had boots in about ten years- we just haven’t had that much snow, or it always melts in a day or so. I have been getting away with wearing Dansko clogs, that I never slip in, but standing there tonight- my feet were freezing, and in deep snow, they just don’t work. 

I figured since I have two active boys, who love the snow, I will be spending more and more time in the snow, so a nice warm pair of boots, sounded like a good idea. They were so warm- I didn’t want to take them off, and wanted to wear them home like a kid!

In other news, my Christmas dinner / party went well.  It was a very long night, but it was amazing. 

Tomorrow, Joe has to start working very long hours until Friday, so I am figuring on kind of being a “single” parent for the week.  I am going to try to get all my baking done for the cookie exchange I am going to next Sunday, this week.  We went to the grocery store today and got everything, so I wouln’t have to make any late night runs to the store for sugar!

One of the recipes I am making is really fast and easy, but the other one is really complex.  I wanted to do something special, and I hope the group likes it.  I’ll post pictures when I get them done!

Finally, I scored a really, really, nice Christmas present for Joe.  Shhh…it is a surprise (if you know us in real life).  He doesn’t read my blog, (at least that I know of,) but just in case I can’t say what it is.  I was surprised I was able to get it, but it is something that I know he will absolutely love.  I had to get on the computer today to get it, and told him not to come in, while I was on the computer.  After the purchase was complete, I told him it didn’t work out.  So he has no idea, and hopefully he doesn’t suspect anything.  After Christmas, I’ll spill some of the beans on what it is.  🙂

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend, and getting all those names crossed off your Christmas shopping lists. I still have some gifts for cousins, and our family exchange to get, but I don’t feel rushed or under the gun- yet. 

Since we don’t have anything to do tomorrow, like the song says, for now, let it snow!

Activities Cole Family & Friends Parenting Ryan Work

Super Busy Week

This will probably be the only post I have time to write this week- as we are having an unusually busy week, well for us anyway!

Yesterday I worked all day, and Joe took the day off and stayed home with the boys.  We had a role-reversal for the day, and it went well.  I had a somewhat stressful day (trying to learn something new, and the computers and software were not cooperating!)  I was tired when it was time to come home.  I had two boys, who missed their mama, jump on me the second I walked in the door, and they didn’t stop until bedtime!  I have a new appreciation for Joe; it is hard to be 100% at work, and on top of it all, and then have to be energetic, and happy for your kids when you come home.  I also missed them- I guess I’m not used to being away from them on this particular day!

Joe’s day went well- the boys were really good for him.  I think he got a taste of how my days go though, when he decided to replace our bathroom faucet.  It has had a leak for a few days, and he said he learned his lesson in never trying to do a plumbing project with the two little monkey’s around!  He said they just wanted to see everything, get into everything, and he had to keep stopping what he was doing, to watch what they were doing.  The highlight was when Cole picked up a wrench, and pounded it down with all his might on Joe’s knees!

 But, despite all the stop-and-go’s, he did get the faucet in, and I told him now he knows how triumphant I feel when I can get a few things done around the house in a day.  He also told me we were going out to dinner, because he hadn’t had time to cook anything.  I’ve been there before too!  🙂

Today Ryan was supposed to go to preschool, but he woke up with what sounded like a bad cold (I know, NOT again), and we had wind blowing about 70 miles an hour.  They go outside for most of the day at school, so I decided to keep him home.  I didn’t want him to get anyone else sick, and I didn’t think it would be good for him to be in all that wind.  About 10 minutes before school started, he said he felt fine and wanted to go to school.  Figures.  The wind also died down, so Ryan and Cole played outside in the back yard all morning.  I am happy to say, that his cold seemed to disappear too- he just has a bit of a runny nose.

Then this afternoon, we went to see a pretty famous concert band play.  Joe came home, and Joe’s dad came with us too.  It was really good! This was the first concert either boy had ever been too, and they were wonderful!  The concert was about an hour and a half, and Ryan was fine during the entire time.  Cole loved the concert for the first 45 minutes…he was clapping, singing, tapping his hands on his legs to the music, and dancing.  He was thrilled.  During the last half, Joe and I took turns standing in the back of auditorium with him- he was getting a bit restless.

After the concert was over, Santa was on the stage, so Ryan and Cole got to meet Santa.  I don’t think I ever saw Ryan’s eyes so big.  He asked later if that was a pretend Santa, or a real one, and of course we told him that was the real Santa.  He said he had a lot of hair in his beard!  🙂  We also got to meet some of the musicians- Ryan and Cole got to touch and feel a French horn, and a trumpet.  Of course as we got home, Ryan and Cole played band all night, with Ryan as the the conductor, complete with a baton.  They were imitating some of the acts they saw, which was neat to see.

Tomorrow, I have the longest day ever!  I work all day, and then it is my work’s Christmas party.  Since it is a very small firm, the owner decided to take us out to dinner after work, and then to another very, very, famous show that happens to be in town.  It starts around 7, and I am sure by the time it is all over and done, I won’t be home until 11pm.

Thursday, it is back to work for me, for half a day, and then we have another follow up doctor’s appointment for Cole, so the doctor can see if Cole’s lungs are finally clear. 

Friday night we are taking the boys to Santa’s Workshop, complete with reindeer, lights, train rides, hot cocoa, and of course, Mr. Claus himself.

Saturday night, there is a holiday light parade that we are going to, and then on Sunday, Joe has to start putting in some very long hours at work all week.

I have four projects I am trying to finish myself for work, and have been trying to get some of them done at home, at night, after the boys are in bed.  (I am playing hooky right now from my stack of work.) 

Not to mention trying to keep up with the house, (Joe did clean the bathrooms and vacuum yesterday, so that was big help!), go grocery shopping, do laundry, trying to figure out and plan Ryan’s birthday, trying to fit in some Christmas shopping, and some baking for a cookie exchange I’m going to next week.  Whew…

So check back in with me in a few days- I’ll be blogging again as soon as things slow down a bit.