Activities Family & Friends Mothering Pregnancy & Birth Ryan

Quick Update

Tomorrow is Ryan’s fourth birthday party, so I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off today.  On top of that, I have a lot of work I am supposed to be doing at home this week.  Sometimes it seems like there just isn’t enough hours in the day…

Good news is though, I have until next week to complete my work, and should be able to get a lot of it done on Tuesday.  I think we have gotten everything for the party- the place we chose (the indoor amusement park) has a restaurant, so we will be able to have some food there, but are bringing some vegetables and fruit trays too.  Tonight, I have to assemble the party favors- which are very, very, simple.  I’m not a big party favor person- I never know what I am supposed to get, so this is really hard for me.  But we ended up with a few goodies for the younger kids.  🙂  In the morning, we just have to pick up the cake.

I’ll write a complete blog post about the party of course- Ryan is SO excited though.  It is fun to see how excited he is getting about his party. The weather is supposed to be nice- no snow- so that is nice. 

Finally, I can’t believe my “baby” is going to be four in two days.  It just doesn’t seem real. Where did the time go?  It seems like I was just pregnant with him.  He wanted to see my c-section scar the other day- he asks to see “where he came out of my tummy from.”  Then he tells me he was all curled up in there, and he liked to kick me!  What a little monkey.  🙂 

Holidays Ryan

Happy New Year!

This morning when I told Ryan, Happy New Year, he replied, “Happy New Year, Sweetie,” and gave me a giant smile and hug.  Now that is what I consider starting the new year off right.  🙂

Family & Friends Fun Stuff Holidays Household Parenting

2007- The Year in Review

Amy at Crunchy Domestic Goddess  had a post that inspired me today, to do my own year-end review.  She did hers a little differently (and spent more time on it, I’ll add,) I took the first paragraph from the first post of each month, and listed them here.  It was fun to see all the topics I have covered over the course of the year, and am looking forward to continuing to blog about life with my boys, and other topics in 2008!  Links are provided to the entries, in case you want to reminiscence, or missed that post.  Happy 2008 everyone!

A Mama’s Blog 2007 Review


Welcome to A Mama’s Blog– This is my first official blog and entry.  I wanted to start a blog so I can preserve the memories and day-to-day activities with my two sons, Ryan-age 3, and Cole-age 8 months.  They seem to be growing up SO fast, and there are so many fun things they do and say- I want a place where I can preserve this time, and also the time I have now with them as a stay-at-home mama.  I hope one day to be able to print the best entries and give Ryan and Cole a journal of their childhoods.


Music Class–  Since Ryan was about a year old, we have been going to music classes, specifically, Music Together, on Thursday mornings.


You Know it Has Been a Long Winter– You know it has been WAY to long of a winter, when you are taking off your three-year old’s clothes for the night, and after taking off his sweater, he looks down at his short-sleeved shirt, looks at his bare arms, looks at his Mom & Dad, and bursts out in tears saying,

“Hey, who took my sleeves off my shirt? My arms aren’t covered.”


Ryanisms– Two cute things Ryan said yesterday:

“Mommy, I’m an alligator who makes loud noise with sharp teeth.” Then he proceeds to growl.

“I was playing and turned into Mac & Cheese Boy.”


Ina May Gaskin– Tonight I got to hear “The Greatest Midwife in the World”, Ina May Gaskin, speak for two hours.  She was amazing, and had wonderful things to say about birth, how she became a midwife, her birthing experiences as a mother and as a midwife, breastfeeding, and parenting.


Eight Things You Don’t Know About Me– I’ve been tagged by Amy at Crunchy Domestic Goddess  to tell you 8 things you don’t know about me:


Bachelorette Party– My older (& only) brother is getting married this Thursday.  Last night, I attended a bachelorette party in honor of my almost sister-in-law (K), and I had a blast!


Another Sick Child– Ryan has now come down with the virus Cole had last week.  I honestly can’t remember the last time he has been sick, and he is so miserable.  He just curls up on the couch in the fetal position- poor little guy!  He also has turned into a little dictator- hurling “commands” at me one after another- “I need some water,” I want to watch a little TV,” “I want mac & cheese for lunch,” and so forth.  Since he is hardly ever like this, I am playing “genie’ and his wish is my command.


Social Weekend On Friday night, I met up with my very good friend, Mary, We used to work together, and now she is an RN and lives about 40 miles away.  I wish we could say we are great staying in touch, but we are both so busy, we don’t get together as often as we like, but when we do, it is like we pick right up from where we left off, from the last time we talked.  I have two sisters, but Mary feels like my “third” sister. 


Fall is in the Air On Sunday, my dad, the boys, and I, went to the mountains to let the boys play, and to see the magnificent fall colors- specifically the Aspens.  Joe had to work, so it was a great day to spend a Sunday!


Trick-or-Treat Our actual Halloween night went pretty much like I thought.  Joe and I both arrived home from work around 5:30, and we ate dinner at Joe’s parent’s house. 


It’s Christmas Time– Tonight we put up our Christmas tree, and decorated it as much as possible.  Since we have a little munchkin- aka- Cole, we had to decorate the top 3/4’s of the tree, because nothing would last within his grip.  We put a few non-breakable ornaments at the bottom, and Cole is having fun taking them off, and putting them back on.

Activities Family & Friends Holidays Household Work

Hanging Out, & Other Odds & Ends

We have had a pretty low-keyed week around here.  Joe had the week off, and I went to work on Wednesday, and Thursday.  My boss is out of town, and it was nice to finally catch up on some projects and get organized at work for the New Year. 

We had a major snow storm hit on Wednesday night, and Thursday.  I left early for work on Thursday, and slid across two lanes of traffic on the black ice (even in 4 wheel drive), and came very close to crashing into a tree!  Fortunately, I managed to steer into the curb, and the back wheels of the Jeep stopped me, just before I hit the tree.  I came to a complete stop, and didn’t even hit anything- no trees, houses, people, or other cars.  It took a while for my heart to stop beating though.  I drove super slow the rest of the ride into work!

The boys have been playing with their Christmas toys, and have managed to stay healthy…knock on wood.  Joe and I finally decided to break down, spend the money for a new computer.  Our, er- my computer is over 10 years old!  It has run great, but it is slow, and I am sure it is just a matter of time weeks, before something finally gives out on it.

I have a remote log-in from work, which means I can log in with my home computer and work off the server at work, which is really nice.  I have been doing more and more work from home, and my computer is very slow, working with the brand new server at work.  We also store all of our pictures on Joe’s laptop, but it is running out of room, and we wanted to transfer all of the photos off his laptop on to something with way more storage.  So, we finally justified the purchase. 

We got an HP Pavilion Elite, for a very good deal thanks to some rebates.  It didn’t come with a monitor though, so today we ventured out in the bitter cold temperatures to Circuit City, where we bought our new 24 inch LCD Acer flat screen monitor. 

Then we had to organize clean the crap off our desks, that have been accumulating for a few years.  It wasn’t bad, but it did need a good cleaning.  We put on a Thomas DVD for the boys, and in 40 minutes, had everything cleaned, sifted through, and organized. I can’t believe how much nicer it all looks.  We are pretty organized anyway, but just getting rid of all those loose ends and papers that we didn’t need, really made a difference. 

Now Joe is giving the boys a bath, and hopefully once they are in bed, we will be able to set up the new computer.  I really like my old computer, but am ready to move onward and upward.  After 10 years, I guess it is time.

For the rest of the week, we are just going to hang out and take it easy.  It is supposed to still be cold, but Joe took Ryan sledding yesterday, so maybe we’ll try taking both boys tomorrow for a while.  My brother is also generously giving us his flat screen TV- he upgraded to a new HDTV-, and offered his previous one to us. Did I mention we have a TV that is 15-years old?  I guess we just don’t replace electronics unless they are broken.  Anyway, my dad and him are going to come up and “deliver” it for us tomorrow.

Joe has to go back to work on Monday, and I have an appointment with a doctor for second opinion about me possibly needing braces.  I’ll blog more about that next week.  I also have a few more projects to wrap up for work, so I’ll be doing some work too.

Finally, I am trying to get organized for 2008.  I need to get a calendar, clean out some files, and set up our bookkeeping.  We are excited about 2008- we hopefully have some changes coming our way, but I don’t want to “jinx” it just yet.  When it comes to be, of course I’ll share.

For New Year’s, we will probably go out to dinner, and then just hang out at home.  I can get used to all this relaxing.  🙂

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year’s!

Cole Family & Friends Holidays Parenting Ryan

Our Christmas

For the first time ever, we actually stayed home today-the entire day- for Christmas.  In years past, we have spent Christmas with family and relatives, but the way it worked out this year, there were no family plans for Christmas.

We got home late from having Christmas Eve at my aunt’s house “in the big city.”  We had a blast, with my siblings, my mom, my cousins, and my aunt and uncle.  The boys had a wonderful time playing with their teen-age cousins, and Ryan was thrilled we picked him up a Santa hat, earlier in the day.  He was saying, “Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas,” and saying he was one of Santa’s helpers.

We had an Italian theme for the food, and Ryan and Cole couldn’t have been any happier with the generosity of family and their selection of gifts.  Cole received a shopping cart, play food, art supplies, books, an airport playset, a blanket sleeper, and the big hit- a play pizza set.  He played with that for hours last night!  I think we have a future pizza maker on our hands.

Ryan received a musical instrument set, a mini United Airlines die-cast airport set, art supplies, a giant train book, a Bob the Builder tool / play set (complete with a hard hat), a Thomas glow-in-the dark- puzzle, Thomas pajamas, a colored illustrated copy of “Little House in the Big Woods,” (his first chapter book),  and a copy of the new Puff the Magic Dragon book.  When Ryan would open a gift, he would say, “Well, what do you think about that!”  It was so funny.   I was really overwhelmed by the gifts- it seemed like everyone knew just what to get the boys- they love all their gifts!

After us adults participated in a white elephant gift exchange- we watched my brother and sister-in-law’s wedding DVD.  It was fun to watch, but every time we started laughing at something, or talking over the DVD, Ryan would stand up and say, “Be quiet- I am trying to watch TV.” 

This was my niece’s first Christmas as well, and it was so sweet to see her reactions to everything.  Like every baby, she liked the wrapping paper and ribbons, more than the gifts. 🙂  Here are a few pictures from Christmas Eve (you can click on any picture to see it larger):

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When we got home, Cole stayed asleep from the ride home, but Ryan was wired.  We put out cookies for Santa, that we had made earlier.  Ryan wanted to play with his airplane toys, and Joe read him his new train book to try to settle him down.   We finally got him to go to sleep at about 10:30.  He was SO excited Santa was finally on his way.  As I tucked him in, he had a big smile on his face.

I finished wrapping a few more presents, and then stuffed Ryan’s and Cole’s stockings.  I wanted to arrange everything so it was perfect, since this was the first time, Ryan was really excited about Santa.  I couldn’t overlook anything, because I know he would notice.  I finally got to bed around 2 am.

Fortunately, the boys slept in until 8.  I heard Ryan wake up, and Joe and I rushed out of bed.  We got Cole out of his crib, and we headed down stairs.  When Ryan saw the tree and the presents under it he said, “Santa came!”  Then he saw his new, red, shiny fire truck, with the ariel ladder, he so desperately wanted (we even had to make a last minute phone call in to Santa on Sunday for the request!).  He yelled with delight, “An ariel ladder truck!  Santa really did come!”  Then he noticed the crumbs on the cookie plate, and said, “Santa ate all the cookies, and even got the little cookie I made for the reindeers!”  It was just the most magical moment.  Obviously, I didn’t take any pictures, but I will always remember the joy and happiness from Ryan this Christmas morning.

Cole wasn’t quite ready to get up, and did not want to open any presents until he had woken up a bit.  Then he wanted to play with the fire truck.  Surprisingly, the boys just shared beautifully today, and there were very few squabbles over the toys.

Joe and I made breakfast a of scrambled eggs, and French toast.  We had a leisurely breakfast, while the boys played.  We did a few minor chores around the house, and I tried to get Cole to take a nap, but he didn’t fall asleep.  Right before lunch, the boys opened more presents from Joe’s side of the family, and again, the boys loved every gift, and we are so grateful for the nice presents they received. 

Ryan received a  glow-in-the-dark marble runner, a wooden xylophone, books, construction toys (for Cole as well), and a hand-made pillow.  Cole also received a hand-made pillow and some books.  Cole was so content playing with the gifts he had already received, he didn’t want to open anything else! We still have about five gifts from relatives that he did not want to open today.  So we will be opening these in the coming days I’m sure.

Joe made grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, and the boys wanted to watch Bob the Builder’s Christmas video we checked out from the library.  After that was over, it was nap time, for all of us.  We all took a nice, long, nap.  It even started snowing!

When the boys and I got up, after two and a half hours (Yay!) Joe had started the ham, and had it in the oven.  I made mac & cheese, and pears for the boys, and also made broccoli, and garlic bread for Joe and I. 

After dinner, we cleaned up, and I made a quick batch of toffee.  Then we went out for a drive to look at Christmas lights.  The boys were getting pretty tired and fussy, so we cut the drive short. 

Joe and Ryan started putting the marble runner together, and Cole watched for a few minutes, before it was his bed time.  He was very tired!  I read him a new book Santa brought him, and he went right to sleep.  Then we got Ryan in his PJ’s, and he was ready for bed too.

Staying home this year was wonderful.  It was so nice, being able to just relax and not having to worry about coordinating schedules and naps.  It was just a very easy, and lazy day.  We did miss celebrating with family though, and I don’t think we would want to stay home every year, but it was a nice change, and with two small children, it was a lot easier on them too.  Overall, it was just a great day.  I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas too.  Here are some more pictures of our Christmas. 

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Here is a series of Cole I just loved- eating his first Candy Cane (click on it, to see it much larger):
