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New Year’s Eve


Ever since having kids, I have not been out on New Year’s Eve.  In fact, I was doing well if I could even stay up until midnight, to ring in the new year at home. 

My kids are growing up, so I guess I get to go out again for New Year’s, and I am really excited about it.  I’m going with my sister, brother, and their spouses, and some of their friends.  Joe is going to have a boy’s night in, with Ryan and Cole.  I told them tonight I was going to go out, and they were going to have a party with Dad- I told them they could have some hot chocolate, and they just thought that was the best thing ever.  🙂 It is cute how sweet and innocent they still are. 

We are going to have dinner at a delicious restaurant in Cherry Creek that my sister used to work at, and her best friend is the manager there now.  Then we are going to go to a nice drinking place (bar) and say good-bye to 2008.

I don’t usually make New Year’s Resolutions, but I do get in mind some goals I would like to accomplish for the upcoming year.  The big one, is to finally get all our junk worldly possessions moved to the new house, and get our place rented, so we can finally finish up with all this house stuff. 

I also wanted to lose some weight, but due to the stress of trying to move all our worldly possessions to the new house, I lost some. That is always nice, but I do want to start a regular schedule of doing some exercise a few times a week. 

One other big goal is to not let the house fill up with so much junk- really.  I don’t know how it gets so accumulated, but it is really freeing to throw away and donate so much of the stuff that has piled up; stuff we never use.  Moving is good for a few things- one of which is getting your life de-cluttered  🙂 

I’d love to hear any other resolutions or goals everyone has- I might even be able to add a new one to my list.

Whatever you are doing on New Year’s Eve, be safe and enjoy.

Happy New Year!

7 replies on “New Year’s Eve”

have not thought about my goals for 2009…but yours sound great…amazing how our stuff multiplies when we are not looking 🙂

Enjoy your wonderful night out!!

Your plans sound like fun! 🙂 We have no plans. Probably eat too much, just like we’ve been doing all week!

I never really make resolutions. Well, not on 12/31 anyway. I sort of try to do better every day. I’m with you on decluttering and losing weight (although I would not have thought you needed to lose weight., You always look fantastic to me!)

I am horrible at resolutions. 🙁 I like your idea about not letting things clutter up in the house though. We just moved into a new place and are expecting a baby and I have been on a serious mission to get rid of stuff.

Have a great NYE! 🙂

We have not been to a new years eve party since the kids were born opting to stay/sleep at home. This year we found a kiddie party that mimics the new year very early so we can still put them in bed and enjoy our time alone.

As for resolutions, I need to be more patient, with the kids, hubby, life and me.

We went out last year, ALONE, first time since we’ve had kids (oldest will be 6 in 2 weeks). It was great, but not possible this year. Doing family party.

Goals are better than resolutions! Removing clutter is a GOOD one. Mine include becoming a full time writer, completing & shopping my novel, potty training the kids, and moving my family into better health.

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