Health Me

Thyroid Ultrasound

In January I mentioned that my doctor, Dr. T.,  found what she thinks is a nodule on my thyroid.   She wanted me to have an ultrasound then to explore it further, but since my blood work came back fine, she told me I could wait eight weeks, and she would check it again.

I went last week for the follow up visit, and I was bummed that the nodule was still there.  Dr. T.  said it felt about the same, and she ordered strongly suggested that I have the ultrasound as soon as possible.  She told me she didn’t want to scare me, but she just had two women patients in the last month, who were in their 20’s who had thyroid cancer.  She said she had felt the same type of abnormality on their thyroid as she was feeling on mine. 

Before I freaked out, Dr. T. told me to relax (easier said than done), and nine times out of ten, it is nothing.  She said it could be stress, an odd shaped thyroid, or a harmless bump.  Dr. T. said we had to find out though- this was not something that could be ignored, and in good conscience, she had to tell me that it could be something more serious.

Of course I know it is stress related. I haven’t even allowed myself to think that it could be cancer- that happens to other people.  I have my ultrasound tomorrow- Wednesday afternoon, and I should know something by Friday-hopefully sooner.

As I sit here finishing up our taxes, I find my mind wandering to that place I don’t want it to go- to the what-if’s.  What if  this isn’t just stress, an odd shaped thyroid, or a harmless bump?  What if I am the third person my doctor has found thyroid cancer in?  What am I going to do? 

I hope I don’t have to answer these questions, and my heart goes out to everyone who has had to answer them.  I never thought much about it, until that other person could be me. 

Please send any healing thoughts you can my way, and I appreciate all the support I have received from my family and friends.  I will be sure to write an update once I know.

Activities Cole Family & Friends Health Household Mothering Parenting Ryan

Why I Haven’t Been Blogging

Yes, I am still alive!  I think this is the longest I have gone with out updating my blog- an entire week. 

I have good reason though:

  • My sister, Vanessa, was in town for a visit, and we spent a lot of time together
  • I have been working another half-day at work
  • I have been trying to learn all the features on my NEW  red Blackberry Pearl 8110 cell phone ( I love it. I can’t believe I waited so long to upgrade)
  • I’m working on my New Year’s goal of  trying to keep the house organized and clutter free- it takes time, believe it or not
  • I’ve been reading more (actual books– not blogs)
  • I’ve been spending more time with my family

We did a few fun things while Vanessa was in town. We had a sister-night-out, a night at my dad’s, where he made his delicious Mexican food, and on Monday night, we took the boys to Casa Bonita.  They had so much fun, and I have pictures, but I’m too tired tonight to upload them.  I will write more about the boys’ and their cousin Maelin’s first visit to Casa Bonita soon. 

I also received some good news from my doctor.  She said my blood work came back fine and normal.  She said I could wait 4-6 weeks and have my thyroid checked again.  She said if it was still enlarged, then it would be very important to have the ultrasound.  So hopefully in the next few weeks, it will return back to normal.  I was happy to hear that.

I am learning to appreciate the good things that happen every day.  Some days it can take longer to find something good, but it is always there.  🙂

Stay tuned for the Casa Bonita recap- coming soon.  🙂