Cancer Family & Friends Health Me

Thyroid Biopsy

Last week I found out that I have to have a biopsy on a nodule in my thyroid.  This is a precaution to rule out cancer or any other atypical growth.  I was hoping I would be able to get in to the ENT doctor this week and have it done.  Unfortunately, they told me initially they didn’t have any openings for 4-6 weeks.  I was about to freak out when the receptionist told me they would get me in much sooner for something like this.  I wasn’t sure how to take that remark, so I am just assuming when you need a biopsy- you need a biopsy.

They were able to fit me in next Friday, April 10th.  I was really nervous, but I have been doing some reading, and have received some great information from my friends. My friend, Sherry, who is a nurse, told me the thyroid only needs 10% of it, to function.  I keep being told thyroid cancer is the most treatable cancer, and am hearing stories from so many people who have had it, and they are fine.  Sherry also told me the biopsy doesn’t hurt (I don’t like needles), so that is nice to know as well.

I forgot to ask how long it takes to get the results  after the biopsy, but I can’t imagine it being more than a few days.  Overall, I am a lot calmer and not so scared.  Thank you to all my wonderful friends, family, acquaintances, and readers of my blog, who have taken a moment out of their busy days to send me an e-mail of encouragement or to just wish me well. I never knew how many friends I really have, and it has been overwhelming. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

I wanted to share one special gesture to me from my sister, Mara.  She is a busy mom to a two-year old, and works as a second grade teacher.   As parents, we know our kids get sick.  Mara never takes sick days anymore when she is sick; she saves them for when her daughter is sick, so she can stay at home with her that day.  Sick days are a precious commodity as a parent.  When I told Mara last week I had to have the biopsy, she told me she would be there-just let her know when.

I objected- she had to work.  Mara said she’d take a sick day.  I told her no, she needed those days for when her daughter was sick.  She told me no- it was fine.  I decided to stop arguing and let her be there for me.  

The truth is I went to the ultrasound by myself and it was hard. I cried for 15 minutes afterwards in the car because I was scared.  I texted a  friend who called me right away, but I was still crying, and I kept thinking I should have had someone go with me.

My sister doesn’t care she is losing one of her sick days that she could save and spend with her daughter-she is going to be there- because I need her.  That gives me strength and comfort- bring on the biopsy!  🙂

Cancer Health Me Mothering Parenting

Results from Ultrasound

Despite us having a major blizzard in Colorado, my doctor, Dr. T., was at work and called me with the results of the ultrasound on my thyroid today.

She said the ultrasound confirmed there is a nodule on the left part of my thyroid, as she suspected.  The doctor at the hospital, who read the ultrasound, suggests that I have a biopsy on the nodule to determine if it is cancerous or not. 

Dr. T. said nine times out of ten, it is nothing- it is like a benign cyst.  She also said they would be looking for anything atypical that would suggest the startings of something cancerous.  Dr. T. is sending my file to an ear, nose, and throat doctor in town, and as soon as he gets my file I will get the biopsy scheduled- I am hoping it can be as soon as next week.  I didn’t think to ask how long after the biopsy they would have results, but I am sure it can’t be more than a few days. 

I didn’t want to hear any of this.  I was wishing Dr. T. was going to say it was nothing- I just had an odd shaped thyroid.  But, since that isn’t the case, I have to take the next step.  I know it is for my health and the odds are in my favor.  Yet, I am terrified in that little place in the back of my mind.  Someone has to be that one person who isn’t okay.  Of course I hope that isn’t me, but what if it is? 

I can’t even really go there mentally right now.  Friends and family tell me not to assume the worst.  But when you are a mother, (or a father) it is so hard. How do you look at your precious children, and not wonder if you will be healthy for them?  How am I going to explain this to a five year old and a two-and-a-half year old if it comes down to that?  

I have way more questions than answers now, and all I can do is keep taking the steps to lead me to the point where I will have the answers I need. I just hope and pray they are the answers I am hoping for- that I am one of the nine, instead of that one.

Health Me

Thyroid Ultrasound

In January I mentioned that my doctor, Dr. T.,  found what she thinks is a nodule on my thyroid.   She wanted me to have an ultrasound then to explore it further, but since my blood work came back fine, she told me I could wait eight weeks, and she would check it again.

I went last week for the follow up visit, and I was bummed that the nodule was still there.  Dr. T.  said it felt about the same, and she ordered strongly suggested that I have the ultrasound as soon as possible.  She told me she didn’t want to scare me, but she just had two women patients in the last month, who were in their 20’s who had thyroid cancer.  She said she had felt the same type of abnormality on their thyroid as she was feeling on mine. 

Before I freaked out, Dr. T. told me to relax (easier said than done), and nine times out of ten, it is nothing.  She said it could be stress, an odd shaped thyroid, or a harmless bump.  Dr. T. said we had to find out though- this was not something that could be ignored, and in good conscience, she had to tell me that it could be something more serious.

Of course I know it is stress related. I haven’t even allowed myself to think that it could be cancer- that happens to other people.  I have my ultrasound tomorrow- Wednesday afternoon, and I should know something by Friday-hopefully sooner.

As I sit here finishing up our taxes, I find my mind wandering to that place I don’t want it to go- to the what-if’s.  What if  this isn’t just stress, an odd shaped thyroid, or a harmless bump?  What if I am the third person my doctor has found thyroid cancer in?  What am I going to do? 

I hope I don’t have to answer these questions, and my heart goes out to everyone who has had to answer them.  I never thought much about it, until that other person could be me. 

Please send any healing thoughts you can my way, and I appreciate all the support I have received from my family and friends.  I will be sure to write an update once I know.