Current Events Mothering

“Equal Justice Under Law”


While we finally have equal marriage rights in the US (it’s about time) we still don’t truly have “equal justice under law”- the words etched on the outside of the Supreme Court building.

African American males have been targeted for DECADES and questioned, suspected, beat, abused, and gunned down execution style by some policemen in this country, solely based on their skin color. This has been tolerated for decades by police departments, cities, and even sometimes the very people who are supposed to ensure, these crimes don’t happen. This isn’t “equal justice for all.”

Woman of all ethnicities are still paid on average 25% less for doing the same job as men, in the USA. Minority women fare worse than their white counterparts and are paid about 54% less than a man doing the same job. This is the average in ALL professions. This isn’t “equal justice for all.”

The Supreme Court ruling today, ensuring all people can marry, is a step closer, and it is a great step. While not discounting the progress made, it’s hard to not think about all those who really don’t have “equal justice under law” in our country- even after centuries. African American men are being MURDERED from these injustices. Families are burying their sons, fathers, and brothers. This is a gross injustice that has gone on for way too long. It has to change and it has to change now.

While women aren’t losing their lives over gender equality, the fact remains that women are discriminated against for their gender. This affects their livelihoods, and many times the livelihoods of their children, if they are raising children without the father’s support.

I’m not a hugely political person- but I am a mother who hopes the day is coming soon, when I can see, and my children really can see “equal justice under law” for ALL- no matter a person’s skin color, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.

I hope the momentum from today’s Supreme Court ruling, will continue so every one in the United States of America, can have “equal justice under law.”

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if police stopped targeting African Americans and killing them with no basis other than that of their skin color?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the laws allowed the police who do violate these laws, to be held accountable for their crimes?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if employers started paying women the same as men in their professions for doing the same job?

This may sound idealistic, but in the past, more than one person asked,

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if gay and lesbian marriage were legal?”

When we ask, we imagine, when we imagine- as we saw today- anything is possible.

Even “Equal Justice Under Law” for ALL.