Family & Friends Health Holidays Me

It’s A Wonderful Life


photo credit by Wikipedia

It’s A Wonderful Life is my favorite Christmas movie.  Growing up, I seemed to watch it several times during the holidays. I haven’t seen it though recently in many years.   

There are so many true-to-life themes in the movie.  The main one being, you never really can know the extent that your life touches others.  Another theme is even though our lives may seem ordinary to us, no life is just ordinary.  Even if we never achieve what we set out to do, or life goes in a totally different direction that what we planned, our life still matters and can be great and inspiring to others by the course it does take.  One of the quotes from the movie is, “every man’s life is important because it touches so many other lives.”  Another theme is we don’t appreciate what we have, or truly understand the blessings we have in our life, until they are taken away.

I find it a little more than just coincidence that I’m thinking about this story and its themes this year, after what has been undoubtedly, the hardest year of my life.  The last twelve months have not been easy.  Cancer and divorce are not easy to face as separate events, and this year they ran parallel for me.  Many times during the year, I could not wait until 2009 was over, and I could put this horrible year behind me.

As I have thought more and more about it, I have realized while the year has been hard, it has not been horrible.  So many positive things have happened as well.  Personally, I have learned many valuable things over the course of the year.  One of which, is you are never really alone.  There are always family and friends that support you.  Because of my illness this year, I found this out to an extent I have never experienced before.  I am not certain that without my illness, I would have ever discovered this. 

The other night, the closing scene from It’s A Wonderful Life popped into my mind.  It is when George sees the inscription in the book from Clarence which says, “remember no man is a failure who has friends.”  This past year by itself was difficult.  But because of my friends and family, it has been a wonderful year.  My children and I are truly blessed.  Thank you all. 

I wish all my family, friends, and blog readers the happiest of holidays, and much happiness, love, and friendship in 2010.  All of us really do, have a wonderful life.

Activities Family & Friends Me

I’m Going to Disneyland!


No, I didn’t win the Super Bowl, but I am going to Disneyland this coming weekend. 

My mom’s favorite place in the world is Disneyland.  She has always loved it, and she always made sure we were able to go there a few times while we were growing up.  I haven’t been so diligent as an adult going to Disneyland. The last time I was there was <ahem>…1997.  I went with my mom and my sister for the weekend.

My mom is turning 60 in April (sorry Mom to reveal your age), and it worked out that my sister, brother, and sister-in-law, and of course my mom, could go to Disneyland and celebrate this weekend.  I had been hoping I could go too, but wasn’t sure how it would work out with Joe’s schedule.  I found out a few days ago that Joe would be able to watch the boys for the weekend.  I checked out the airfare on Saturday, expecting it to be outrageously expensive, but there was a sale!  So I get to be with my mom for her 60th birthday party. 

One of my fondest childhood memories was going to Disneyland.  We always had a good time there, and we were always happy.  I am looking forward to spending time with my mom (who lives out of state, and I don’t get to see her a lot), and of course the rest of my family.

I wish Ryan and Cole could come too.  Ryan is the perfect age, but Cole is still a little too young.  I know we will have  a trip someday, where they can both come and enjoy it together.  I hope they will enjoy Disneyland as much as  I did.  But for this weekend, it is about my mom turning 60, and us being with her at the Happiest Place on Earth.

Now for your enjoyment (or amusement), I found some pictures of the last time I was in Disneyland (remember it was 12 years ago)  Enjoy.  🙂


The three of us


In front of the castle (don’t you love the white shoes?)


My mom and I


With Goofy Claus


Trying on Donald Duck’s hat

Activities Mommy Confessions Mothering Parenting

Mommy Confessions

I know we all LOVE being mothers 99% of the time, and would not trade it for anything.  We all LOVE our kids like crazy, and could not imagine our lives without them. 

But…what don’t you love about being a mother at times?  I have been thinking about this a lot, and don’t think it is really acceptable for mothers to go around saying what they don’t like about mothering.  We are for the most part expected to be happy, and put on a happy face no matter what. 

So, I decided to devote a blog posting every now and then to “Mommy Confessions.”  You can “confess” something small or something large, and there is NO judgement.   So if you want to get that certain something about motherhood off your chest- this is the place.  After all confession is good for the soul, right? 

My confession is I HATE the park.  I like watching my kids play, but find it so boring.  When my boys were younger, they needed me more to help them play, and that was fun, but now as they are growing and can do more and more by themselves, and don’t need want me to help them play, I still have to keep an eye on them, so it is too hard to read something, or talk to another mother.  So I stand around bored out of my mind.  My favorite part of going to the park, is when it is time to go home.

So there you have my confession, and I feel a lot better- what is yours?