Current Events Little Pumpkin Sweet Pea Designs Mothering

Global Giving- Thank You

About a month ago, I blogged about the Global Giving project BlogHer was running through Mother’s Day to help save impoverished women and children’s lives. I announced that I would donate 50% of my sales from my on-line store, Little Pumpkin, Sweet Pea Designs from that post to today, Mother’s Day to the project.

While the sales weren’t as high as I would have liked- :-), I was able to donate double what I initally thought I could.  Thank you, thank you to everyone who supported this idea, proposed by Amy from Crunchy Domestic Goddess, and a BlogHer Contributing Editor. 

I was torn on which project to donate to, so I ended up donating to two:  I donated to Help Afgan Women Deliver Healthy Babies Safely, and to the Mother & Child Health Clinic in Rural Nepal.

As I wrote before, I feel so blessed to have been born in a country where I don’t have to worry about having access to basic health care.  As I celebrated Mother’s Day today, it really struck me how many less fortunate women and children never even get a chance to have a basic start in life, and have safe, and accessible health care. 

You can still make a donation to these projects, by clicking the links above.  The projects still need your help. The Nepal Mother & Child Clinic is only 7.8% funded, and the Afgan Women Baby Project is only 2.3% funded.  Any amount- as big or as little as you can give will help.

Cole Family & Friends Holidays Mothering Parenting Ryan

Happy Mother’s Day

I read a great blog post today From Daily Mish Mash on the commercialism on Mother’s Day, and how it can make us feel when our expectations aren’t fulfilled. 

I admit that I too, had unrealistic expectations of Mother’s Day, when I first became a mother.  I assumed it would be like a commercial, with my husband thinking and planning that “perfect” day for me. 

Fast foward four years, and I have learned.  Mother’s Day is not about just one day of having a perfect day.  For me, Mother’s Day happens year-round, when my four-year old gives me an unexpected hug, or tells me something super sweet, like, “Mommy, you are my best girl.”  Or when the boys play together and actually have fun, and don’t bicker.  Or when they both do something I ask, just because I asked them, or when Cole looks into my eyes to give me a hug, and I see pure love in his big, blue eyes. 

Oh, surprises are nice too- who wouldn’t love a diamond necklace, like Daily Mish Mash mentions?  But I agree with her that expecting these amazing, thought out, well planned gifts, is just setting ourselves up for disappointment.  I have also become way more proactive, and instead of hoping and then getting mad that I don’t get the Mother’s Day I am hoping for, I have started to let Joe know what I would like to do. He makes it happen, and he is happy, because he is doing what I really want to do, and I am happy-obviously.  This seems to work out well for us. 

My husband is not the world’s best surprise planner.  I have learned that about him.  But he will drop whatever he is doing at a moment’s notice to help me with the children.  He will go to the grocery store for me at 11pm at night, if I have a dessert craving, and he will do anything for his family.  I may not get a diamond necklace on Mother’s Day, but I will take the little- and never ending gifts I receive every day, from my family over a diamond necklace any day.

Besides, where would I wear a diamond necklace to anyway?  I suppose the cashiers at the grocery stores would be very impressed, if they manged to notice it over my mom-stained shirt.  🙂

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone.  I leave you with some quotes I like for Mother’s Day.

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new.  ~Rajneesh

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs… since the payment is pure love.  ~Mildred B. Vermont

When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts.  A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.  ~Sophia Loren, Women and Beauty

It kills you to see them grow up.  But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn’t.  ~Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. ~Unknown  

And my favorite, since I am part Irish, and have two boys: 

A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.  ~Irish Proverb




Current Events Household

Do You Have an “Allowance?”

I have about a half-hour commute to work, twice a week.  I get to listen to what I want to on the radio (no Music Together, Barney, or kiddie music CD’s.)  So I like to listen to the popular talk shows, to stay up on what is happening in the world.

During the past month, I have heard every talk show talking about stay-at-home moms who have or get an “allowance.” This is money their husbands give them to spend each week, and once it is gone, it is gone- no more buying anything.  At first I thought this only applied to a few people, but I was amazed by the calls the radio shows were receiving, and these were all on different stations.

The allowance “rules” based on the women, who called in, seem range from the wife receiving a large allowance to buy groceries, gas, and other household necessities to only $20 a week to buy “emergency” items like diapers, or to splurge on herself. 

One woman said her husband gives her $50 a week for her allowance and with this she has to buy gas, diapers, and formula.  If there is any money left over, she said she can spend it on herself, like on a haircut, or clothes.  She said with gas prices being so high though, she barely has enough of her allowance left after buying gas. 

Another woman said her husband gives her $20 a week that she can spend on whatever she wants for herself, but if she needs money for diapers, or a doctor’s appointment, she has to submit the amount to him ahead of time, and he writes a check for that exact amount.  Some women had to even get trips to the grocery store, dry cleaners, etc. “approved” ahead of time from their husbands, so their husbands would know how much gas they were using. 

The calls went on and on, and evidently there are a lot of households in my area who are doing this.  Some of the women loved it- they said it helped them stay on a budget, but some women said they hated it, but felt like they had little choice, since their husband was the one who was earning the money. 

I’m all for budgeting the household money, and maybe if a wife requests the finances be run this way, I don’t have a problem with it.  Whatever works, if both parties are happy.  I do have a problem with the whole allowance issue if the wife is not happy, or feels like she has no choice in how finances are spent, even if her husband is the sole wage earner.

Stay-at-home moms contribute so much to the family- I am sure I don’t have to list it all out.  To be made to feel like you are a teen-ager asking your father for an allowance, just seems degrading to me.  I am of the thought (and my husband is too), that we both contribute to the household, and we don’t need “permission” to spend money.  Of course we run bigger purchase items by each other, but my husband doesn’t want or demand an accounting of every dollar I spend, and I don’t expect that of him either.

I am really curious now, what do you think about this?  I would love to hear if you have an allowance, if so, is it your choice, and what are the benefits or drawbacks to this. 

Fun Stuff Make Me Laugh Monday Uncategorized

Make Me Laugh Monday- Ellen’s Thoughts on Miley


You would have to be living in cave if you haven’t heard about the controversy surrounding Miley Cyrus, regarding her Vanity Fair photo shoot.  Ellen DeGeneres has some thoughts on this controversy.  Happy Laughing! 

Fun Stuff Me

Four Things Meme

I got tagged by Jen from Daily Mish Mash on four things about me-

Four Jobs I’ve Held

  • Floral Designer
  • Legal Assistant
  • Medical OSHA Consultant
  • Bookkeeper

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over

  • Gone With the Wind (best movie ever!)
  • Somewhere in Time (second best movie ever!)
  • My Fair Lady
  • Summer Magic (old 60’s movie with Hayley Mills- can you tell we had the Disney channel  growing up?)

Four Places I Have Lived

  • Albuquerque, NM (born there)
  • Boulder, CO
  • Estes Park, CO
  • Santa Barbara, CA (only for a summer, but I did live there!)

Four TV Shows I Like

  • Brothers & Sisters
  • What Not to Wear
  • Flip This House
  • Actually don’t watch TV anymore- can’t think of another show I still like.

Four Favorite Foods

  • Pizza
  • Salad
  • Anything Chocolate
  • Wine (does that count as a food?)

Four Places I would Rather Be

  • Anyplace tropical (Hawaii, Virgin Islands, Fiji, etc…)
  • With my little sister in Seattle
  • In a 5 star luxury hotel for at least one night, all by myself to sleep, sleep, and get more sleep, and to eat the little chocolate they put on your pillow
  • Austria

Four People I am Tagging