Current Events Fun Stuff

Car Family Stickers

Taking a break from work, I feel the need to comment on a disturbing and growing trend in my town- perhaps it is invading your town as well- I am refering to the car sticker families, that are popping up on the back of cars and mini-van windows at an alarming rate.

If you haven’t had the “pleasure” of seeing these stickers yet, consider yourself lucky, but here is picture of what I am talking about (you can click on the picture to see it larger):


“Oh tell me it it isn’t so!” you might be saying now, as you cover your eyes in horror.  Yes, sorry it is true and what is worse- I am seeing stickers with the actual names of the family members underneath their “person.”

What is UP with this?  If you happen to have one of these stickers, I don’t mean to offend you, and please leave a comment and let me know what the reasoning is behind these.  I have some questions about these stickers:

First, why is there a need for these stickers?  Are we really becoming a culture that thinks every stranger driving behind us wants to know or needs to know the members of our family?  Why is there a need to “advertise” who family members are to the driving public?  Will there be a song blaring out of the car next (like and ice-cream truck) sung to the tune of “Who Are The People in your Neighborhood?” from Sesame Street, that goes, “Who Are The People in my Mini-Van?”  Are the people who have these stickers afraid they will forget who is in their family, and put these on their car for that god-awful day when they say,

“Oh **** I can’t remember the name of my wife, kids, or pets.  Thank God, I can look at the back window of the min-van and remember!”

(Sorry to inform you, you can also get pets added to your family sticker- see the above picture- I won’t even go there.)

Finally, are these stickers the new mark of true suburbia?  In keeping up with the Jones’s and living the “American Dream,”  we have to have a house with a white picket fence, 2.5 kids (preferably a boy and a girl), those 2.5 kids play soccer, and a mini-van.  Now do we have to have the sticker family on the back of the mini-van?  When will the insanity end? 

I for one, hope this is one trend that is shorter than Paris Hilton’s jail stay.  At first I only saw these stickers on mini vans, and figured it was those people who were into them- you know, the arts and crafts type, who have every picture of their life perfectly organized into perfect scrap-books, and their walls at home have one-of-a kind crafts hanging in every nook and cranny?  Not that that there is anything wrong with that, I just thought these stickers would be that target market.

But now I am seeing them on the back of every car from A-Z.  From Audi’s, to Hondas, to SUV’s, to trucks, to sedans, to hybrids, to mini-vans.  I imagine the kids of these families, who I can’t help but know their names now- (thank-you-very-much-sticker-family-mom’s-and-dad’s) the Madison’s, Jack’s, and even Rover the dog, and Cleo, the goldfish, will look back at this trend in 20 years, and laugh, and wonder what the heck their parents were thinking?

Much the way people in my generation laugh about those awful yellow “Baby on Board” signs, and the Garfield stuffed animals with suction cups, that were stuck on every window.  Is anyone now happy they put those items on their windows?  The more important question is will anyone admit and are proud that they attached those items?  I didn’t think so.  That leads me to my last point- if you are thinking about getting one of these stickers, please, please don’t.  Just say no, and let’s try to work together to stop the trend. 

If the peer pressure is getting too much- your HOA is demanding you have your own car sticker family, to keep up with the appearance of the neighborhood, or you can’t put off your friends any longer-they want to know when you will be getting your own car sticker family, then please do the rest of your fellow drivers a favor and at least get this one:


Thank you. 

(Yes, you can really get this sticker too- just type in “Ass Family Car Stickers” into your search-engine if you really must have one.)

37 replies on “Car Family Stickers”

OK, this was hilarious! I have noticed those stickers EVERYWHERE too and always laugh.
However, I will say that with my first daughter I did buy the Baby on Board sign. I know, I know, sounds crazy but I have to say…I still like it. I dunno, I guess I appreciate seeing them in other cars not because I wanted to know if they had a kid on board but because it reminds me to slow down and drive carefully. That’s the only reason I bought it, hoping others would do the same. Maybe I’m the only one but at least I admitted it! 🙂 Now, the Garfield stuffed animal I definately passed on.
Oh, and one more thing for the record. I’m a minivan owner/driver who loves her van…but all be damned if you ever see me scrapbooking or making arts and crafts! LOL. More like filing the digital photos in an unorganized manner on my laptop and laughing sarcastically at my pig sty of a house while nursing one babe and watching the other run naked around the house while peeing and pooping on the carpet (her, not me). Yep, I’m THAT kind of minivan driver. Oh, and I’m vegetarian. And atheist. Oh yeah, and a homebirther 🙂
xoxo and keep on posting these great thoughts!

apparently i’m living under a rock, because i haven’t seen these stickers yet. (i know i’m jinxing myself now and will see them everywhere.) but i’m LMAO at the ass family sticker. i want one! 😉

I’m glad you guys get my humor, and thanks for the comments-

Leighsteele, you do have a good point that the BOB signs at least make you stop and think! LOL on the minivan driver that you are- you rock!!!

Amy, I have also seen the Ass family with Wise, & Cute- 🙂

Too funny! No, I have not seen this sticker phenomenon in my town yet, which is actually quite surprising. I am going to be on the lookout now though because maybe I have just missed it.

I have been searching the web looking for just the right “Family Stickers”. I am a mom of 4, 3 being teenagers and they think it is hilarious, but I haven’t found one that I was comfortable with. Mainly because I think the ones with just the pictures (without names) looked unfinished, but I would never put my kids names under a sticker. Plus I don’t want to put a last name like “The Jones” because I don’t want people to know our last name. So I found “The Ass Family” and we like Jack, Bossy, Bad, Smart, Wise, and Kiss. These names actually go with someone in the family. I know that people behind us don’t care who is in our SUV, but it’s just like every other person who puts bumper stickers on their cars for us to see. They put them there because they are trying to make a point that we may or may not agree with. So what is the difference?

is it possible that there are still some people left that are proud to be part of a family? I guess you could say the same thing about anything that represents your identity and things that are important to you. why do any of us do what we do? I’m sure everyone who reads this or has responded represents themselves in one way or another with something. some are accepted and others are looked at as different and weird if it’s not something we would do. I do think your take on the topic is funny it made me think about whether I care if your truck is a 4×4 or if that kid pissing on the red sox logo means you’re a Yankees fan and if you really understand the true meaning of the tribal art work displayed across the top of your windshield. So long story short, Live and let live. With acceptance there is peace. Think about it.

I think the little stick people are cute! They have a Facebook application that has the exact same graphics so you can have a virtual car sticker as well. Woo hoo!

I’m totally buying the Ass Family Car Sticker for my car. Now that is comedy right there.

I am the mother of seven children and I am proud of every one, and love the little sticker people. I am thinking about getting it, if only to give the driver behind a heart attack (I mean everyone we meet has one) or maybe spark some communication such as “maybe it’s the team he coaches) I mean, with the high divorce rate and everything, any communication is good…right! I look on it as helping the community!!

Soooooo glad to see your blog entry! I was looking on the web today specifically for rants about those ridiculous stickers. I also was hoping someone had caught on and come out with way to generate sticker s for a totally dysfunctional family…. you know, maybe with one kid throwing a rock through a window or the father figure with a big beer belly or something. Or worse (use your imagination). Anyway, the Ass Family comes pretty close! Thanks for that!

I am against these family stickers because of the lack of privacy. People who have these stickers are giving strangers the names of their children, often times their own last name too! In the day and age in which we live, we need to be protecting our children from strangers, not inviting them to take advantage of them.

I think the stickers are cute… and think the only reason people put them on their vehicles is for that reason alone. I really don’t think that they are trying to “advertise to the driving public” it is simply something cute to get to put on your family vehicle.

The “baby on board” signs are actually a good thing to have on your car because if an accident were ever to happen…. it let’s a rescuer or anyone else know that there could possibly be a child that was involved in the accident… something they might not have been aware of.

Garfield on the other hand… yeah that was lame!!!

OMG, this was hysterical and THANK YOU for voicing your opinion. I never understood why on earth any parent would want to advertise their families names on the back of their gas guzzling SUV or mini-van, esp the names of their kids. Why not just tell the kidnapper what they need to know?

That said, the “Ass Family” sticker is pretty damn funny. I’d stick it on my computer, or a notebook since I’m not into mass “Hey, look at me!” stickers on my vehicle.

Heh heh.

Cheryl ~

I love the family stickers, and am going to order them right now. Knowing how much it bothers some people is an even better reason to get them.

We have created a less cookie cutter family. Our family of dysfunctional characters are made to mirror some of the more interesting and questionable people in our lives. Not your average family stickers. Warning: These may remind you of things that aren’t just “cute”.

I have been selling these family stickers since before they hit the mainstream. I have sold thousands and I have never had a single customer complain or mention any problem with them.
All people that buy one have alot of family pride and are looking for a way to express it. Also, besides your typical Walmart gift (blender, etc.) they make great gifts too. A unique gift with a thought behind it. The names are optional and usually half of the orders includes names. I half noticed opinions about these family stickers vary greatly, but Ive never talked with anyone that had such negative feelings about them.

I love these family stickers!! They are way cute. I’m not into the names though, but pictures of stick people..oh yeah!! So they advertise your family, big deal. It’s not hard for anyone to just look through your windows or watch you juggling your kids on a shopping trip to see that you have “kids on board”. It’s too bad so many people are so bitter about something that is meant to be fun. I’m going to order them right now and I’m including the pets!! The ASS family is awesome though!! So funny!!! People need a sense of humor!! Life is just more fun with one!!

I have always enjolyed the stickers…feet, flip flops, etc., etc. Although I have not yet owned one. I am a grandfather who has just recently adopted his three oldest step-grandchildren. At 53 I am raising little ones for the first time. I am also a stay at home Dad…a Mr. Mom. Soon to be getting the dreaded mini van. When we get the van I will be putting the stickers in the wondow. I am proud of my new family. We are very unorthodox in makeup, but a nuclear ( “new” clear) family nonetheless. I will put our last names just because it helps to reinforce the fact that WE ARE A FAMILY. No first names, for safety’s sake. I am not completley clueless nor a freak, geek, nutjob, neatnik, do-gooder, keeping up with the jones family kind of person. I am not amused by theAss family stickers, the Garfield dolls, and the Baby on board stickers went a bit far although I believe they served a purpose. These stickers can serve a purpose too. Help to locate the correct mini van or vehicle in a huge parkin glot of similar ones and a sea of kids. Reinforce a feeling of family in a world that is becoming more and more less family friendly. But I will have the stickers because I like them.

This post is hysterical. How ironic that I came across it while shopping for a new “baby boy” decal for my wife’s van, which currently sports a “Mr. Mom” decal for me (formerly a SAHD), among others.

i think the stickers are cute. i wouldnt put the names of each person, but i like the new custome ones. some people like to brag about their family with stickers, some like to brag writing their life for the whole world to see in BLOGS. get my point.

in miami they are everywhere…i think they are dumb but i do have teh one of baby on board to let all the asshole drivers in maimi(which is basically everyone) that i will rip them limb from limb if they rearend me with my kid in the car….fair warning.

I think they’re cute. However, I would never put one on my car. And never ever with names! I do have a sea turtle sticker on my back window. First, I feel in love with them in Hawaii and Second, it helps me find my car in the parking lot. lol

I dunno. I am a father of a 5 year old and a 3 year old. I really feel so much joy and love for my kids. I was thinking of getting the stickers mainly because I thought the kids might think it’s cute, funny, or an expression of our family. It’s true, my daughter (the 5 year old) pretty much has me wrapped around her finger. But what’s the harm?

You ROCK. I made some comments about these stupid stickers in my blog, and I caught all kinds of hell for it. First of all, I’m a single woman. I don’t have kids. I have a dog. The end. So, my “family sticker” would be “dysfunctional” according to the norm these stupid things set. What if you’re gay? Are those OK? How about if you’re widowed? Divorced? Have a spouse who’s cheating? Do they have stickers for all those? Or are only the sunny, happy “acceptable and perfect” ones available. Lame. Sorry. I don’t think anything is cute about these. They’re just another way of saying, “I’m normal, and society likes normal!” … like a god damn badge of honor. I want one with a zombie, eating the head of all his neighbors in “normal-land”. I wonder if maybe Hot Topic will work on getting that made for me.


God, these stupid stickers bug me too. They are about as obnoxious as the mass, generic, family update letters that some families send out at x-mas time, that drone on about how wonderful the last year was, how active and accomplished the children are, and about how their kids are so enthusiastic about their academic pursuits, and about how the parental figures in the family love their kids and work hard and have been promoted and are successful, and about how they traveled here and there all over the world this year, and about blah blah blah blah vanity vanity blah we’re so wonderful and normal (but we really think we are above average) and everything is perfect.

I don’t care to know more about you and your family. *I don’t care to know anything* about you and your family, especially when you force it down the throat of whoever is behind you on the road. You aren’t doing that to share with me or anyone else. You’re doing that for yourself, and yourself only. It’s selfish and tactless. It’s attention pollution. Thanks for the flag though – telling me who I should avoid. You.

Hi all
They have just started appearing here in Australia.I like them but am worried about the names being on the bottom.Did you see on Dexter the tv series how the sirial killer talk the boy into leaving with him as he knew all the names of the family members.

why do you care so much about some stupid stickers? LMAO and is that the sticker on your car THE ASS FAMILY, what about the baby in car signs is that stupid too.

I recently saw one of these displays that indicated a divorce, as “Dad” had been reduced to a glue outline.

We at Stick Family have announced plans to conduct a full optimisation campaign to increase awareness of The Stick Family range of fun stickers throughout the UK.

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