Cole Family & Friends Holidays Mothering Parenting Ryan

Happy Mother’s Day

I read a great blog post today From Daily Mish Mash on the commercialism on Mother’s Day, and how it can make us feel when our expectations aren’t fulfilled. 

I admit that I too, had unrealistic expectations of Mother’s Day, when I first became a mother.  I assumed it would be like a commercial, with my husband thinking and planning that “perfect” day for me. 

Fast foward four years, and I have learned.  Mother’s Day is not about just one day of having a perfect day.  For me, Mother’s Day happens year-round, when my four-year old gives me an unexpected hug, or tells me something super sweet, like, “Mommy, you are my best girl.”  Or when the boys play together and actually have fun, and don’t bicker.  Or when they both do something I ask, just because I asked them, or when Cole looks into my eyes to give me a hug, and I see pure love in his big, blue eyes. 

Oh, surprises are nice too- who wouldn’t love a diamond necklace, like Daily Mish Mash mentions?  But I agree with her that expecting these amazing, thought out, well planned gifts, is just setting ourselves up for disappointment.  I have also become way more proactive, and instead of hoping and then getting mad that I don’t get the Mother’s Day I am hoping for, I have started to let Joe know what I would like to do. He makes it happen, and he is happy, because he is doing what I really want to do, and I am happy-obviously.  This seems to work out well for us. 

My husband is not the world’s best surprise planner.  I have learned that about him.  But he will drop whatever he is doing at a moment’s notice to help me with the children.  He will go to the grocery store for me at 11pm at night, if I have a dessert craving, and he will do anything for his family.  I may not get a diamond necklace on Mother’s Day, but I will take the little- and never ending gifts I receive every day, from my family over a diamond necklace any day.

Besides, where would I wear a diamond necklace to anyway?  I suppose the cashiers at the grocery stores would be very impressed, if they manged to notice it over my mom-stained shirt.  🙂

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone.  I leave you with some quotes I like for Mother’s Day.

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new.  ~Rajneesh

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs… since the payment is pure love.  ~Mildred B. Vermont

When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts.  A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.  ~Sophia Loren, Women and Beauty

It kills you to see them grow up.  But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn’t.  ~Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. ~Unknown  

And my favorite, since I am part Irish, and have two boys: 

A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.  ~Irish Proverb




Activities Cole Family & Friends Holidays Mothering Ryan

Our Easter

We had a wonderful Easter.  It snowed the night before, and even though the sun came out on Sunday, it stayed pretty chilly. 

Ryan and Cole’s cousins and aunt are in town visiting with Grandma and Grandpa.  Ryan and Cole just adore them.  They are older- 11, 10, and 6.  Ryan tries his hardest to keep up with them.  We all went to an early church service.  Then we went over to Grandma’s house for brunch and an indoor Easter egg hunt, courtesy of the cousins.  They hid plastic eggs all around the house and Ryan and Cole were thrilled to find them.  Every time Ryan spotted an egg, he had to come running in, get Joe, and lead him to the egg.

Ryan also told me the night before since it was snowing, that the Easter Bunny and Santa are friends, and the Easter Bunny needed something to ride on.  He reasoned that Santa was loaning the Easter Bunny his sleigh.  In the morning he said he had heard a bell ringing, and he just knew it was the Easter Bunny’s sleigh.  🙂

After brunch, we all hung around and the kids played.  Then we took Ryan and Cole home for naps, since they were fading fast.  I actually forgot to make them their Easter baskets the night before (we were working on income taxes- fun I know.)  So I was able to bide a little time by reading a note the Easter Bunny had left for Ryan and Cole.  The poor Easter Bunny’s sleigh had broken down, and it had to be fixed.  So the Easter Bunny promised he would have their Easter baskets here after their naps.  Ryan tried to stay up because he wanted to pet the Easter Bunny, but sleep finally won out.

The Easter Bunny delivered, and when Ryan and Cole woke up, they were happy to see they had their baskets, and an extra present- some play construction cones.  We went back over to Grandma’s house, where the boys put on their coats and had a real Easter Egg hunt outside (again, thanks to the cousins, who had hid mroe eggs outside).  Then we had Easter dinner, which of course was delicious. 

I love taking pictures of the boys finding their eggs, and ended up with way more of Cole this year than of Ryan.  But they all had so much fun.  We’ll see if the Easter Bunny returns Santa’s sleigh to him in time for Santa to use it.  Here are a few pictures:





Cole Family & Friends Holidays Mothering Parenting Ryan

Happy Valentine’s Day


I got my first Valentine’s Day card from my eldest son on Sunday actually.  While I was out shopping, Ryan and Dad made my card.  Ryan was so excited to give it to me and couldn’t wait, so I got it that evening.  It is a beautiful, big, heart, with stickers on it.  Dad wrote out the words, but Ryan traced over them.  It said, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mom- Love Ryan and Cole.”  It is the best card I have ever received. 

Then at preschool on Tuesday, the teachers helped Ryan make another card, which he wanted to give to me right away too.  It is has been like a homemade card bonanza around here this week, which is really nice. 

After work today, we had dinner at Joe’s parent’s house.  Grandpa took Ryan out for some chocolate shopping today for Grandma and myself, and Ryan and Cole were so pleased with themselves when they pulled out the boxes of chocolate for us.  I have to say I was quite surprised!

After the boys were asleep, Joe went out the to car and brought in not one, but TWO dozen roses for me- the picture at the top of the post.  I used to be a florist and was thoroughly sick and tired of roses this time of year, so Joe just never bought them.  However, that was many years ago, and I miss them now.  Since I can usually arrange them ( I did all the flowers for my wedding) he doesn’t bother having them arranged.  I arranged them, and it was really fun.  I didn’t have my floral arranging secrets (foam or tape to keep the roses in place, or even stockier greenery), so the roses flopped around a bit, and didn’t stay quite where I wanted them too, but I still love them.  The entire kitchen smells like roses!

Tonight Ryan kissed me goodnight and told me I was his special and best Valentine.  He gave me a hug and said, “Goodnight Valentine.”  It was so sweet, I got tears in my eyes.  I know people always talk about Daddy’s little girl, but you don’t hear too much about Mommy’s little boy.  My little boy is just the apple of my eye, and such a sweetheart.  He can melt my heart in an instant.  Since Sunday, he has been showering me with hugs and kisses for Valentine’s.  I think it is a tiny glimpse into his heart, and it makes me stop and realize how much he loves me. 

As a mother, you do so much for your kids, you lose track.  You don’t remember all the nights you are up with them, all the tears you dry, all the scratches, bumps, and bruises you kiss, all the messes you clean up.  You never realize all these things are registering somewhere in their brains.  One day, if you are lucky, and I certainly am, they are old enough to express their thanks and love for you, for doing all these things.  I think that is where Ryan is right now.  It is just the best thing ever. 

This has certainly been the best Valentine’s Day I have ever had.  I am very fortunate to be surrounded by so much love- love that I don’t always think about, and take for granted.  It has been a great reminder for me, how much a simple gesture can mean, and how it can show your love.

I hope everyone has a great Valentine’s Day too, and you are surrounded with your sweethearts as well.  🙂

Holidays Ryan

Happy New Year!

This morning when I told Ryan, Happy New Year, he replied, “Happy New Year, Sweetie,” and gave me a giant smile and hug.  Now that is what I consider starting the new year off right.  🙂

Family & Friends Fun Stuff Holidays Household Parenting

2007- The Year in Review

Amy at Crunchy Domestic Goddess  had a post that inspired me today, to do my own year-end review.  She did hers a little differently (and spent more time on it, I’ll add,) I took the first paragraph from the first post of each month, and listed them here.  It was fun to see all the topics I have covered over the course of the year, and am looking forward to continuing to blog about life with my boys, and other topics in 2008!  Links are provided to the entries, in case you want to reminiscence, or missed that post.  Happy 2008 everyone!

A Mama’s Blog 2007 Review


Welcome to A Mama’s Blog– This is my first official blog and entry.  I wanted to start a blog so I can preserve the memories and day-to-day activities with my two sons, Ryan-age 3, and Cole-age 8 months.  They seem to be growing up SO fast, and there are so many fun things they do and say- I want a place where I can preserve this time, and also the time I have now with them as a stay-at-home mama.  I hope one day to be able to print the best entries and give Ryan and Cole a journal of their childhoods.


Music Class–  Since Ryan was about a year old, we have been going to music classes, specifically, Music Together, on Thursday mornings.


You Know it Has Been a Long Winter– You know it has been WAY to long of a winter, when you are taking off your three-year old’s clothes for the night, and after taking off his sweater, he looks down at his short-sleeved shirt, looks at his bare arms, looks at his Mom & Dad, and bursts out in tears saying,

“Hey, who took my sleeves off my shirt? My arms aren’t covered.”


Ryanisms– Two cute things Ryan said yesterday:

“Mommy, I’m an alligator who makes loud noise with sharp teeth.” Then he proceeds to growl.

“I was playing and turned into Mac & Cheese Boy.”


Ina May Gaskin– Tonight I got to hear “The Greatest Midwife in the World”, Ina May Gaskin, speak for two hours.  She was amazing, and had wonderful things to say about birth, how she became a midwife, her birthing experiences as a mother and as a midwife, breastfeeding, and parenting.


Eight Things You Don’t Know About Me– I’ve been tagged by Amy at Crunchy Domestic Goddess  to tell you 8 things you don’t know about me:


Bachelorette Party– My older (& only) brother is getting married this Thursday.  Last night, I attended a bachelorette party in honor of my almost sister-in-law (K), and I had a blast!


Another Sick Child– Ryan has now come down with the virus Cole had last week.  I honestly can’t remember the last time he has been sick, and he is so miserable.  He just curls up on the couch in the fetal position- poor little guy!  He also has turned into a little dictator- hurling “commands” at me one after another- “I need some water,” I want to watch a little TV,” “I want mac & cheese for lunch,” and so forth.  Since he is hardly ever like this, I am playing “genie’ and his wish is my command.


Social Weekend On Friday night, I met up with my very good friend, Mary, We used to work together, and now she is an RN and lives about 40 miles away.  I wish we could say we are great staying in touch, but we are both so busy, we don’t get together as often as we like, but when we do, it is like we pick right up from where we left off, from the last time we talked.  I have two sisters, but Mary feels like my “third” sister. 


Fall is in the Air On Sunday, my dad, the boys, and I, went to the mountains to let the boys play, and to see the magnificent fall colors- specifically the Aspens.  Joe had to work, so it was a great day to spend a Sunday!


Trick-or-Treat Our actual Halloween night went pretty much like I thought.  Joe and I both arrived home from work around 5:30, and we ate dinner at Joe’s parent’s house. 


It’s Christmas Time– Tonight we put up our Christmas tree, and decorated it as much as possible.  Since we have a little munchkin- aka- Cole, we had to decorate the top 3/4’s of the tree, because nothing would last within his grip.  We put a few non-breakable ornaments at the bottom, and Cole is having fun taking them off, and putting them back on.