Activities Cole Ryan

Home Improvement with Kids

I have been up to the same old, same old.  Working on the house, or watching the boys so Joe can get some tasks completed.

Trying to work at the house with the boys should be a new reality show-how much you can get done while trying to keep the boys from undoing everything you just did, or keeping them from making more work.

Over the weekend, Joe was painting the boys’ bedrooms.  Ryan just had to help, so Joe gave him a paint brush and let him paint the closet floor (which will soon have carpet).  Later, Joe had to run to the store, and I was working in our bedroom cleaning the walls, and bathroom.  I knew Ryan was upstairs, but didn’t really think to check on what he was doing.  Big mistake

When Joe got back from the store, he had discovered that Ryan had taken it upon himself to empty about half the container of primer on the floor in the closet.  The primer was a few inches thick!  Joe had to scrape it all out.  After we talked to Ryan about not painting unless we were in the room with him, we figured we had solved that problem.

Shortly afterwards, Cole woke up from his nap, and Joe had moved on to another bedroom.  I thought Joe knew Cole had gone upstairs, and Joe had thought I was looking after Cole.  Uh, no.  Big mistake

When I found Cole, he was in the closet with a big paint brush, covered from head to toe with primer.  It was all on his new fleece jacket and jeans.  His lime green Crocs were now snow white.  There was another few inches of primer down on the closet floor-again.

Imagine my joy in having to go tell Joe that he had to scrape up all the primer again from the closet floor.  Let’s just say at this point, we were not happy.  It was time for me to give up on trying to get the master bed/bath done, and take the boys home.

On Sunday, Joe’s wonderful parents watched the boys for us all day.  We really made some progress.  I got the master bath/bed cleaned and the doors polished.  I tested out some paint samples for the room, which I am having an awful time trying to match.  Joe got the first two coats of paint applied in both Ryan and Cole’s rooms. 

The professional painter came yesterday and painted the living/entry/hallways, and dining room.  They turned out wonderful.  They finished it all in one day.  It would have taken Joe probably a week at the minimum to get it done, assuming he didn’t have any kiddie interruptions.

I decided I did not like the green and beige color scheme for our bedroom.  I found a light blue/gray color I like, but can’t seem to find an accent color.  Still working on that.  We will have to figure it out by this weekend, because Joe should be able to finish up the bedrooms and start on ours. He won’t let me paint.  He says I am as good of a painter as the boys’ are.  I don’t agree, but if he wants to do all the painting by himself, that is fine with me.  🙂

I have to clean the entire kitchen next, and clean the stair railing and banister. They are oak, and don’t look like they have been cleaned for several years.  The doors looked the same way, and after cleaning them and using Orange Glo, they brightened up beautifully.  I am excited to do the banister and kitchen cabinets with it, and really see them perk up.  Orange Glow is a wonderful product.

I have been taking lots of pictures, and promise to post some soon.  The rooms just don’t look right without flooring yet, so as soon as we get the hardwood floor and carpeting in, I’ll have some pictures of what we have accomplished so far.

Activities Cole Household Mothering Ryan

Home Improvements

Joe was out of town this week- he came home a day early, so that was nice, but it has been an exhausting week. 

Since we would like to move into our new house, before next spring, I had grand plans this week to remove all of the ugly wallpaper border, and clean the walls, in the three bedrooms in our new house, so they would be ready for Joe to paint this weekend.  

We have decided to hire a professional painter to paint our living room, entry way, and dining room.  The living room has what I think is a 16-foot ceiling, but no, we haven’t measured.  There are some interesting angles in the room as well. 

Furthermore, the previous owners were hunters (no they were not related to Sarah Palin- a little shot of humor- I need it these days, 🙂 ) and on these tall walls, they had a lot of their catches stuffed, (I believe taxidermy is the correct phrase for this), and mounted on the walls.  Evidently, it takes a lot of nails to hold up stuffed wild game.   I can’t count how many thick nails are in the walls, at various heights, and how many nail holes are in the walls. Did I mention, there is animal hair stuck the one of the walls, oh, about ten-feet up?

Joe is a great painter.  He is meticulous, but you have to have time to be that precise.  Even if he had the time, the nails, holes, and heights of the walls would take sometime to paint.   We found our painter, savior, who will remove all the nails, patch the holes, clean the walls (animal hair included for no extra charge), and then apply two coats of paint.  He has a crew, so it should just be a three or four day project. 

We have to get this area done because we are having hardwood floors installed by none other than Joe.  (We really are lucky he knows how to do all of these projects!)  But we don’t want to install the floor until the walls are painted.  In the master bedroom, and the boys’ rooms, we are having carpet installed, and again, we don’t want to paint with brand new carpet down.

So I thought I’d spend all day Tuesday removing wallpaper border. The border was glued, super-glued, three quarters of the way up on all the walls.  I had forgotten how much I HATE wallpaper.  After five hours, I only had three walls done in the master bedroom.  I didn’t have the right tools either, and I had the duct cleaner there as well..

Ryan had an injury from earlier in the morning, (trust me- you don’t want to know-let’s just say it was in the worst place ever for a little boy, and the teeth of his two year old brother were involved), so he was cranky (but who could blame him?)  and trying to work on a ladder removing wallpaper that is ten years old, with a cranky four-year old, and a curious two-year old who keeps trying to climb up the ladder-is not the formula to get much accomplished.  

After five and a half hours, we headed home.  I had to go to work for half-day on Wednesday, and after I picked up Ryan from school, we went back to the house, and I was able to finish the last wall in our bedroom.  I inspected the wallpaper in the other two rooms, and it was stuck on more firmly than the stuff I had just gotten off. 

After work today, and the nice surprise that Joe was home early, we went to Home Depot, to get a wallpaper scorer and some paint.  Fortunately, Joe has tomorrow off so he can get started in the master bedroom, and after the boys’ music class, I’ll start me vs. the wallpaper-Round 2.

It is a lot of work, and a bit stressful, but it will be worth it.  I can picture the rooms in the colors we picked out- the soft yellows against the wood floors and I get really excited.  The work makes me tired, but I still enjoy it.  

As the boys and I were sitting on a blanket on the floor in the living room, which is just sub-flooring right now, having a picnic on Tuesday, I knew someday when the room had been done for years, and has seen more of its fair share of living, I would always remember sitting there eating PB&J sandwiches with Ryan and Cole. We ate with badly-in need of paint-holes-in-the-walls, with animal hair stuck on them.  Not the most glamorous lunch, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

I do plan to post pictures, but I want to post before and after pictures at the same time.  In the meantime, I’ll leave you the paint colors of the rooms a paint consultant helped us pick out, since we are so awful at picking colors:

Colors for the entry way, living room, and dining room:

Yellow Freeze  &    Man on the Moon

Colors for the master bedroom:

 Baja Dunes &       Jade Tint

Boys’ Room: (they both wanted blue)

      Marguerite Blue

(color swatches from

Activities house hunting

House Update

Just a quick home buying update:  Last week we were approved for our loan, and the sellers agreed to fix one item that came up in the inspection. 

So, if all else goes according to plan, we are set to close THIS Thursday morning.  I still am in a little bit of disbelief, but it looks like it is really going to happen.  Our lender needs the title work, which is being sent to them, and that is it.  We are really getting excited now, but we both feel until we sign on the dotted line, and have the keys in our hands, you never know.  So we are very positive, but reserving our full blown excitement until after we close-which is just in four days. 

I have another little something to blog about (hopefully tomorrow), that is exciting for me.  I’m going to keep it a surprise for now, so you will be sure to check back tomorrow or Tuesday on what it is.  (I’m mean- I know- to keep you in suspense, but hopefully it will be exciting for some of my readers to read about as well.)  🙂

Activities Mommy Confessions Mothering Parenting

Mommy Confessions

I know we all LOVE being mothers 99% of the time, and would not trade it for anything.  We all LOVE our kids like crazy, and could not imagine our lives without them. 

But…what don’t you love about being a mother at times?  I have been thinking about this a lot, and don’t think it is really acceptable for mothers to go around saying what they don’t like about mothering.  We are for the most part expected to be happy, and put on a happy face no matter what. 

So, I decided to devote a blog posting every now and then to “Mommy Confessions.”  You can “confess” something small or something large, and there is NO judgement.   So if you want to get that certain something about motherhood off your chest- this is the place.  After all confession is good for the soul, right? 

My confession is I HATE the park.  I like watching my kids play, but find it so boring.  When my boys were younger, they needed me more to help them play, and that was fun, but now as they are growing and can do more and more by themselves, and don’t need want me to help them play, I still have to keep an eye on them, so it is too hard to read something, or talk to another mother.  So I stand around bored out of my mind.  My favorite part of going to the park, is when it is time to go home.

So there you have my confession, and I feel a lot better- what is yours?

Activities Cole Eco-Friendly Living Parenting School

Farmer Boys

On Saturday, we went to a farm where we could pick as many vegetables as we wanted, and where there were a lot of fun things for the boys.

There was a real fire engine, and the boys had fun playing on it,  Next up were barrel rides pulled by a tractor:

Next we headed for the hayride to take us to the fields, and we spent the next three hours in the fields picking produce.  We picked corn:


and the boys dug for potatoes:


 We also got a ton of onions- red, white, and yellow onions, Indian corn, chili peppers, butternut squash, and pumpkins.  Cole was so tired from all the picking, he crashed out in my arms:

After we were back from the fields, and Cole had woken up, the boys played on the fire engine again, and Ryan went to play in the huge bouncy castle, while I took Cole and let him play on the various farm equipment:

We finally left late afternoon, as it started to get cloudy and cool.  When I asked the boys what they liked best, they said picking the vegetables.  I think it is important for kids to realize where their food comes from.

We are lucky this great farm is so close where the boys can learn about farming, see the food, participate in harvesting it, and have fun-all at the same time.