Activities Cooking Family & Friends Holidays

Cookie Time & Toffee Recipe

One of my favorite parties during the holidays is my sister’s annual cookie exchange I attend every year. I wrote about how the exchange has evolved over the years,  last year in  Cookies, Cookies, and more Cookies

Last Saturday was the exchange, and I was a bit sad.  I usually try to make a really special cookie, because I just don’t bake that many cookies during the year.  Having an extra special cookie to give as a gift during the holidays motivates me try something new every year.  However, I just didn’t have time with us trying to move.

So I stuck to my old standby- toffee.  I made cookie sheet, after cookie sheet of it all week.  It is the easiest recipe to make, and it is the most delicious toffee- it is very addictive- so don’t say I didn’t warn you.  I normally don’t give the recipe out, but consider this an early Christmas present from me to you.  🙂  Enjoy!

Fool’s Toffee

36 saltines (can also use graham crackers)

1 cup butter

1 cup packed dark brown sugar

11 oz. milk chocolate chips

1/2 cup of chopped pecans, almonds, or walnuts (Optional)


Preheat oven to 375.

Line a cookie sheet with foil.  Butter or use Pam on the foil (I spray the foil with Pam). 

Spread crackers out on foil, filling cookie sheet. 

Melt butter and brown sugar on medium-high heat.  Bring to a boil, stiring occasionally,and boil for 4 minutes. 

Spread butter and sugar mixture over crackers evenly.

Cook in oven for 5 minutes. 

Immediately sprinkle chocolate chips on top.  Allow them to soften (about 5-7 minutes) and then spread evenly over top. 

Top with chopped nuts if desired. 

Place in refrigerator until cooled.  Then break into bite sized pieces. 

Can be stored in an air tight container in the fridge for up to two weeks.


Here is a picture of all the wonderful friends at the party (I’m second to the right, standing up in the blue shirt, and my sister and my niece are second to the left standing up. My sister-in-law is to the right of my sister, in the brown sweater):




And here is a picture of all the final goodies:


Activities Holidays Household

New House- Before & After Pictures

I know these have been a long time coming, but I finally have some before and after pictures of our bedrooms in the new house.  I’ll post living room and dining room pictures when the floor is done.  Without any further delay:

Master bedroom BEFORE:


Master bedroom AFTER:


 (room is same color-this picture turned out really light though)

Boys’ Bedroom’s BEFORE:


Boys’ Bedroom’s AFTER:


Forgive me for not having the exact wall in some of the pictures.  You didn’t really expect me to remember which walls I took pictures of over a month ago, did you?  🙂

We are getting really close to being DONE.  Joe put in a new floor in the master bath this weekend, and he just has to put the in the wood floor in the living and dining rooms.  I need to clean the bathrooms, mop the floors, and clean the ceiling fan in our room.  Then we need to clean the windows, put our new window coverings up, pick up all our remodeling stuff, and that should be it. That puts us moving, oh, right before Christmas.

It has been really interesting trying to get Christmas stuff done, and explain to the boys every day that Santa will know where to find us. We haven’t exactly figured out if we will have our Christmas tree at the old or new house yet.  I guess it depends on where our beds are Christmas Eve.  This should be the busiest Christmas ever.  Once we are moved, then we get to clean our current place from top to bottom, and hopefully find a renter.  I hope the end is in sight. 

Activities Household

The Paint Color Saga Continues

As I have written before, I have had a terrible time trying to figure out what colors to paint the master bedroom in our new house.  The interior designer/paint color consultant helped us originally to settle on a sage green and beige color pallet. We wanted to paint three of the walls one color-the sage, and then the wall behind the bed, the beige color. 

As I thought more and more about it, I concluded that we would not like the sage green color- it looked too much like fake mint chocolate chip ice cream (real mint chocolate chip ice cream is NOT green colored-it’s white. ) So I ditched that color pallet, and I started the search for new colors.

I found this color, I really liked:

 Beacon Gray by Benjamin Moore

I thought it would be a cinch to find a taupe/beige/tan accent color to bring out the oak window sills, door, and baseboards in the room, as well to match our medium stained pine bed. 

I started posting this color on Twitter, and interior designers, and painters started telling me matching grays to beiges was REALLY hard- unless the shade was right on they said, the beige usually made the gray stand out too much.  One of my Twitter pals, and former mural painter, told me to look for a yellow based beige- she said that would highlight the gray, without overpowering it. 

By this time, I was completely consumed and obsessed with finding that perfect shade, which would just tie the room together, achieving bedroom Nirvana.

I spent half an hour in the paint store, looking through the beiges, tans, and taupes, and ended up with probably 50 different paint color swatches.  I held them up to my bed first, and then the ones that didn’t look good next to the bed, I eliminated.  Then I held the remaining colors up to the Beacon Gray sample, and if it looked good, I kept it, if not, it was eliminated.  Then I held the remaining swatches- about 30 up to the bed AND the Beacon Gray sample.  By now, I was thinking  I was in a bad reality paint picking paint show. 

After taking numerous breaks, to keep my eyes and view “fresh,” I finally was down to 10 colors, then 5, then 2, and then the ONE! It was this:

 French Manicure by Benjamin Moore

I was so happy-the search was over. The next day, I rushed to the paint store to get the sample of it, just to make absolutely sure.  My plan was to paint the three walls in the gray, and still have the accent color be painted on the wall, behind where our bed would go.

I rushed out to the house, to paint my sample.  As it dried, I realized it was NOT the ONE.  It was too peachy.  It looked like that flesh color you always wanted out of the Crayola Crayon box, to color the people in your coloring books with. 

So back to the old drawing board.  I called the consultant who originally helped us, and told her what was happening. She gave me only 3 accent colors to choose from, that would match the Beacon Gray.  After yet another trip to the paint store, to find these colors, it was pretty easy to choose this one:

 Hepplewhite Ivory by Benjamin Moore

This really, truly, was the ONE. Even a professional said so. 

On Saturday Joe started to paint our bedroom, and the Hepplewhite Ivory was gorgeous.  I LOVED it.  It seems more yellow on the wall, but not a juvenile yellow- just a rich, creamy, yellow- not too gold, not too light.  It looked wonderful already next to the oak wood in the room.

I was leaving with the boys, as Joe started to paint, and when he got home four hours later, he was mad!  He had painted two of the walls in the Hepplewhite Ivory.  We had decided to do two walls in that, and two walls in the gray. He pained one wall in the gray, and said it looked awful. 

I wanted to see, so even though it was 9 PM, I drove out to the house to see for myself.  This couldn’t be happening!

Joe was right- the colors by themselves were pretty, but the Hepplewhite Ivory next to the Beacon Gray, made the room look like a circus room- it looks like the colors you would chose for a nursery- not a master bedroom.

I loved the Beacon Gray, but I loved the Hepplewhite Ivory more- Beacon Gray was not meant to be.  So I said good-bye to it, and drove home.  Joe had said he thought the room should just be the ivory color, and I told him I agreed.  It really will look better with the wood in the room, and we can always add pillows or curtains to the room, if we want to add in more color.

I am hoping this concludes the master bedroom paint problems.  I really do love the Hepplewhite Ivory- it is a great warm and inviting color- perfect for a master bedroom.  No matter what it will look better than how the room looked originally:


Yes, those are pink walls! (you can click on the pictures to see them larger-if you dare!)  I can’t wait to post the ‘after’ pictures.  Stay tuned, and thanks for reading this long post about paint!  It is probably less exciting than watching paint dry.  🙂

Activities Cole Mothering Ryan


On Sunday, Ryan and Cole were invited to a bowling birthday party.  It was the first time they had ever been bowling, and the were oh-so excited to go.

Ryan thought it was great, he got to put on the ever-popular bowling shoes.  Cole wanted a pair too, but they didn’t have a pair small enough, so the lady said he could wear his Crocs.

Cole gave it his best shot, but I think he is still a little too young to get the whole concept.  One of the workers brought out a ramp, where Cole could just roll the ball down.  He liked that-but he liked moving the levers back and forth on it more than bowling.  He did slow down long enough for me to capture him with his goofy smile:

The first time Ryan was up, he placed the ball down, and then kicked it with the sole of his foot- good thing it wasn’t with his toe!  He quickly caught on, and he had a little warm up move, and one he did afterwards.  I was happy for him, that he usually knocked down several pins- he was really into it!

 The warm up


 Doing the post-move

For some reason when it was my turn to bowl, the automated bumpers stayed up.  I haven’t bowled in such a long time, I was happy the bumper was up.  But as a testament to my awful bowling, Ryan beat me!  He’s a 4.5 year old, who had never bowled, getting a higher score than his ol’ mom- even with the bumpers up!  Guess I need to work on my bowling game-in my spare time. 

The birthday boy’s mom, mentioned to us the alley we were at, had night bowling where they turn off the lights, and light up the lanes, and all of that.  Ryan heard that, and has been asking everynight when we get to go night bowling.  We are hoping we can take him soon.

I wonder if I can have them leave the bumpers up for me.  At least it will be dark, and no one will actually see my bowling ball hit the bumper.  On the other hand, maybe I’ll have them take the bumpers down for Ryan, and leave them up for me. Then we will have an even match up.   🙂 

It is so fun to see your child enjoy something, and just have 100% fun.   Even if I am an awful bowler, it was still the best time I ever had bowling.

Activities Cole Family & Friends Holidays Household Mothering Parenting Ryan

Another Thrilling Update

I wish I had a brilliant or at least somewhat exciting update for you, but I don’t. 

We’ve been working on the house, and trying to get everything else done in daily life that must get done, like work, errands, parent, spend time with the boys, etc.  I still haven’t started packing yet, but that is soon to change.  Joe started bringing home boxes the other day, so now that fun chore is on my plate.

I really don’t mind, but there is always way more stuff you realize you have.  I am hoping we can donate or just get rid of the stuff we haven’t used in years, and be done with it.  Like the extra microwave that has been sitting the pantry now, for eight years.  If our microwave ever broke, we had a spare.  Except it hasn’t and we have had a microwave sitting in the pantry for eight years.

I usually blog at night- but I have been so tired physically and mentally, I think I have blogger’s block.  If you don’t see very many posts here in the upcoming weeks, I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth.  But with moving, fixing up the house, and the upcoming holiday season, I’m not sure how much time or motivation I will have to blog.  Please continue to check in- I know I’ll get my blogging mojo back eventually.  🙂  You can find me on Twitter, and I seem to be able to post 140 character items, much easier and regularly than actual blog posts these days.

I pinkie swear I will post pictures of the new house and the progress we have made.  Joe finished painting the boys’ rooms today, and he’s going to start on our bedroom tomorrow.  I placed the carpet order last week, and that should be installed right after Thanksgiving.  We are ordering our engineered hardwood flooring tomorrow.  We have decided on a honey hickory color which is a golden brown- not too dark or light.  We should have it around Thanksgiving.  It has to cure at room temperature for a week, so Joe should be able to install the floor, the beginning of December.

The brand we are getting has a locking system, so there is no need to glue or nail the pieces together.  Joe is optimistic he can install it in a few days, rather than a few weeks.  So it appears we are on schedule to move into the house by the end of December.  Not sure where we will end up having Christmas- in the old house, or the new one, but Ryan is already wondering about the tree this year, and how Santa will find us.  🙂  Cole has just been talking up a storm and telling us he wants Santa to bring him a dump truck.

I’m also trying to plan Ryan’s fifth birthday party, which always sneaks up on me, since it is just two weeks after Christmas.  I booked the venue this year in JULY- so that is set.  Now I just have to get save the dates out to people, and hope I’m not over the number of guests we are allowed to have.  Guess I had better double check on that.  Ryan of course, is just thrilled to be turning five.  I’m wondering where the time went, and how did my ‘baby’ become a little boy, who is just weeks away from being five years-old?

My mom is coming out for a visit the week of Christmas and will be able to spend an entire evening, and the next day with us.  I’m excited for that, and to be able to show her our new house.  Ryan and Cole are excited to bake cookies for Santa with Nana. 

So that is all we have been up to.  Stay tuned for another exciting update in the near future.  🙂