Current Events

Feeding the World

Norman Borlaug- have you heard of him?  Do you know what he has in common with Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, and Elie Wiesel? 

If you don’t know, you aren’t alone.  I didn’t know either.  Of course we know every detail about Lindsay Lohen’s current drug bust and arrest, and the speculation is never ending if Nicole Richie is pregnant, but when a person achieves what only four other people in history have ever done which is winning the Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal, our media organizations, obviously can’t be bothered with news like this. 

Borlaug received the Congressional Gold Medal last week.  Newsweek magazine has an article about him entitled, He Only Saved A Billion PeopleSome of the sentences and paragraphs in this post are from this article. 

“Norman Borlaug is an agronomist who is credited with saving the lives of 1 billion human beings worldwide, more than one in seven people on the planet.  Borlaug is a great success story showing how one person can make a difference.  In the 40’s, and 50’s, he developed a hybrid called “dwarf wheat” that tripled grain production there. Then, with the help of the Rockefeller Foundation, he brought agronomists from around the world to northwest Mexico to learn his planting and soil conservation techniques.” 

He also has some interesting thoughts on the organic food supply- From the Newsweek article:

“Borlaug scoffs at the mania for organic food, which he proves with calm logic is unsuited to fight global hunger. (Dung, for instance, is an inefficient source of nitrogen.) And while he encourages energy-conscious people to “use all the organic you can, especially on high-end crops like vegetables,” he’s convinced that paying more for organic is “a lot of nonsense.” There’s ‘no evidence the food is any different than that produced by chemical fertilizer.'”

His thoughts on organic food got me thinking- we do hear all the time about how much better organic food is then conventional, how many less pesticides and chemicals are in it, but who really funds those studies?  Which groups are putting out this information?  When someone of Norman Borlaug’s experience and knowledge says something like this, it catches my attention.  Hopefully there will be more information that will come from this- maybe more unbiased studies and information, so we really can make informed decisions based on impartial studies.

This article is very interesting and if you have a moment check it out.  It isn’t very long and it gives me a new appreciation for this man, and what he has accomplished for the world- especially the starving.  One person CAN make a difference!

Current Events Parenting

Mama Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up & Use

I saw this news story today, and it absolutely blew my mind. found 29,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on their website.   This was more than four times the numbers cited by MySpace just two months ago!

Prompted by legal action, they made this news available and said they have already removed about 7,000 of these users profiles. What about the remaining 22,000 or the ones they haven’t caught?  What is to prevent these users from simply creating another account, with perhaps a fake name?  Even if their IP address is blocked, I am sure they will find a way around it- people like this usually do. 

An Attorney General from North Carolina, who demanded MySpace release these numbers says the number of profiles of registered sex offenders has risen past 29,000 and just his office alone has documented over more than 100 criminal incidents this year of adults using MySpace to prey or attempt to prey on children.

MySpace MUST do something to ensure the safety of children using their site, as well as PARENTS!!!  It is not enough these days, not to know what your child is doing and what websites they are visiting when on-line.  There are predators out there, looking for your child.  It is better to be safe than sorry- overprotective than have your child fall prey to one of these offenders. 

In my opinion, there is no justification for having loopholes that allow registered sex offenders to have access to children on-line.  If having laws on the books “violates” sex offenders First Amendment Rights, then so be it.  They should have considered that, before they committed their crime. 

If you have children who use the Internet, please make sure you know what websites they visit, and take a few extra minutes to check-up on them, install parental blocks, and just know what they are doing.  MySpace and other social networking sites need to make their sites free from sex offenders, but parents HAVE to be involved as well.  The most important and first step in protecting our children, starts at home. 

Attachment Parenting Family & Friends Work

Quick Update & Don’t Forget To Bid!

This is just a quick update to say I am still alive!  🙂  We had a fun weekend with my father-in-law’s 80th birthday party.  I hope to have some pictures soon. 

It has been terribly hot and humid here, so I haven’t felt like doing too much of anything, but I have a lot of bookkeeping I am trying to finish for my client this week, and I have to squeeze in quarter end books for the local chapter of my Attachment Parenting  group, where I volunteer as its treasurer. 

If you haven’t already checked out their big on-line auction, you still have time.  It ends this Wednesday at 7 PM EASTERN TIME, and there are a lot of great items- from baby carriers to cloth diapers, to T-shirts for mom and baby, to week-end get-aways, available.  There are many items that are still below retail value, so take a look, bid on something for yourself, or for your children, and know you will be helping a great cause at the same time!

So, until I finish my work, I probably won’t be blogging much.  Thanks for checking in.  Hope you can stay cool if you are having hot summer heat! 🙂

Current Events Fun Stuff

Car Family Stickers

Taking a break from work, I feel the need to comment on a disturbing and growing trend in my town- perhaps it is invading your town as well- I am refering to the car sticker families, that are popping up on the back of cars and mini-van windows at an alarming rate.

If you haven’t had the “pleasure” of seeing these stickers yet, consider yourself lucky, but here is picture of what I am talking about (you can click on the picture to see it larger):


“Oh tell me it it isn’t so!” you might be saying now, as you cover your eyes in horror.  Yes, sorry it is true and what is worse- I am seeing stickers with the actual names of the family members underneath their “person.”

What is UP with this?  If you happen to have one of these stickers, I don’t mean to offend you, and please leave a comment and let me know what the reasoning is behind these.  I have some questions about these stickers:

First, why is there a need for these stickers?  Are we really becoming a culture that thinks every stranger driving behind us wants to know or needs to know the members of our family?  Why is there a need to “advertise” who family members are to the driving public?  Will there be a song blaring out of the car next (like and ice-cream truck) sung to the tune of “Who Are The People in your Neighborhood?” from Sesame Street, that goes, “Who Are The People in my Mini-Van?”  Are the people who have these stickers afraid they will forget who is in their family, and put these on their car for that god-awful day when they say,

“Oh **** I can’t remember the name of my wife, kids, or pets.  Thank God, I can look at the back window of the min-van and remember!”

(Sorry to inform you, you can also get pets added to your family sticker- see the above picture- I won’t even go there.)

Finally, are these stickers the new mark of true suburbia?  In keeping up with the Jones’s and living the “American Dream,”  we have to have a house with a white picket fence, 2.5 kids (preferably a boy and a girl), those 2.5 kids play soccer, and a mini-van.  Now do we have to have the sticker family on the back of the mini-van?  When will the insanity end? 

I for one, hope this is one trend that is shorter than Paris Hilton’s jail stay.  At first I only saw these stickers on mini vans, and figured it was those people who were into them- you know, the arts and crafts type, who have every picture of their life perfectly organized into perfect scrap-books, and their walls at home have one-of-a kind crafts hanging in every nook and cranny?  Not that that there is anything wrong with that, I just thought these stickers would be that target market.

But now I am seeing them on the back of every car from A-Z.  From Audi’s, to Hondas, to SUV’s, to trucks, to sedans, to hybrids, to mini-vans.  I imagine the kids of these families, who I can’t help but know their names now- (thank-you-very-much-sticker-family-mom’s-and-dad’s) the Madison’s, Jack’s, and even Rover the dog, and Cleo, the goldfish, will look back at this trend in 20 years, and laugh, and wonder what the heck their parents were thinking?

Much the way people in my generation laugh about those awful yellow “Baby on Board” signs, and the Garfield stuffed animals with suction cups, that were stuck on every window.  Is anyone now happy they put those items on their windows?  The more important question is will anyone admit and are proud that they attached those items?  I didn’t think so.  That leads me to my last point- if you are thinking about getting one of these stickers, please, please don’t.  Just say no, and let’s try to work together to stop the trend. 

If the peer pressure is getting too much- your HOA is demanding you have your own car sticker family, to keep up with the appearance of the neighborhood, or you can’t put off your friends any longer-they want to know when you will be getting your own car sticker family, then please do the rest of your fellow drivers a favor and at least get this one:


Thank you. 

(Yes, you can really get this sticker too- just type in “Ass Family Car Stickers” into your search-engine if you really must have one.)

Cole Health Ryan Work

Curly Q Cole

Thanks for the inquires on Cole- after taking him to an urgent care center on Sunday (after he seemed worse on Sunday morning), he miraculously got better as soon as we left.  Figures.  Anyway, he was checked for an ear infection, and strep throat, and both were negative.  The doctor said he probably had another virus, and there were a lot of them going around- in fact she had seen several babies Cole’s age all weekend with similar symptoms.

Today he was back to his old self for the most part, and after his bath tonight, I tried to get his hair to stay in a little curl mohawk.  It did okay, until Ryan came up messed up his hair, saying, “I don’t like Coley’s hair like that!”  He started to cry- who knew Cole’s hair was such a big deal, although I suspect it wasn’t that he didn’t like Cole’s hair, as much as he didn’t like the attention we were giving Cole.  Here are some pictures of Cole’s curly hair, as he ate his snack:

pictures-027-blog.jpg                    pictures-028-blog.jpg

In other news, I am working on the second quarter books for my very part-time job, and since that original post the job has changed, to me doing all of it at home, so that is nice, but I have to work at night, when the boys are asleep.  So between that, swim lessons, and getting ready for the birthday party for my father-in-law this week, I probably won’t have too much time for blogging this week.  But I’ll be back…. 🙂