Cole Health Mothering Ryan Work

It Was Bound To Happen

It was bound to happen- I caught the nasty cold(s) that Ryan and Cole have. 

Ryan is *finally* better.  He still has an occasional cough, but he is back to his happy, old, self.  Poor Cole seems like he is in the worse of it right now- lots of congestion and a cough.  I feel so bad for the little guy.  He wakes up at night, because he can’t breathe, and he throws up, because of all of the gunk in his throat he can’t get out.  Then he just wants to be held. 

On Sunday night, I held him for 3 hours- until 4 am.  Every time he was asleep, and I would try to set him back in his crib, he’d wake up and start crying.  After 3 hours, and about 10 attempts, he finally stayed asleep.

On Monday night, I thought I would try another tactic- after he threw up all over me, and I gave him a bath (at 1 am), to try to clear up his congestion, I brought him to sleep with me.  He fell asleep on top of me- right away, and his breathing was really good- no raspy noises.  I could taste the sleep I was going to get- wrong!  After about 15 minutes, he started tossing and turning, and I was so bone-dead tired, I just didn’t have the energy to get up, and sit with him until he fell asleep.  So I let him toss around on me, and got about 10 minutes of sleep all night.

Needless to say, it has been a fun few nights at my house. On top of that I am trying to get over this junk too.  It is odd when you stay at home, and you are only around your kids all day, you never really think that you are sick.  You still have to get up, make them their food, play with them, take care of them, etc. They don’t care if you have a cold, life must go on.

I have the same little nagging, hacking, annoying cough now too.  This afternoon at work, after listening to me cough all day, my boss told me that I sounded awful, and I should go home and take care of myself!  I immediately told her I felt fine- I just had this cough.  It was like an instant reaction to state that I wasn’t sick.

Then I started thinking, that she was right. I didn’t feel that great, and this cough and cold is wearing me down.  She told me not to come in tomorrow, so I’m going to accept her offer, not go in, and rest.  I’ll see if I feel better by the weekend and maybe go in on Saturday for a few hours to catch up.

It really is ironic for me anyway, that as much effort, thought, and worry I put into my boys’ health, it is so hard for me to think of my own health in the same way.  I’m glad there was someone today that reminded me that it is okay to take a break and rest when I’m not well.

So if I don’t blog for the next few days, you know I am resting…well, at least as much as I can with one active three-year old, and one sick toddler.  🙂

Breastfeeding Mothering

The Hooter Hider

One of my friends mentioned today that she was watching The View, and they were reviewing baby products.  One of the products they had was called Hooter Hider.

She described it as a piece of cloth that you put over your head, and it does what just it says, for nursing out in public.  Not having seen the Hooter Hider yet, I replied that I thought it was the worse name ever for a product, and it sounded like it would just scream, “HEY LOOK AT ME!  I’M NURSING- THE HOOTERS ARE COMING OUT!”

I decided to look it up, and here is an actual picture of the Hooter Hider-


I have to admit, that it does look more fashionable than I first thought.  However, nursing in public never bothered me, and until I got the hang of it, I just used a blanket.

This product kind of bugs me, because it perpetuates the message our society that breasts should be covered up while nursing, and babies nursing shouldn’t be seen.  If every nursing mother could just nurse without having to feel ashamed or made to feel like they have to cover up, I think that would do wonders to make breastfeeding in public acceptable.  It is what breasts are for, after all

I also wonder how much a baby would like it- both my boys hated to be covered up with a blanket and wanted their heads uncovered.

On the other hand, this product seems kind of cool too.  First off all, it looks like it would stay on really well, when a blanket would slide off, and it seems like you are always struggling with a blanket, or the baby is fighting it.

Second, it looks perfect if you want to nurse while having your baby in carrier, like a Baby Bjorn.  It looks like it would let you nurse, and still walk around. 

It might be nice in cooler weather, if you were walking with your baby, then the baby might like to be covered up while nursing.

My final decision is, even though I wouldn’t use it, I think it could be good tool to help some nursing mothers feel more confident, or less conspicuous while nursing in public.  If this can help a mother nurse her baby while out in public, instead of supplementing with formula, then I think that is a good thing. 

In the end, breast-milk is the absolute best food for babies, and if this helps a mother supply that for her baby, I’m all for it. 

I have been in those situations (haven’t we all?) where you need, or want to nurse, and it is just an awkward time, or your shirt isn’t long enough, etc.  Instead of having an upset, hungry baby, this could help ward off those situations that can add stress to a nursing mother.

Finally if you are a nursing mother, you have nothing to hide.  Babies deserve to be breastfed, and you have a right to do that.  Don’t feel like you have to cover-up to make others comfortable, unless YOU want to, and it makes YOU feel more confident. 

In the end though, whether you cover up or not, we should all feel very proud that we are nursing our babies!

Activities Cole Family & Friends Health Parenting Ryan

Harvest Picnic & Sick Again!

Today we went to a Harvest picnic that Joe’s boss was having at a park.  It was a great day for a picnic- it was warm, so warm, I thought about wearing shorts, but in the end wore a pair of capri pants and a short sleeved shirt.  I actually got a little sunburn on my arm. 

There were about 40 of Joe’s colleagues and co-workers, who all work under his boss, and lots of kids.  The people who organized it, did a great job.  They had some really fun games for the kids, prizes, and pumpkins for all the kids.  One game, they were going to play musical chairs, but they had some orange pumpkin place-mats instead.  They wanted the kids to dance around, and when the music stopped, find a place-mat.  Well, the laptop that was supposed to play the music wasn’t working, so they improvised and started a huge game of duck, duck, goose instead.

There were about 10 adults and 15 kids in the huge circle, and Ryan loved the game!  He kept jumping up and running around in the circle, when anyone got up to run.  Finally, someone named him the goose, and he got up, ran around, cut through the circle, and threw himself at the feet of the man who he was chasing, and the guy nearly fell over.  It was a riot- it looked like Ryan was doing a football move or something.  🙂

Ryan was also delighted to find out one of Joe’s co-workers could sing all the songs to the Music Man.  His eyes lit up when she started singing the songs.  I think he found a friend for life there.

Cole did great as well.  He walked around, smiled at people, batted his eyes at everyone, and even got on the small kid playground equipment and climbed up and down. He is in this really cute phase when he gets shy he looks down at the ground, but then will lift his eyes up slightly, and give a little half smile.  It is adorable.  He had all the women, playing right into this.  I think we are going to have a little heart-breaker on our hands. 

When we got home, Cole took a nap and woke up with a fever and the terrible congestion, raspy voice that Ryan had earlier this week.  I thought Ryan had caught Cole’s cold, but it seems like Ryan had another cold (which he is still getting over), and now passed that to Cole.  Ryan had terrible hallucinations with this, when his fever was so high, so I am hoping we can keep Cole’s fever down tonight, so he doesn’t experience this, and so he can sleep.  Ryan was so delirious, he would sleep for 45 minutes and then wake up- it went on like that for two nights!

Our weather is supposed to turn cold tomorrow, with maybe some snow.  I hope Cole sleeps tonight, and Ryan keeps improving.  Joe and I are going to make some green chili stew, (recipe from my dad), and try to have a day where the boys just rest.  No activities. 

We did have a nice day- what a nice and fun way to welcome autumn.

Activities Cole Current Events Health Ryan Work

A Sick Weekend & Go Rockies!

Cole came down with a cold last week, and by this weekend, Joe, Ryan, and myself had it too.  Joe seems to get over colds in a day or two, but I always get them for a week. 

My sore throat is gone, but now I have laryngitis and a cough.  Ryan has a stuffy, running nose, and a little cough.  Cole still has a runny nose.  Joe has a runny nose.

I am sure Joe will be feeling better today, but I am still not feeling 100%.  Of course, I have a lot of work I am trying to do- my clients month-end, and quarter-end books, work from my job that I can do from home, and trying to take care of the boys too. 

I usually do all my job and work stuff at night, but Joe and I have become very involved in the baseball playoffs- mainly watching the Colorado Rockies; their incredible winning streak and play.  I am not that big of a baseball fan, but I grew up watching the Chicago Cubs, because my brother was a fan.  I haven’t been to a baseball game in a few years, but watching the Rockies is so much fun! They are just doing great!  So needless to say, I have been playing “hooky” from work.  Hopefully, they will sweep the Diamondbacks tonight, and I can get caught up before the World Series starts! 

In other news, I started working a half day on Thursdays and leaving the boys with a wonderful daycare provider that was referred to me.  She only takes “part-time” kids, and the boys love her!  Ryan keeps asking if he can go back to her house.  I’ll probably write another posting about this subject soon.

Fall has arrived- we had cool temperatures over the weekend, and lots of fog and rain.  With all of us being sick, and the boys not being able to go outside, we all had a major case of cabin fever!  On Saturday we ventured outside to get some lunch at a somewhat healthier fast food chain, that has a really nice indoor playground.  The boys loved that!  Then we took a drive to a town we are thinking about moving to, to see if there were any new houses for sale.

On our way out to the restaurant, we did a “drive-by” on another house, just a few blocks away from where we are now, that a friend told us about that was for sale. The outside looked really nice and the yard was a decent size, and it was in a nice neighborhood- one that I didn’t even realize was so close to us.

We called the realtor and looked at it yesterday, but the inside needed some work, and the kitchen was too small.  This weekend really got to Joe and I- we need something bigger with these two, active boys! 

It seems like everytime we start to get serious about moving, something happens and we have to wait, or postpone our new house search.  So, we aren’t really looking- just checking out the market.  🙂

Go Rockies!

Cooking Current Events Health

Thoughts on Organic Food

I have been reading a lot lately about organic food, and healthy cooking options.  Crunchy Domestic Goddess also just wrote a blog post about this topic, and after leaving a comment on her blog about it, it got me thinking.

We have always tried to eat healthy and have sweets and “junk” food in moderation.  When I was growing up, it was a cold day- you know where- if we got candy, or any sweets.  My mother was a health-nut.  I can honestly say, I have NEVER had a Twinkie in my life.  When my siblings and I got to high school, we “rebelled.”  Suddenly we could go off campus to eat lunch at McDonald’s, buy junk food at the school store, or even buy a Coke in the vending machine.

Before I got pregnant for the first time, I became very interested in nutrition and healthy eating.  I knew I’d be trying to conceive and wanted to get my body ready and be able to provide excellent nutrition for my growing baby.  When I was pregnant with both boys, I tried to eat the healthiest I ever have.  If there is one time to eat organic whenever you can, growing a new human in you is the time.  I figured I only got one chance to nourish my babies while in-utero.  Not to say, I didn’t have the cravings for ice cream, and some junk food, but I tried not to go overboard.

Now as a mother, of two young children, of course I want them to eat healthy and to make smart choices for themselves as well.  I don’t think taking the hard never-have-a-piece-of-candy- line that my mom did is the right choice for us.  I know she believed she was doing what she thought was right for us, but at times my siblings and I were like sugar junkies- anytime someone offered us some sugar, we HAD to have it, because we never, never, got it at home. 

Obviously I don’t want to go the other way, where Ryan and Cole eat a lot of sugar or junk food.  So, we are trying to teach junk food in moderation.  Yes, it is okay to have an oatmeal cookie that I baked, but only after dinner is eaten which consisted of either a fruit or vegetable.  They also have fruit and veggies at every meal.  Not to say they eat all of them every time, but they usually will manage to eat some of it.  They love strawberries, so anytime I serve those, I know they will gobble them up.

I try to buy organic produce, dairy, and other organic natural products when I can.  I believe children’s bodies are more susceptible to chemicals, and I don’t want to just give them food laced with chemicals and preservatives if options exist where we don’t have to. 

However, it is becoming frustrating, because it seems like it is no longer “acceptable” to just buy organic.  I was just reading an article in Better Nutrition, called True Spirit of Organics, which said this:

“But opponents object to large-scale farming and the potential softening of organic standards that they fear may follow in the wake of Wal-Mart’s organic crusade.

“It all depends on your perspective,” says Bob Scowcroft, executive director of the Organic Farming Research Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in Santa Cruz, Calif. “If you’re an environmental activist, you might say ‘What’s wrong with a 10,000-acre operation going organic? You’ve just removed tons of pesticides from the environment.’ If you’re a family farmer who’s struggled for 20 years, and suddenly your highly valued apple is being underpriced by superstores, you’ll be concerned.”

On the other hand, while large-scale organic farms follow the letter of the law, they may stray from the original ideals of organic farming. Critics point out that the spirit of organics includes a philosophy of food production that promotes ethical treatment of workers and livestock, emphasizes locally grown produce (thereby reducing the amount of fuel required for transportation), and supports small farms.”

What is a consumer to do?  Support lower organic prices, so more people can benefit, or support the organic farmer by buying higher priced organics?  It just doesn’t seem like you can win. If you mention that you eat organic food to group A, they will think it is great.  It seems like the tide is moving in the direction though, if you mention that you buy organic food at Wal-Mart- not so great. 

I am all for fair treatment of workers, animals and for fair prices.  I also am concerned with the environment, but it seems like we are constantly being bombarded that we have to not only be concerned with what our families are eating, but how the land is being used, how the animals are being treated, and how the workers working on the farm are being treated. I mean if you take all of this as seriously as the outlets that put it out, it would hard to eat food from anywhere, without paying an outrageous amount of money, or only being able to eat a few local items that are in season, if you could find a farmer selling them.   

I have yet to see an article that criticizes Super Target, or Costco for carrying organic food.  Surely these companies aren’t going down the road either to buy all their organics from Farmer Bob in their communities.  I saw an article about a year ago on MSN called, The Dark Secrets of Whole Foods, which highlighted among other things, that Whole Foods, doesn’t buy the majority of their organic produce from local farmers, even though they have pictures of local farmers holding produce in their stores. A quote from a small family farmer in Connecticut from this story said,

     “Almost all the organic food in this country comes out of California. And five or six big California farms dominate the whole industry.”

At the time this story was written the reporter noticed that the only local produce in a New York Whole Foods, was a shelf of apples, but all the local farmer produce banners were up. 

Why all the criticism then when Wal-Mart brings organic food in?  It seems like it should be a good thing because one, they are lowering the prices on healthier food for people who might not be able to afford it otherwise, and two, more farm land is being converted and used to grow organic, which is better for the environment. 

It just seems weird that we are being told that buying organics from Superstores, isn’t acceptable, when it doesn’t seem like ANY store- Wal-Mart, Costco, or Whole Foods buys the majority of their organics from local farmers either. 

I think it is somewhat hypocritical to try to push the local produce aspect on consumers, when the stores themselves aren’t buying local.  It also makes me wonder how this can be regulated somewhat, so if consumers do choose to support their local farmers they can be assured the produce they are buying really is local.

The article on Whole Foods  also made a good point when it asked if you live in New York, is it better to buy tomatoes that aren’t organic that come from New Jersey, because the damage done to the environment is less when you factor in fuel, and transportation factors, or to buy organic tomatoes from Chile, where there has been a substantial amount of energy loss and environmental damage involved in them being shipped to New York?

I have decided that eating any food without chemicals is better for my family.  I try to buy my state’s local organic products first, but if they don’t have them, I have always been a bargain hunter, so if I see organics for less at Costco, versus my local health food store (which I love, and no, it isn’t Whole Foods), I will more than likely buy it at Costco.   

In the end, I think all consumers can do is do what they feel is best for their families health and budget.  But, I don’t think anyone should feel bad, or guilty if they can’t or choose not to buy organic.  After all, it may not even be local, and could be more harmful to the environment than the local conventional food in their stores.