Current Events Health

Melamine in US Infant Formula- UPDATE

In a previous post, I wrote that trace amounts of melamine had been found in US infant formula.  Melamine is the same harmful chemical that was found in Chinese infant formula, which killed three babies, and sickened as many as 50,000.

Last month, the FDA said they were unable to determine any level of melamine exposure that is safe. But on Friday, they determined that threshold of 1 part per million of melamine in formula is safe, provided a related chemical is not present. This conclusion was drawn with no new studies done, and with only 74 samples being tested.

Melamine becomes harmful when combined with Cyanuric acid.  I wonder if the FDA knows that cyanuric acid is a byproduct of melamine, which means there is a good chance the two chemicals will be found together.  Yet, the FDA insists formula is safe.  When members of Congress and the Illinois attorney general, demanded a national recall of formula,  the FDA said it made no sense because there was no evidence the formula would be harmful for babies at the level of contamination found.   

From an AP article on this issue: A scientist for a national consumer group said it was irresponsible of FDA to assure the public that infant formula is safe based on tests of only 74 samples, especially since cyanuric acid is a byproduct of melamine, making it likely that they will be found together.

“This is a slippery slope of rationalization by FDA,” said Urvashi Rangan, a senior scientist with the Consumers Union in New York. “FDA needs to get a handle on how widespread the problem is and, most important, if both these chemicals are occurring in any products. They just haven’t tested enough to know that yet.”

The 1 part per million that the FDA has said is safe, is the same standard public health officials have set in Canada and China, but it is 20 times higher than the most stringent level in Taiwan.

On Wednesday, the FDA posted these results on melamine found in US infant formula producers: Mead Johnson’s Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron found melamine at levels of 0.137 and 0.14 parts per million. Three tests of Nestle’s Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron detected an average of 0.247 parts per million of cyanuric acid.

The third major formula maker – Abbott Laboratories, whose brands include Similac – told AP that in-house tests had detected trace levels of melamine in its infant formula. Those levels were below what FDA found in the other formulas, an Abbott spokesman said, and below any national safety guidelines.

This seems totally irresponsible of the FDA.  They are completely ignoring the risks that melamine can post to infants. Babies have underdeveloped systems, and there are not enough studies that have been done to determine what levels any exposure to melamine can pose to a baby.  What about babies who are born pre-mature, or may be sick-what affect does exposure to melamine have on these babies?  What are the long-term risks to babies who are exposed daily to melamine?  What steps and quality control issues are formula companies taking to assure parents their formulas are safe, and will not have any melamine in them?

Sadly, it seems like this declaration from the FDA creates more questions than answers.  Jenna, a mother of an infant who is fed Similac from Abbott Laboratories, received this letter from Abbott, in response to her concerns about her baby’s formula:

Hello Jenna,

Thank you for contacting Abbott Nutrition.

Abbott infant formulas are completely safe and we stand behind them.

Melamine is not an ingredient or additive in our formula.

The type of melamine found in trace amounts in infant formula is
approved for food contact and is used in all sorts of food packaging
including some infant formula containers. These trace amounts of
melamine have not been shown to cause health problems.

By contrast, the tainted milk in China that caused children to become
sick was due to intentional adulteration.  That is, unscrupulous farmers
and milk producers deliberately contaminated their milk with melamine in
order to cheat on quality tests.  That situation is entirely different
from what we have found in the United States.  The Chinese milk that
made babies sick contained up to 10,000 times the amount of melamine
that has been found here in the US.

Out of an abundance of caution, we confirmed that no milk or milk
proteins that we use come from China. For extra safety precautions,
Abbott Nutrition conducted extensive testing of all our ingredients to
confirm no presence of melamine in the ingredients used to make our
infant formulas. There was no melamine detected in our powdered or
liquid formulas over the standard 1 part per million.

Dr. Stephen Sundlof, director of FDA’s Center for Food Safety and
Applied Nutrition stated “[moms] should not be changing the diet. If
they’ve been feeding a particular product, they should continue to feed
that product.  That’s in the best interest of the baby.”

We are committed to meeting and exceeding your expectations for the
formula that helps your child grow strong and healthy.

Kind regards,

Consumer Relations
Abbott Nutrition

This letter doesn’t answer HOW Abbott is going to ensure no melamine will be found in their formula.  I don’t use formula, but I did not find this letter, nor the response from the FDA reassuring or informative at all.  It seems like a scramble to get some type of reassurance out to parents (whether it is true or not) and a case of CYA at best. 

Just because the FDA says an amount of a harmful and toxic chemical is “safe” it doesn’t mean it is good for you.  I could accidently swallow a “safe” amount of bleach, or gasoline.  It doesn’t mean that I won’t have any side affects, or that it won’t harm me.

Babies are the most vulnerable, and it does not seem logical that the FDA would be so quick to assure parents exposure to melamine won’t harm their babies.  I find it very interesting that the FDA accepted the levels of melamine found in the US formulas as the safe level.  Why not err on the side of caution and adapt the most stringent level of “safe” melamine, like Taiwan has done?

I posted in my last post, the contact information to the formula companies, and it may be worth it to contact your local Congress representatives, and your state’s attorney general.  In addition, if you wish to contact the FDA, here is their contact information:

FDA Comment (food section-you have to hit the link on this page in the second paragraph which says to leave a comment):

Little Pumpkin Sweet Pea Designs Shopping

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Shopping Deals

I do more and more shopping online these days, and have found some really good bargains.  Not to mention, no crowded malls, fighting for a parking space, and no kiddie meltdowns.

I have put together some of the deals business owners of online shops are having for Black Friday and Cyber Monday (the Monday after Thanksgiving).  Some of these store owners I know from Twitter, and they have beautiful and creative items in their stores.  If you are thinking of shopping online, check out the deals they have.  You will probably find that perfect and unique gift, and save money at the same time. 

Ambajam– (a sponsor of A Mama’s Blog as well!)-Baby clothes, hip & cute onesies, baby blankets, quilts, and more. I love these adorable Mini Cuddle-up Baby Blankets.  Ambajam is offering 25% off the ENTIRE collection, Black Friday weekend: Friday-Sunday. Use promo code: BF25

Kajeet Phones-This is a mobile phone service w/parental controls that kids will still really like.  The phones have a GPS locator, no contracts or termination fees, and parental controls to help parents control how much money is spent, what times the phone can or cannot be used, and who can or cannot text your child.  Janie, one of members of the Kajeet Mom Team is having a special that starts on Thursday for an additional  15% off the cost of the Kajeet phone (which is already on sale), when you sign up through her blog here.  If you sign up and leave her a comment or e-mail her at: scarytwins [at] yahoo [dot] com, she will give you a promo code to save an extra $10 when the phone is activated. 

Land of Nod– I love this quirky children’s store.  Think Pottery Barn kids, but a little more funky. They have Classic Toys, Wooden Toys, Kitchen & Grocery Toys, Stocking Stuffers, Toys for Baby, gifts specific for Hanukkah and more!  They are offering FREE SHIPPING on ANY order (excludes furniture), through Monday, December 1st.  Use promo code: PRESENTS.  You can click on the widget below to start shopping.

Free Shipping at The Land of Nod with Promo Code:

Lovebug Clothing Company– Children’s and maternity boutique specializing in designer baby clothes, children’s clothing, and maternity apparel.  They also have organic baby clothes, and eco-concious kid clothes.  Lovebug Clothing is offering FREE SHIPPING through November 30th, and 20% off your first order.  Use promo code: FIRST.

Mabel’s Labels Is preparing for their first sale ever.  On Cyber Monday, labels will be 50% off!

MyChelle DermaceuticalsFor one day ONLY, Friday November 28th, their ENTIRE line is 20% off. This is the only skin care line I have been using, and this is an excellent deal.  MyChelle’s products are always free from phthalates, parabens, propylene glycol, ureas, EDTA, fragrances, encapulated nano particles, and artificial colors.  Their products actually work, and do what they say they will.  They are made in Frisco, CO and are great for skin in dry climates.  I have super sensitive and dry skin, and after using the Honeydew Cleanser, and Deep Repair Cream, my skin feels like butter.  This is the best skin care line I have ever used, and they have so many wonderful products- from the honeydew cleanser (my favorite) to their incredible pumpkin peel– I just can’t say enough wonderful things about their products.  Any item from MyChelle would make a wonderful gift, or a treat for you.  Don’t miss this special one day sale!

T-Shirt Site wide sale on novelty T-shirts.  ALL shirts are $12 or less!  Designs include House M.D, The Office, and Green Designs.  The sale starts at midnight, Thursday (Thanksgiving Day,) and ends December 1st. 

Tyme2dream– Thyme2dream had beautiful handmade and unique fantasy jewellery through their Etsy shop.  You can find delightful necklaces, toys-such as this unique Ballerina Fairy Magic Wand, and more. Tyme2dream is offering FREE SHIPPING with the purchase of any three items, and this includes international shipping.

Little Pumpkin Sweet Pea Designs– (shameless plug) This my Cafe Press store, and I offer stylish, fun, and trendy designs for baby, children, women, and maternity.  I also offer breastfeeding and birth designs, and designs for Dad, Grandpa, and Grandma.  One of my best selling items, which is a very unique gift, is this design available for onesies, kids shirts, hats, and adult shirts, “My Grandpa (or Dad) Can Fix Anything“. I also carry bibs and bumper stickers.  Since Cafe Press is in charge of what specials they have, I am not sure if there are any Black Friday specials, but I keep my prices low every day.  I am sure you can find a cute shirt or bib for your child, or that perfect maternity shirt for your friend at a reasonable price. 

I hope this guide helps you find that perfect gift on your list.  Have fun shopping from the comfort of home, and I’d love to hear if you end up finding a gift, and which one it was, from this post.  Please leave me a comment if you do.  Happy Shopping!

Current Events Health

Melamine Found in United States Infant Formula

Melamine, the harmful chemical found in Chinese infant formula, that killed at least 3 babies and made as many as 50,000 sick, has been detected in trace amounts in infant formula sold in the United States.

The FDA says it found traces of melamine in samples of the top-selling infant formula, but the amounts found no pose no danger.  However, the FDA said just last month that they are unable to determine any level of melamine exposure that is safe. 

As a mother, I wonder how the FDA can make this statement, since scientists have said they have not had enough time to determine how the melamine could affect infant’s kidneys, and bladders, which are not fully developed. 

Melamine can bind with other chemicals in the urine, to potentially form kidney and bladder stones, and in some cases, cause kidney failure.

There have been no reports of any ill infants in the United States.  It does seem to be cause for concern though.  According to Wikipedia, melamine is described as as being “Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Chronic exposure may cause cancer or reproductive damage. Eye, skin and respiratory irritant.”  It is also an irritant when inhaled or in contact with the skin and the eyes. 

Wikipedia  cites a study in which “a toxicology study conducted after recalls of contaminated pet food concluded that the combination of melamine and cyanuric acid in diet does lead to acute renal failure in cats.”

Melamine has been found by the top producers of infant formula, in the United States- Abbott Laboratories, Nestle and Mead Johnson.  These three companies manufacture more than 90 percent of all infant formula produced in the United States, according to the Associated Press.  The AP says a third major formula maker told them that their in-house tests had also detected trace amount of melamine.

The AP story on this, gives examples on how melamine could have ended up in formula- one way is melamine is contained in a cleaning solution used on some food processing equipment and can leach into the products being prepared.

No matter how melamine has ended up in infant formula, it is outrageous and unacceptable.  Melamine clearly can pose a threat, to adults-not to mention babies whose organs are underdeveloped.  Not only can no one say what a “safe” level of exposure is, it appears the only safe level is none at all.  Not to mention what chronic exposure, even at a “safe” or “low level”can do long term, to a baby.

Parents who chose or have to use formula trust these companies to make sure their product is safe.  Clearly this gives parents cause for concern, and the makers of formula need to take immediate steps to assure NO amount of melamine is present in formula.

What parent would knowingly risk exposing their baby to a harmful chemical like this?  Most parents go out of their way to make sure their babies do not come in contact with harmful chemicals. Formula is not cheap, and some parents pay premium prices for it,  And yet-through no fault of their own- parents have been exposing their babies to melamine, because the formula companies they have trusted to provide safe formula, has failed them.

Take a moment and let these formula companies know how you feel about even small traces of melamine in their formula. Here is the contact information for the three biggest formula producers in the United States:

Abbot Labortories: E-mail Link: or Phone: 1-800-232-7677 (M-F 8-5, Central Time)

Nestle: E-mail Link:

Mead Johnson (Efamil): E-mail Link:  or Phone: 1-800-Baby123 M-F 7am-7pm, & 8-4:30, Saturday, Central Time

Mead Johnson World Headquarters: Phone: 1-800-429-5000, M-F 7:30-4 Central Time

Cross posted on BlogHer

Cole Holidays Ryan

Santa’s Helper

I have been asking the boys what they would like Santa to bring them for Christmas for about a month now. It seems like they always change their minds, so I wanted to make sure I got the same answer a few times before Santa works his magic.

Ryan has been asking for a cement truck since July.  He has not changed his mind at all.  He said it had to have stripes on it, and he said this was his truck when he saw the Bruder truck in a toy catalog:

Cole kept asking for a dump truck. I’m not sure if Ryan Santa’s Helper put that bug in his ear or not, but when I pointed out to Cole that we already had a dump truck, he stopped asking for one.  Cole points out backhoes, every time he sees one and I asked him if he would like Santa to bring him a backhoe.  He seemed more excited at that prospect.  He hasn’t changed his mind in a few weeks.

I took them to the the toy store the other day to look around, and I think Cole died and went to heaven, when he saw, a backhoe on a flatbed truck.  He had that look like he just couldn’t believe something like that even exsisted.  As a mother of two boys, I do have to say, it is pretty cool. 

I told them we’d write letters to Santa in a few days. Today I was upstairs getting ready to go to the grocery store and I heard this exchange between the boys:

Ryan: What Cole, I don’t understand you?

Cole: (something that sounded like this:) Bahhoe on flaaaaatbhed.

Ryan: Oh, you want a backhoe on the flatbed truck?

Cole: Yes.

Ryan: Okay, Cole.  I’ll tell Santa for you that is what you want.  I’ll find Santa’s phone number and call him for you.

Cole: Okay Ryan, thank you.

It is so cute to hear how excited the boys are for Christmas, and thanks to the Santa’s helper I have in the house, I realized my little Cole has his heart set on that backhoe and truck now.  I ordered them both tonight to ensure Santa comes through. 

We have bought a few Bruder toys before and they are wonderful for boys.  They are so durable and they are made in Germany.  Germany has one of the toughest toy standards in the world, so you don’t have to worry about any funky or toxic chemicals on them.

I found both items in stock at  It was my first time shopping with them, and their prices were great. They were considerably lower than other sites I had checked.  I was able to take advantage of free shipping as well.  If you are buying toys online, check them out.

Now I think I am as excited as Ryan and Cole, to see their reactions on Christmas morning.  🙂

Activities Household

The Paint Color Saga Continues

As I have written before, I have had a terrible time trying to figure out what colors to paint the master bedroom in our new house.  The interior designer/paint color consultant helped us originally to settle on a sage green and beige color pallet. We wanted to paint three of the walls one color-the sage, and then the wall behind the bed, the beige color. 

As I thought more and more about it, I concluded that we would not like the sage green color- it looked too much like fake mint chocolate chip ice cream (real mint chocolate chip ice cream is NOT green colored-it’s white. ) So I ditched that color pallet, and I started the search for new colors.

I found this color, I really liked:

 Beacon Gray by Benjamin Moore

I thought it would be a cinch to find a taupe/beige/tan accent color to bring out the oak window sills, door, and baseboards in the room, as well to match our medium stained pine bed. 

I started posting this color on Twitter, and interior designers, and painters started telling me matching grays to beiges was REALLY hard- unless the shade was right on they said, the beige usually made the gray stand out too much.  One of my Twitter pals, and former mural painter, told me to look for a yellow based beige- she said that would highlight the gray, without overpowering it. 

By this time, I was completely consumed and obsessed with finding that perfect shade, which would just tie the room together, achieving bedroom Nirvana.

I spent half an hour in the paint store, looking through the beiges, tans, and taupes, and ended up with probably 50 different paint color swatches.  I held them up to my bed first, and then the ones that didn’t look good next to the bed, I eliminated.  Then I held the remaining colors up to the Beacon Gray sample, and if it looked good, I kept it, if not, it was eliminated.  Then I held the remaining swatches- about 30 up to the bed AND the Beacon Gray sample.  By now, I was thinking  I was in a bad reality paint picking paint show. 

After taking numerous breaks, to keep my eyes and view “fresh,” I finally was down to 10 colors, then 5, then 2, and then the ONE! It was this:

 French Manicure by Benjamin Moore

I was so happy-the search was over. The next day, I rushed to the paint store to get the sample of it, just to make absolutely sure.  My plan was to paint the three walls in the gray, and still have the accent color be painted on the wall, behind where our bed would go.

I rushed out to the house, to paint my sample.  As it dried, I realized it was NOT the ONE.  It was too peachy.  It looked like that flesh color you always wanted out of the Crayola Crayon box, to color the people in your coloring books with. 

So back to the old drawing board.  I called the consultant who originally helped us, and told her what was happening. She gave me only 3 accent colors to choose from, that would match the Beacon Gray.  After yet another trip to the paint store, to find these colors, it was pretty easy to choose this one:

 Hepplewhite Ivory by Benjamin Moore

This really, truly, was the ONE. Even a professional said so. 

On Saturday Joe started to paint our bedroom, and the Hepplewhite Ivory was gorgeous.  I LOVED it.  It seems more yellow on the wall, but not a juvenile yellow- just a rich, creamy, yellow- not too gold, not too light.  It looked wonderful already next to the oak wood in the room.

I was leaving with the boys, as Joe started to paint, and when he got home four hours later, he was mad!  He had painted two of the walls in the Hepplewhite Ivory.  We had decided to do two walls in that, and two walls in the gray. He pained one wall in the gray, and said it looked awful. 

I wanted to see, so even though it was 9 PM, I drove out to the house to see for myself.  This couldn’t be happening!

Joe was right- the colors by themselves were pretty, but the Hepplewhite Ivory next to the Beacon Gray, made the room look like a circus room- it looks like the colors you would chose for a nursery- not a master bedroom.

I loved the Beacon Gray, but I loved the Hepplewhite Ivory more- Beacon Gray was not meant to be.  So I said good-bye to it, and drove home.  Joe had said he thought the room should just be the ivory color, and I told him I agreed.  It really will look better with the wood in the room, and we can always add pillows or curtains to the room, if we want to add in more color.

I am hoping this concludes the master bedroom paint problems.  I really do love the Hepplewhite Ivory- it is a great warm and inviting color- perfect for a master bedroom.  No matter what it will look better than how the room looked originally:


Yes, those are pink walls! (you can click on the pictures to see them larger-if you dare!)  I can’t wait to post the ‘after’ pictures.  Stay tuned, and thanks for reading this long post about paint!  It is probably less exciting than watching paint dry.  🙂