Current Events

Why Hasn’t Blagojevich Resigned?

By now I’m am sure almost everyone has heard the story behind Democratic Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich’s arrest for corruption for among other things, trying to sell Obama’s vacated Senate seat to the highest bidder. 

The entire country is outraged at this- even the people of Illinois, where corrupt politicians are nothing new.  It certainly seems that Blago has brought a new all-time low to politics.  After reading more on the charges against him, the only word that came to mind for him is ‘thug.’  Who else but a thug would threaten to pull a grant from a children’s hospital if the hospital didn’t donate $50,000 to a political campaign?

It seems like Blago would not have been able to resign fast enough after his arrest, but it doesn’t appear he is going to.  ABC News is reporting that Blago has better things to do than worry about calls for his resignation.  They report he is upbeat and positive.  Blago is continuing with his duties, even signing an autism bill on Friday, as if these allegations against him do not matter.  Seems like strange behavior from a man whom the federal government arrested, and has a 78 page complaint against.

Here is my take on why Blago is so upbeat and positive, and has not resigned.  He knows WHOM he was talking to on all of those recordings the FBI has of him.  He knows those other voices he was talking to were probably recorded as well.  My guess he has a lot of dirt on a lot of people. 

I think Blago is probably more in the driver’s seat right now than many realize.  If Blago is forced to resign- he starts talking, starts naming names, and taking people down with him-perhaps even someone in our President-elect’s office, which could very likely lead right back to Obama himself.  There is a lot of speculation right now who Blago was talking with- the only people who know for sure: Blago, the other parties, and possibly the FBI. 

Quite frankly, Blago probably has a lot to be upbeat and positive about. He is not going to go down by himself.  A thug never goes down without taking others down with him, and he probably has the means to do just this.  Blago can name names- that is one thing.  If he can prove it, that takes the stakes up a notch. If he has a name in the President-elect’s office, well- that would be just as big, or a bigger scandal than Blago’s.  What better way to take the attention off of yourself. 

Blago certainly is acting like he doesn’t have a care in the world-and not as a man who is going to resign.  If Blago has information that could be damaging to other politicians and officials, and I think he does, I’d say he has ’em right where he wants ’em.  And that is why he hasn’t resigned.  This should be very interesting to see how it plays out.

UPDATE: I just came across a blog post on American Thinker on why Blagojevich should not resign– if you are interested in all of this, check out this post from a Cornell Law Professor.

Activities Cooking Family & Friends Holidays

Cookie Time & Toffee Recipe

One of my favorite parties during the holidays is my sister’s annual cookie exchange I attend every year. I wrote about how the exchange has evolved over the years,  last year in  Cookies, Cookies, and more Cookies

Last Saturday was the exchange, and I was a bit sad.  I usually try to make a really special cookie, because I just don’t bake that many cookies during the year.  Having an extra special cookie to give as a gift during the holidays motivates me try something new every year.  However, I just didn’t have time with us trying to move.

So I stuck to my old standby- toffee.  I made cookie sheet, after cookie sheet of it all week.  It is the easiest recipe to make, and it is the most delicious toffee- it is very addictive- so don’t say I didn’t warn you.  I normally don’t give the recipe out, but consider this an early Christmas present from me to you.  🙂  Enjoy!

Fool’s Toffee

36 saltines (can also use graham crackers)

1 cup butter

1 cup packed dark brown sugar

11 oz. milk chocolate chips

1/2 cup of chopped pecans, almonds, or walnuts (Optional)


Preheat oven to 375.

Line a cookie sheet with foil.  Butter or use Pam on the foil (I spray the foil with Pam). 

Spread crackers out on foil, filling cookie sheet. 

Melt butter and brown sugar on medium-high heat.  Bring to a boil, stiring occasionally,and boil for 4 minutes. 

Spread butter and sugar mixture over crackers evenly.

Cook in oven for 5 minutes. 

Immediately sprinkle chocolate chips on top.  Allow them to soften (about 5-7 minutes) and then spread evenly over top. 

Top with chopped nuts if desired. 

Place in refrigerator until cooled.  Then break into bite sized pieces. 

Can be stored in an air tight container in the fridge for up to two weeks.


Here is a picture of all the wonderful friends at the party (I’m second to the right, standing up in the blue shirt, and my sister and my niece are second to the left standing up. My sister-in-law is to the right of my sister, in the brown sweater):




And here is a picture of all the final goodies:


Activities Holidays Household

New House- Before & After Pictures

I know these have been a long time coming, but I finally have some before and after pictures of our bedrooms in the new house.  I’ll post living room and dining room pictures when the floor is done.  Without any further delay:

Master bedroom BEFORE:


Master bedroom AFTER:


 (room is same color-this picture turned out really light though)

Boys’ Bedroom’s BEFORE:


Boys’ Bedroom’s AFTER:


Forgive me for not having the exact wall in some of the pictures.  You didn’t really expect me to remember which walls I took pictures of over a month ago, did you?  🙂

We are getting really close to being DONE.  Joe put in a new floor in the master bath this weekend, and he just has to put the in the wood floor in the living and dining rooms.  I need to clean the bathrooms, mop the floors, and clean the ceiling fan in our room.  Then we need to clean the windows, put our new window coverings up, pick up all our remodeling stuff, and that should be it. That puts us moving, oh, right before Christmas.

It has been really interesting trying to get Christmas stuff done, and explain to the boys every day that Santa will know where to find us. We haven’t exactly figured out if we will have our Christmas tree at the old or new house yet.  I guess it depends on where our beds are Christmas Eve.  This should be the busiest Christmas ever.  Once we are moved, then we get to clean our current place from top to bottom, and hopefully find a renter.  I hope the end is in sight. 

Current Events Holidays

Socks with no Holes for Christmas- UPDATE (& Call to Alex)

My sister is so grateful she has been receiving donations for her kids in her class- she wanted me to thank everyone who has been able to make a donation.  If you missed the original post, you can read it here

She asked me to put out a special call to Alex from Buckley Air Force Base.  She received your message, but she could not make out your number, so she can’t call you back.  She did catch that you heard about this on A Mama’s Blog.  She thanks you for calling her, and hopes you will call her back.  The number at the school is: 303.853.5716, and my sister is Mara Corzine.  Or you can e-mail me, with your contact information, and I’ll be sure she receives it.

My sister asked me if I would like to come along shopping next week with her, to pick out gifts for the kids, and of course I said YES!  I should be able to post pictures of all the donations and the gifts for the kids, and my sister will send pictures to me I can post once the kids receive the gifts.  The first picture she is going to take is of the little boy with his new socks.  🙂

Thank you again for all your generous donations.  This really is a highlight to know these kids are going to have Christmas gifts this year.

Current Events

What Defines a Recession?

I think this question is on most people’s minds these days.  On December 1, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), declared that we are, and it in fact started in December, 2007. 

You can read the entire report at the above link, but I thought it was interesting that the NBER does not use the definition of a recession that I learned defined a recession, which is a decline in a country’s gross domestic product (GDP), or negative real economic growth, for two or more successive quarters of a year.

The NBER report acknowledges at the end of their report in the FAQ’s, that “As of the date of the committee’s meeting, the economy had not yet experienced two consecutive quarters of decline.”  But they also point out that the recession in 2001, did not have two consecutive quarters of negative growth.  They say “Most of the recessions identified by our procedures do consist of two or more quarters of declining real GDP, but not all of them.”

I found a great blog post from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, which explains how and why it is important for economists to study a variety of factors to determine if there is a recession.  It points out it is very common to have quarterly declines in a recession, but it is still possible to have positive GDP too. They have a chart, which shows Real Gross Domestic Product: Level and Growth Rate for the last 40 years or so.  It shows overall, the GDP has followed a strong, upward trend, but the GDP does tend to dip or flatten out during a recession.

All this talk aside, there is no doubt to me that the economy has slowed in a variety of ways.  From the chart I mentioned above, it looks like there have been four recessions in my life-time, but I don’t remember much about three of them.  I was only a baby, a kid, and a teenager.  Money was tight in my family growing up, so I never noticed my parents spending or having a lot of money, and then having to cut back because of the recessions.  In the recession of 2001, I don’t remember any drastic changes we made-but it was a very short recession.

So this current economic downturn, is very concerning and interesting to me.  Notice that I have not used the word recession-yet.  I am still a bit unsure what actually defines a recession.  It seems there are different ways to define a recession depending on your perspective, background, and personal circumstances. 

I have not talked to one person who isn’t concerned about the economy, but aren’t most people always concerned with the economy more or less?  Jobs are another huge issue.  The company my husband works for started laying people off and downsizing about 18 months ago.  There is also the issue of the sub-prime mortgage failure that cost hundreds of thousands of jobs, and contributed in a major way to the economy we have right now.  The auto companies that are in trouble, have been downsizing, and laying workers off for years.  Perhaps these were all signs that a recession was coming, and the signs went unnoticed for the most part.

Every paper, or news report I read or hear, paints a very bad picture of our economy.  I am not denying that it is bad, but I also think some of these reports are a little premature.  Black Friday sales results were much higher then expected by these same media outlets.  The New York Times reports sales from Friday and Saturday were up nearly 2 percent from last year.  Internet sales were up 11.8 percent from last year.

This doesn’t mean everything is A-OK, but if we were in a deep recession as bad as the media says, would people be spending what little money they had on stuff? In my own town, I stopped into a Kohls on Friday, to get some sheets for Ryan’s twin bed.  The line for the registers started at the back of the store at the customer service counter!  I had never seen that many people in any store before. 

I looked at what they were buying- Nike shoes, stacks of sweaters, toys, housewares, Christmas ornaments- basically everything Kohls sells, people were buying.  They may have been looking for sales, but I had never seen a store this crowded, even when there was no talk of the economy being in a recession.

I have had friends living in Denver tell me they can’t get into the restaurants they want to go to on the weekends, because they are so crowded.  The sport team games in Denver are usually still sold out as well, and the tickets are not cheap.

If you are a regular blog reader of mine, you know we bought a different house in October, and have been fixing it up somewhat before we move in.  Every vendor we have called to have work done, has told me they are booked at least three to four weeks in advance.  We bought our carpet three weeks ago, and they are finally able to install it today.  Our painter told us at the beginning of November that his only opening would be after Thanksgiving.  There was one day, where the weather was cold, he was able to work us in, since he could not work outside.  A few of the co-workers at work are having some work done at their houses, and they also say it is hard to get someone who isn’t booked a few weeks in advance.  It seems like a lot of homeowners in my area, are having remodeling work done on their homes.

The New York Times ran this story a week ago, pointing out the only way mothers can afford Christmas presents for their kids is by depriving themselves of designer jeans!  Is this really the best example the New York Times could find on how the economic downturn is affecting families? 

The economy is struggling, and people are having to cut back on spending-my family included. But what are we cutting back on?  Designer jeans?  Gifts for adults at Christmas?  Only giving our children a few toys this year, or less expensive ones? Vacations? New home purchases? New cars?

It seems like there is some contradiction in what we are being told, and the actual reality that I see for the most part. Yes, there are impoverished people in every town, and in every state. That doesn’t go away, even when the economy thriving.  There is no doubt many have lost jobs and are trying to find new ones.

My family is watching our spending more than we have had to do-ever.  The times are uncertain, but at the same time we are trying to keep a positive attitude and keep in mind that economies do go through ups and downs.  We are trying not to get into a ‘gloom and doom’ frame of mind.  Considering all the bailouts, and other strains on the economy, it seems like things could be a lot worse. 

What do you think?  Do you think we are in a recession, or do you think the media is painting a bleaker picture in general than how things are?