Even though Halloween isn’t until Wednesday, we had our major outing on Saturday.
Our town has a Halloween parade, where all the kids can march down the Main St., for about 6 blocks. Two local high school bands also marched. Then the kids can go to the local businesses to trick-or-treat.
Ryan was a train engineer, and Cole was Big Bird. It was a cold morning, but I bundled the boys up under their costumes. Cole seemed a little overwhelemed, and ended up riding on Joe’s shoulders during most of the parade. Ryan wanted to ride in his wagon, except for when the bands were marching by- then he wanted to be right up there, watching them.
We went to a few stores and got a little candy, and some stickers. Ryan ate one lollipop and that was it. He didn’t even ask for any candy today, so we’ll count our blessings for another year.
A photographer from the local paper stopped us, and asked us what Cole’s name was, and how old he was. We had a feeling he would be in the paper today, and he was! It was a really cute picutre of Cole sitting on Joe’s shoulders, and Cole was yawning. I don’t have the photographer’s permission to use the picture here, but here are some pictures I took:
I have to work on Wednesday, and by the time I get off, and we eat, it is usually around 7 pm. Joe has to be in a town about 200 miles away on Wednesday, and won’t be home until later. So we’ll see if we venture out again on Halloween night. I hope everyone has a Happy and safe Halloween!
5 replies on “Happy Halloween”
cuties! 🙂
that’s cool that cole was in the paper. was it online too? seems like they usually do a slideshow of the parades, but i didn’t see one today.
btw, if you don’t know (and you probably do), you can buy a reprint of that picture if you want an actual photo from the paper. 🙂
They are adorable! I love the Big Bird costume.
Cole couldn’t be cuter! where did you get that costume? Any chance his cousin could borrow it next year??? 🙂
Hope you go out for a little bit tomorrow night: maybe to see grandma and grandpa? I’m sure they’d like a visit from the train conductor and BB!!
Maelin is having her first trick or treat tomorrow: we’re pretty excited. We’re taking her costume to daycare and then we’re going around the neighborhood to see how much candy Mommy and Daddy can get!
Happy Halloween!
p.s. I really want those pics for my computer: can you email them to me? I tried to copy them from your blog but it wouldn’t let me… 🙂
Too, too cute!