In a rare occurance, a Hollywood celebrity actually spoke against c-sections, and said she would not recommend having a c-section.
The celebrity: Tori Spelling. I admit I was surprised this came from her, but it is refreshing to hear someone from Hollywood not glamorize a c-section. She had an emergency c-section with her son, Liam, in March.
She talks to People about losing her baby weight, and her experience with her c-section. She said after the birth, she didn’t feel so great because of the c-section, and that made losing weight even harder. She goes on to say that, “there is a big myth in Hollywood that actresses get c-sections because they are easier, but if I did not have to have one, I would not recommend it.”
I have never been a huge Tori Spelling fan, and some of her interview in this video sounds a bit “flaky,” but you can also see how much she loves her baby, and I think it is great she spoke up with her comments about c-sections. I also love that she is nursing her son, even though she has a rough start.
Check out the video from People– (the date of the video is Sept. 12th) and it is only a minute and a half. At least there is someone saying having a c-section isn’t easy or great!