Cross Posted at BlogHer
I really wanted to attend the annual BlogHer conference in San Francisco this weekend, but I thought we would be moving, so I didn’t sign up to go. I did however, register to attend in Second Life. You may have even noticed the banner ad that I have in the right sidebar on my blog.
I have never been in Second Life (SL), and prior to this, had only read an article about it. I only joined, so I could hear the speakers that were speaking at BlogHer live, like Lisa Stone. I joined Thursday night, and after figuring out how to work my avatar, I was able to log in to the conference on Friday. It was wonderful to be able to hear the speakers, and even attend some of the SL sessions they had exclusively for SL attendees.
I received the invitations and notifications BlogHer in SL events, and on Friday night there was a virtual party. So I signed in and went. It was a little funky getting my avatar to dance, but thanks to the BlogHer helper in Second Life, Gidge, I eventually got grooving. Here is a picture of my Second Life avatar dancing on Friday night (I’m in the black top, purple skirt, and black boots-& you can click on the pictures to see them larger):
(Bonus: behind me in the purple shirt and jeans is Amy, or better known as the Crunchy Domestic Goddess)
After the BlogHer party, Gidge invited us to her Second Life house to continue the fun. She has a beautiful house with a dance floor, pool, and BBQ. After we danced for awhile, she invited us into her house, to the mud wresting pit, and get this- a knife throwing game. Just like you see at the circus or magic shows.
Amy and I were pretty fascinated by all of this, and watched the mud wrestling and a few rounds of the knife throwing. Eventually, I decided to give the knife throwing a shot, and I have to say, I didn’t do too bad- I missed a few times, but I think I hit the balloons more than the person. Here is a picture of me throwing knives (thanks to Amy for the picture:)
(To the right of me in the blue dress is Gidge, and behind us is Amy)
The best part of the party this night was Amy was trying to change her clothes, and ended up in a 3-D box. She couldn’t figure out how to get it off, so she came to the party with a box on. It was hilarious and we all had a blast cracking jokes. She was ‘hip to be square!’ You can read Amy’s version of the party, as well as see pictures of her in her box here.
There was another party on Saturday night, and after having so much fun the night before, I just had to check it out again. Besides, how often does a chance like this come up? So I created a pretty snazzy party dress with red sequenced shoes. Gidge was the volunteer again, and she offered us a champagne flute that had stars floating out of it. Pretty cool.
Again, after the party we went back to Gidge’s house, and danced, and tonight I mud wrestled. While I don’t have pictures of it, since I was wrestling, it was fun. I won the best out of three in my first match, and then I wrestled the Queen herself-Gidge. I almost had her in one of the rounds, but she quickly overpowered me. The best part was, I didn’t even need to take my party dress to the cleaners. As soon as I got out of the pit, it was clean. I wish that happened in real life. Here is a picture of me on the dance floor at the BlogHer party, and at Gadge’s house:

Gidge was so nice and so hospitable. She invited me back to her house anytime, and even allowed me to set my homebase at her house. I met a lot of friendly people- the whole thing is kind of surreal- who would have thought you could attend parties and have a blast, over your computer?
I am greatful BlogHer made the conference available to those of us who couldn’t attend, and I know even if I was at the conference in San Francisco, I would not have been throwing knives and mud wrestling. I wouldn’t have been able to create my own clothes either-for free. Can’t beat that. 🙂
While I had a great time with my first Second Life BlogHer experience, I have already vowed that I am going to the conference in person next year. I know several other friends who are planning on it too. If it is any indication how much fun and informative BlogHer is in Second Life, I can’t wait to be there for it in real life-even if I don’t get to mud wrestle and throw knives.