Activities Me Shopping

Costco Fiasco

Murphy’s Law: Whatever can go wrong will.   

This law follows me to Costco.  Every. Single. Time.

I spend money at Costco- I don’t know why there is bad karma surrounding me there.

The first Costco I ever shopped at, was SO crowded- it took an hour to check out.  It was not a fun experience, no matter how much I was saving on diapers. 

We would walk up and down the aisles deciding we needed that 120 oz. bag of chocolate chips.  I think it took us a few years to use all those chocolate chips, and by that time the ones that were left, had turn to ash. 

Chocolate chips are just one example of the many items we have brought over the years at Costco, thinking it was such a good deal at the time, but then as we threw away rotten chocolate chips, we realized it wasn’t such a great bargain. 

Maybe that is where the bad karma comes from-doubting Costco’s true money saving ability.

The new Costco I go to is exactly backwards from the Costco I was used to shopping.  This is a big deal to me, since I have mommy brain.  I still revert to the floor plan of the first Costco I shopped at for many years, and instead of ending up in the cereal aisle, I am in the automotive section, looking at Armerol.  Something always goes wrong for me when  Costco is involved.

On Sunday I thought I could sneak in a quick trip to Costco, before I was supposed to pick my mom up, who was visiting from out of town.  I left an hour ahead of time, thinking that would give me  plenty of time to pick up a few items, even on a Sunday.  About ten miles away, we got stuck in a traffic jam from an accident.  By the time we are moving again, there was only fifteen minutes left  before I was to meet my mom, and that was just not enough time.    

Today I took my mom to the airport, and Costco is on the way.  Brilliant.  We had a half-an-hour before she had to be at the airport, and we were already half way there.  My mom said she would wait in the car with the boys, so it would take even less time, and I would be in and out.  I only needed five things-coffee being one of them.  For home and for work.  I needed two bags (this information comes in handy later.)

The parking lot was practically empty, so I thought it was going to be a breeze, and it almost was.  In under ten minutes, I remembered where everything was, and was ready to check out. 

But I underestimated Murphy’s Law.  In front of me was the slowest person ever to unload her groceries.  Then she was one of the few people left on the planet that writes checks.  Then she couldn’t find her I.D.  I wasn’t too worried at this point.  Finally the pers0n ahead of me was done, and I checked out with no problems.  I took the two bags of coffee beans to the grinders. I opened one, and poured all of the beans in, and turned it on.  Only problem- it didn’t work.

There was a nice sign hanging up that said, “If coffee grinder doesn’t work, use the spoon and push the beans down in the grinder.”  The spoon they had sitting there was gross.  I didn’t want to use it to push my coffee beans in the grinder.  But I didn’t have a choice.  So I did, and turned the grinder on.  Nothing. 

I looked underneath to make sure it was plugged in.  It was.  I tried scooping some of the beans out, and trying again.  The grinder still was not working.  I used the spoon to scoop more beans into the other grinder.  I turned that one on, and nothing.  Clearly pushing the beans into the grinder with the disgusting spoon was not doing the trick.  I looked around for an employee- any Costco employee- but they had all magically disappeared.

I finally spoted a cafe worker, wiping down some tables.  I thought about asking her to go clean the spoon while she was at it, but I politely asked her who could help me with the coffee grinders- they were not working.  She looked past me and said, “You just have to push the beans down with the spoon.”  After I informed her as nicely as I could, that was not working, she told me to go to the customer service counter.

By now, it was time we should have been leaving for the airport. Fortunately, there was a customer service employee who was standing at the counter.  I asked him, if he could help me with the coffee grinders.  He looked at me and said, “You just have to mush them down with the spoon.”  I wasn’t so nice this time- I told him I did that, and neither one was working.

He got to the grinders and took out an equally dirty brush, and started brushing the lever.  (Like that was going to do anything.) Then he picked up the spoon and stirred.  (I guess he thought I was lying to him, and I really hadn’t tried to push the beans down.)  Then he turned on the switch, and nothing.  He said, “That’s funny.”  Then he looked to see if the machines were unplugged or not.  He dinked around with them for a few more minutes and told me they were not working.  I told him I knew they weren’t working- that is why I had looked him up at customer service.

He told me if I could wait, he’d see what the problem was. I told him I was late now getting someone to the airport- could I just come back at some point and get some new coffee.  He told me sure, but I needed to keep the empty bag, and then bring it to customer service the next time I was in.

This man did not know that I have two boys, who destroy everything- I can’t keep track of their shoes from one day to the next, and I was certain an empty coffee bean bag was not going to be on my list of high priorities to keep track of.   

I asked him, “Really?  I have to keep the bag?”

He told me yes.  Unless I wanted a refund- he could do it very quickly.

I opted for the refund.  He refunded one bag very fast, and then his register locked up during the second refund.  I waited.  While he was waiting for the register gods to unlock his register, he called a manager and told him the coffee grinders were not working.  A second later I heard someone announce over the PA system, “Reset the breaker for the coffee grinders.” 

A few minutes later I had the second refund, and I noticed a woman was at the coffee grinders, grinding her coffee as I walked out. 

I had no coffee, just wasted fifteen minutes, and was ten minutes behind- but at least the the grinders were now working. 

I wonder if my karma would change at Sam’s Club?

Household Parenting Shopping

Guest Post- Finding The Right Stroller


I am pleased to have an expert at CSN, Suzanne as a guest blogger today. 

Suzanne’s post is a guide for tips on selecting the right stroller for your baby and your lifestyle. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, trying to learn and research baby items.

When I bought my first stroller,  I thought any stroller with four wheels would do.  However, I didn’t consider that I did a lot of walking, and did not get a stroller that was very comfortable for Ryan, for long walks.  Needless to say, I could have made a better purchase- one that would have saved me a lot of hassle and would have made it more comfortable for Ryan.    I hope this guide will be informative and helpful if you are researching a stroller purchase.  

Finding the Right Stroller

Parents of babies and toddlers know that there are two major purchases:  cribs and strollers.  While cribs can be determined largely on style, color, quality, there are other important factors to consider when looking for a stroller.  We’re going to outline a few things that you should consider when shopping around. 

Your Lifestyle

A stroller should compliment the daily lifestyle of yourself and your baby.  Are you planning on driving around a lot with the baby?  Then you might want to purchase a foldable stroller or a travel system (which is a stroller that supports an infant car seat).  If you live an active lifestyle, then consider a jogging stroller.  These types of strollers are designed for parents who want to run with their baby, so they come with a sturdier frame and swivel wheel to ensure maximum maneuverability.

Size Matters

Of course your child will grow, but if you are planning on buying for a newborn, keep in mind that most strollers will not do, as infants have to travel lying flat on their back to ensure their safety.  You will need either a fully-reclining stroller, a travel system that can hold an infant car seat, or a pram.  Once your child grows to toddler size, most strollers should be able to work for them as they should be able to sit straight up.   

Your own space matters too!  The safety and comfort of your child should be paramount when it comes to this purchase, but the stroller should also be easy and convenient for you to use and store.  If you might need to bring it on a train or subway or have limited space to store it, then you should be looking at collapsible lightweight strollers.  Foldable strollers may not have as many features as others, but are a lot easiest to push and to store.


Strollers these days come with all sorts of features, from storage areas to pivoting food trays, cup holders to adjustable handlebars.  Of course a lot of the features make the stroller more convenient to operate and more comfortable for the little passenger, but bear in mind that these accessories also add to the price tag.  So think long and hard toward whether these add-ons are necessary or whether you’d be better off with a stroller that has fewer features, but is less expensive and just as durable.

Choosing the right stroller is an important decision, and it often comes down to personal tastes and needs.  But hopefully these tips will help get you on the path to getting your child on wheels!

Cole Household Mothering Parenting Ryan Shopping

To Complain, or not to Complain- That is the Question

I love Target.  I love shopping there, and could spend hours wandering down every aisle.  I usually have the boys with me though, and they are good for about half an hour, and then they are just done.  So I have shopping at Target down to a science. I know how much time I can spend lingering around, and how much time I need to actually shop.

Today after I picked up Ryan from school, we went to Target.  We had some more errands to run, so this was going to be a short trip.  Right on cue, about 20 minutes later, we were done, and the boys were getting restless.  There had to be 50 people waiting in the check-out lines and there were three lanes open. 

I used to work in  a grocery store.  I understand sometimes you just don’t have enough people to open more registers, and crowds come at odd times.  So I got into the ‘shortest’ of the longest lines, lane number 18, and waited.  And waited, and waited.  Fortunately we had the super deluxe cart, so the boys were having fun climbing on and off of it.  Fifteen minutes later,  when there was only two people ahead of me, I hear the cashier calling- “Ma’am, Ma’am,” and waving at me.

I don’t think of myself as a “ma’am,” so it took me a second to realize she was almost yelling at me.  I made eye contact with her and she informed me that she was closed.  She pointed to her light and it was off. 

I politely told her that I had gotten in her line before she turned the light off, and she informed me, rather loudly  (okay she yelled) and very rudely, “No you weren’t.”  Now I felt like she was implying that I have nothing better to do than to sneak into closed check-out lanes at Target, waste time standing there, and then lie about it- just for kicks.

I was contemplating my next move, when the mom in front of me, also with two boys, using their cart as a jungle gym, looked at the cashier and said nicely, but firmly, “Actually, she was.  I saw her get in line, and your light was most definitely on.” 

I told the mom, “Thank you, for confirming that for me,” and the cashier then said, “Oh, well- okay then, I guess you can stay in line.

She guesses I can stay in her line for the privilege of spending money at Target?   I so wanted to say something to her, but Ryan and Cole’s eyes were wide as saucers watching me.  Even though I had been ‘allowed’ to stay in the cashier’s line, there was no way I was going to- I was too mad.

So with my boys watching, I smiled again at the mom ahead of me, and nodded at her.  The cashier was still watching me, and I noticed they had opened another lane way down at the opposite end of the store (this was Super Target), so I told the cashier, “Actually, I am going to go to the line at the other end of the store- it seems to be moving faster.” 

I walked as fast as I could- I was so mad!  There was only one person in front of me, and he had one item.  When the new cashier asked me how  I was, I was honest. I told him I was upset, because I had just waited fifteen minutes in line, and then was told the line was closed, even though the light had been on.  I told him the cashier was very rude.  He apologized many times and told me he was actually her supervisor- he said customers should not be treated like that. 

I don’t complain at stores.  If I can’t find something, or they are out of stock, when they ask me if I found everything OK, I say yes.  I hope the cashier won’t get in trouble, but I felt like this was horrible customer service, and they needed to know customers were being treated like this.  I’m glad I spoke up this time.   

What about you?  Do you complain at stores when you receive bad customer service, or do you just let it go?

Little Pumpkin Sweet Pea Designs Shopping

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Shopping Deals

I do more and more shopping online these days, and have found some really good bargains.  Not to mention, no crowded malls, fighting for a parking space, and no kiddie meltdowns.

I have put together some of the deals business owners of online shops are having for Black Friday and Cyber Monday (the Monday after Thanksgiving).  Some of these store owners I know from Twitter, and they have beautiful and creative items in their stores.  If you are thinking of shopping online, check out the deals they have.  You will probably find that perfect and unique gift, and save money at the same time. 

Ambajam– (a sponsor of A Mama’s Blog as well!)-Baby clothes, hip & cute onesies, baby blankets, quilts, and more. I love these adorable Mini Cuddle-up Baby Blankets.  Ambajam is offering 25% off the ENTIRE collection, Black Friday weekend: Friday-Sunday. Use promo code: BF25

Kajeet Phones-This is a mobile phone service w/parental controls that kids will still really like.  The phones have a GPS locator, no contracts or termination fees, and parental controls to help parents control how much money is spent, what times the phone can or cannot be used, and who can or cannot text your child.  Janie, one of members of the Kajeet Mom Team is having a special that starts on Thursday for an additional  15% off the cost of the Kajeet phone (which is already on sale), when you sign up through her blog here.  If you sign up and leave her a comment or e-mail her at: scarytwins [at] yahoo [dot] com, she will give you a promo code to save an extra $10 when the phone is activated. 

Land of Nod– I love this quirky children’s store.  Think Pottery Barn kids, but a little more funky. They have Classic Toys, Wooden Toys, Kitchen & Grocery Toys, Stocking Stuffers, Toys for Baby, gifts specific for Hanukkah and more!  They are offering FREE SHIPPING on ANY order (excludes furniture), through Monday, December 1st.  Use promo code: PRESENTS.  You can click on the widget below to start shopping.

Free Shipping at The Land of Nod with Promo Code:

Lovebug Clothing Company– Children’s and maternity boutique specializing in designer baby clothes, children’s clothing, and maternity apparel.  They also have organic baby clothes, and eco-concious kid clothes.  Lovebug Clothing is offering FREE SHIPPING through November 30th, and 20% off your first order.  Use promo code: FIRST.

Mabel’s Labels Is preparing for their first sale ever.  On Cyber Monday, labels will be 50% off!

MyChelle DermaceuticalsFor one day ONLY, Friday November 28th, their ENTIRE line is 20% off. This is the only skin care line I have been using, and this is an excellent deal.  MyChelle’s products are always free from phthalates, parabens, propylene glycol, ureas, EDTA, fragrances, encapulated nano particles, and artificial colors.  Their products actually work, and do what they say they will.  They are made in Frisco, CO and are great for skin in dry climates.  I have super sensitive and dry skin, and after using the Honeydew Cleanser, and Deep Repair Cream, my skin feels like butter.  This is the best skin care line I have ever used, and they have so many wonderful products- from the honeydew cleanser (my favorite) to their incredible pumpkin peel– I just can’t say enough wonderful things about their products.  Any item from MyChelle would make a wonderful gift, or a treat for you.  Don’t miss this special one day sale!

T-Shirt Site wide sale on novelty T-shirts.  ALL shirts are $12 or less!  Designs include House M.D, The Office, and Green Designs.  The sale starts at midnight, Thursday (Thanksgiving Day,) and ends December 1st. 

Tyme2dream– Thyme2dream had beautiful handmade and unique fantasy jewellery through their Etsy shop.  You can find delightful necklaces, toys-such as this unique Ballerina Fairy Magic Wand, and more. Tyme2dream is offering FREE SHIPPING with the purchase of any three items, and this includes international shipping.

Little Pumpkin Sweet Pea Designs– (shameless plug) This my Cafe Press store, and I offer stylish, fun, and trendy designs for baby, children, women, and maternity.  I also offer breastfeeding and birth designs, and designs for Dad, Grandpa, and Grandma.  One of my best selling items, which is a very unique gift, is this design available for onesies, kids shirts, hats, and adult shirts, “My Grandpa (or Dad) Can Fix Anything“. I also carry bibs and bumper stickers.  Since Cafe Press is in charge of what specials they have, I am not sure if there are any Black Friday specials, but I keep my prices low every day.  I am sure you can find a cute shirt or bib for your child, or that perfect maternity shirt for your friend at a reasonable price. 

I hope this guide helps you find that perfect gift on your list.  Have fun shopping from the comfort of home, and I’d love to hear if you end up finding a gift, and which one it was, from this post.  Please leave me a comment if you do.  Happy Shopping!

Miscellaneous Shopping

Reminder to Enter Lets Go Giveaway

Have you entered the fabulous eco-friendly product giveaway from Lets Go yet? If not, click on the above link to read more about it, and to enter.

Hurry, you have less than a week left to enter. The winner will be selected on Tuesday, July 1st at 10pm eastern time. (Please make sure to enter on the contest page at the above link- NOT here.  Your comment won’t be counted as an entry here.)

If you want a chance to win another great organic product, head over to Crunchy Domestic Goddess where you can win a bottle of Nature Avenger Organic Weed Killer. Really hurry on this one, because the winner will be selected this Friday.

Isn’t it great to have some green giveaways?  Good luck!