Breastfeeding Family & Friends Pregnancy & Birth

Welcome Baby Maelin- I’m An Aunt!

My sister had her first baby, a girl, this morning at 5:14 am, officially making me an auntie for the first time.  Her name is Maelin, and she is very cute, and adorable in my humble opinion.  🙂  Both her, and my sister are doing great.  Maelin was sleeping very well this afternoon, only waking for a few minutes to nurse here and there.

I took Cole with me to the hospital, about 30 miles from where we live, and we spent almost four hours there.  It was great holding a newborn again, and she weighed less than either Cole or Ryan were when they were born, so it was a treat to hold such a little peanut, weighing in at 6 lbs., 7 oz.  

I am not sure how my sister feels about me posting a picture of Maelin, since this is not a private blog, but in the next few days, if she says it is okay, I’ll post a picture of Miss Maelin. 

Since this is my first sibling to have a child, I am ecstatic about being an aunt for the first time, and I already love Maelin.  I think being an aunt must be like being a grandparent- you get to do the fun things, and share in the special moments, but you don’t have to do all the work and care that involved.

I am so proud of my sister for believing and trusting in herself, and finding the strength she had within her, to bring Maelin into the world.  This has been an extremely happy day for our family, and I can’t wait to see Maelin again!

Happy Birthday, Maelin, and to my strong “Birthing Goddess” sister, Happy Birthing Day- I love you both!

Family & Friends Pregnancy & Birth

Happy Valentine’s, Birthday, & Birthing Day


Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone.  I wish you all love and happiness. 

Joe had to travel for the day, for work, so we are going to go out on Friday night to celebrate.  His sister, and her 6 year-old daughter are coming up to his parent’s house, and they are going to baby-sit the boys for us, and Ryan is going to spend the night there with his cousin.  He is very excited.  He spent the night once before with his grandparents, the night Cole was born, but that has been it.  I think he is ready, and we are only ten minutes away if for some reason he decides he wants to come home.  But with his grandparents, aunt, and cousin, he should be fine. 

I want to wish one of my younger sisters a Happy Birthday as well.  Her birthday is today, and while I won’t give her age away, she is two years younger than me- we are both 30-somethings.  🙂 She is also expecting her first child, a girl, in April, so she has an exciting year ahead of her.

Finally, I want to wish my mom, a Happy Birthing Day.  She has 4 children, and the last two, (my two younger sisters) she had at home.  Even though I was only 2, and a few months, I do remember my sister being born at home.  I remember seeing my mom in labor in her bedroom, surrounded by some of her friends, and the mid-wife.  I remember going in and out of the bedroom, and I remember standing at the side of the bed, and hearing my sister being born, and hearing her first cries.  I remember one of the friends holding me up, so I could see the baby, and I remember seeing my baby sister lying on the bed, next to my mom.

I think home-birth would be an amazing experience.  I have even more memories of my youngest sister’s birth, since I was 6 at the time.  I never thought of it much growing up, but it is really neat to think back and remember being there when your siblings were born.  That is an experience and bond that we are fortunate to have.  I would love to have a baby at home, but because I have had a prior c-section, I have a higher than normal risk of a uterine rupture, so it is a little more complicated.  My doula with Cole though, had a c-section with her first child, and then had a home birth with her second, so I know it is possible.  I would have to do a lot more research and find a mid-wife who was experienced in home-births with a prior c-section.

 Maybe if I am very lucky one day, I will be able to experience a home birth, and Ryan and Cole will be able to share that with us as well.   I am in awe by my mother, and all the mother’s out there, who choose or can have a home-birth.  The confidence you have in yourselves to trust your body and be able to do what it is meant to do, is inspiring.  What a very special and intimate way to bring a new member of the family into the world. 

Attachment Parenting Breastfeeding Cole Mothering Pregnancy & Birth

My Cole


Cole was born at the end of May, 2006.  From almost the start of my pregnancy with him, I thought he was a girl, mainly because I felt the opposite with him than when I was pregnant with Ryan.  We didn’t find out ahead of time, so I was really surprised when he was born and the nurses told me he was a boy.  Joe had thought he was a boy, so he wasn’t as surprised.

We had only decided on a boy’s name on the drive to the hospital- we had a few names we had been floating around, but decided on Cole, if we happened to have a boy.

I was absolutely in love the second I laid eyes on my sweet Cole.  I was so very happy that I was able to have a vaginal birth with him, because I had a c-section with Ryan (he was breech and never turned.) The c-section was the worse experience of my life, but I’ll save that for another post.  I felt so powerful and alive after Cole was born, even though it was the hardest thing I had ever done.  I was in labor for 40+ hours with him, and slept about an hour total, so I was completely exhausted, but the thought of having to have another c-section, if I didn’t keep working, kept me going.  I’ll post Cole’s birth story here at another time too.

Almost immediately, I knew Cole was very different than Ryan.  For one thing, he didn’t want to be put down, and wanted to nurse non-stop.  After not sleeping for 46 hours, by the time he had been born, I knew I needed some rest that first night, so after nursing him to sleep, we asked the nurses to take him for a while, so Joe and I could sleep.  The hospital we had Cole at, is very baby friendly and the nurses actually hold the baby- they don’t put them in a nursery- in fact they don’t even have a nursery there, and they only keep the baby until they start showing signs that they need to nurse, so I felt confident in letting the nurses hold him until he wanted to nurse again.

Two hours later, they brought Cole back to me (it was around midnight), and those two hours of sleep seemed like heaven.  Cole started to nurse, and he nursed, and nursed, and nursed, and nursed.  By 4 pm that afternoon, he was still nursing and he would scream if I set him down, even to change his diaper, or even if he was asleep; he would wake up immediately as soon as he was out of my arms. I didn’t think too much of it at the time.

A week later, he still screamed every time I put him down and I was beginning to realize that I had a “high needs” baby on my hands.  I really dislike that term, so I decided to call him my “cuddle-bug”, and “extra attention” baby.  After reading about these types of babies on the Dr. Sears website, I decided I needed to tune into what Cole was trying to tell me, and go with it. 

It has been hard at times, but he has rewarded us so many times over.  He has the best personality, and his smile can just melt my heart in a moment.  He can be completely upset, crying, and mad, one second, and as soon as you pick him up, he is all smiles.  I also get rewarded with that giant toothy, gummy smile every morning when he wakes up.  He actually doesn’t cry when he wakes up; he just looks around and when he sees me, he just breaks out his smile.  He has challenged me in ways I never thought I could take, and some days I didn’t think I was going to make it, but it also seems like the love I get back from him is double what the challenges are.

He seems to be a mama’s boy 100% right now, in that he is just now letting Joe hold him and cuddle him more.  He really didn’t allow Joe to cuddle with him very much- he definitely preferred me.  My mom, (Nana), and Joe’s mom, were life-savers for me those first few weeks, in helping me with Cole and Ryan.  My mom came out for a short visit and got Cole to take a pacifier which was a much needed break for me, being the human pacifier to him, and he would allow her to hold him, so I would be able to have a few moments with Ryan, or grab a shower.  Joe’s mom and dad were great in taking care of Ryan for me and giving him extra love and attention when I couldn’t.

So now as Cole is approaching his ninth month, he is still very specific on what he needs and wants, but he’s “chilling” out a bit too.  As he is eating more solids, he doesn’t need to nurse as much for food as well as comfort, but he will still track me down, crawling with tears running down his face, if he has decided he needs to be nursed that second.

Sleep is still a challenge for us because he wants to be nursed all night, even though he isn’t hungry- he just craves that human contact. Still, when I think about how fast this time goes, I know it won’t be very long before I am wondering where his baby days went, and be wishing he still wanted me to hold him all night. 

I am so glad he is who he is, and I would not trade him for a second.  He is the sweetest, and most lovable baby, I could ever dream of having.  I love him so much, it makes me get tears in my eyes thinking about him.  I hope in the future, he will not lose the intensity that he has, because that is what makes him my Cole.

(The picture at the top was Cole at 6 months, and the picture below, I took today.)
