Household Me

Mama vs. the Yellow Jackets Part II

You can click here, to read Part I of this post. 

In order to really assess what we were dealing with, I took some of my dad’s advice.  He said you can usually spot a yellow jacket’s nest by watching them at dusk.  He said they make a bee line when the sun starts to go down to their nest. 

So later that evening and the next evening I watched.  Of course I was watching the one enterence that I knew of, and there were a lot of them entering.  I saw a lot buzzing around our tree, but I didn’t really see a spot where they were all trying to get in.

Joe and I figured the one entrance that we saw was hopefully the main one.  Not wanting to risk another episode like the one from a few days ago, we waited until it was dark and had cooled off.  Joe hung up a Rescue yellow jacket trap from the tree they were buzzing around.  I filled in the hole that I had dug, when I hit yellow jacket oil.

Then we were ready.  Joe sprayed an entire can of a white foamy wasp/yellow jacket spray into the entrance.  I watched from a safe distance.  Nothing.  There were no angry yellow jackets swarming up.  I figured the trap would be filled by the next morning.

At the risk of sounding a bit obssessed at this point, the next morning I checked the trap, and there was not one yellow jacket in it.  There were also none entering or exiting the opening to the nest.  Had we succeeded?  Maybe this wasn’t such a big nest after all.  Only time would tell.  I was cautious though.  Look what happened last time I thought the nest was killed.

A week later, happily, there is no yellow jacket activity to report.  While I am not stupid brave enough to try to dig the nest up again, even though the new can says you can as well, I think we may have solved our yellow jacket problem for now.  When it gets cold, we will dig up the area and see what is under there.  But for now, I’m just happy there aren’t hundreds of those suckers buzzing around.   

I will see a yellow jacket in the trap every day, but then they are gone, out of the trap.  It is eerie.  We have used those traps for a few years now, and always had a ton of them captured within a few days.  A week later, there is not one in there.  Could it be the yellow jackets have gotten smarter, and figured out a way to escape from the trap?  I have a vision of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds in my mind now, but with yellow jackets stinging away instead of pecking.  I do find it interesting nevertheless.

Hopefully we won’t have any more battles with the yellow jackets.

Household Me

Mama vs. the Yellow Jackets- Part I

(Note: I would have loved to added some pictures to this post, but after reading this I hope you will understand why I don’t want pictures of them on my blog.  🙂 )

The last few weeks I have noticed a lot of yellow jackets buzzing around our yard- especially by our gate- right where the boys like to play construction.

I knew I should have hung up the yellow jacket traps that we have this spring, to catch the queens, but it seemed to slip my mind. Now we are paying the price.  Yellow jackets are scavengers and fly close to the ground, looking for food.  They can also be aggressive, and unlike honey bees who only sting when they feel very threatened and die, yellow jackets can sting multiple times and they live.  That doesn’t work when you have two little boys, who aren’t scavengers, but do like to sit down on the ground when they are playing.

Last week while hanging up laundry on my clothesline, I noticed tons of yellow jackets flying into a small hole near the fence.  Yellow jackets build their nests underground.  Evidently we have a nest under there.  We bought some yellow jacket killer spray (usually I am not a big fan of insect sprays, but…) and according to the directions, we were to wait until it was dusk or dark, when the yellow jackets are less active, and then point the can nozzle into the hole, and spray away.  The directions said the spray was powerful enough to kill any other yellow jackets that were away from the nest, but who would return.  Then it said to wait 24 hours, and then you could safely remove the nest.

After spraying the nest, I didn’t see any yellow jackets for the next few days.  Yay- problem solved!  So yesterday in a moment of genius stupidity, I decided after lunch to go remove the nest…just like the directions on the can said.  Nevermind it was the heat of day, when yellow jackets are the most active, and I was in a tank top and shorts. 

I started digging with the shovel and didn’t see anything.  I wasn’t exactly sure what I was looking for- I suppose I thought I would see something that looked like a wasp’s nest.  All of a sudden I hit yellow jacket oil!  A swarm of them came up from the ground, and started flying right at me.  I did the only thing I could do- I screamed, batted them away with shovel, and ran my a** back to the house.  

Fortunately I did not get stung, but I was freaked out for hours.  I watched safety from the window, and cursed out the company that put those idiotic directions on their can of yellow jacket spray.  I saw the swarm eventually settle back into their nest, after they figured out the dumb lady with the shovel was gone.    Round 2- yellow jackets. 

I called Joe, and interrupted the class he was teaching and told him I needed him to bring home ammunition- Raid yellow jacket spray (the best I am told) and several more of the Rescue yellow jacket traps.  Spare no expense, I told him-this was war. 

Like any good general preparing to launch a battle,  I read up on yellow jackets on the Internet, and to my horror discovered they can have very complex and big nests underground.  Some can be several, several feet.  One picture I saw the nest was over six feet long.  It also said if the queens don’t die, and the nests aren’t destroyed, the pregnant ones stay dormant for the winter and can survive the cold winters, to emerge in the same nest year, after year, expanding the nest.

We have always had yellow jackets- a few years ago Joe got stung horribly by several yellowjackets in the front yard while mowing the lawn.  This was about six feet away from where I sprayed, so I just know, we probably have one of those huge six feet nests underground. 

Later in the day, my dad stopped by and I told him what was happening. We went back outside, and from a safe distance saw yellow jackets again, going in and out of their nest now, in two different spots, plus we saw countless ones flying by our big tree in the front yard, where Joe had gotten stung. 

We observed the enemy and formulated a plan- Clearly, I had underestimated the yellow jackets.  This was going to be much harder and more complicated than just spraying yellow jacket killer spray in one of the many entrances to their nest…

Stay tuned for Part II

Activities Fun Stuff Me

My Second Life-Knife Throwing-Party Weekend

Cross Posted at BlogHer

I really wanted to attend the annual BlogHer conference in San Francisco this weekend, but I thought we would be moving, so I didn’t sign up to go.  I did however, register to attend in Second Life.  You may have even noticed the banner ad that I have in the right sidebar on my blog.

I have never been in Second Life (SL), and prior to this, had only read an article about it.  I only joined, so I could hear the speakers that were speaking at BlogHer live, like Lisa Stone.  I joined Thursday night, and after figuring out how to work my avatar, I was able to log in to the conference on Friday. It was wonderful to be able to hear the speakers, and even attend some of the SL sessions they had exclusively for SL attendees. 

I received the invitations and notifications BlogHer in SL events, and on Friday night there was a virtual party.  So I signed in and went.  It was a little funky getting my avatar to dance, but thanks to the BlogHer helper in Second Life, Gidge,  I eventually got grooving.  Here is a picture of my Second Life avatar dancing on Friday night (I’m in the black top, purple skirt, and black boots-& you can click on the pictures to see them larger):

   (Bonus: behind me in the purple shirt and jeans is Amy, or better known as the Crunchy Domestic Goddess)

After the BlogHer party, Gidge invited us to her Second Life house to continue the fun.  She has a beautiful house with a dance floor, pool, and BBQ.  After we danced for awhile, she invited us into her house, to the mud wresting pit, and get this- a knife throwing game.  Just like you see at the circus or magic shows. 

Amy and I were pretty fascinated by all of this, and watched the mud wrestling and a few rounds of the knife throwing.  Eventually, I decided to give the knife throwing a shot, and I have to say, I didn’t do too bad- I missed a few times, but I think I hit the balloons more than the person.  Here is a picture of me throwing knives (thanks to Amy for the picture:)

 (To the right of me in the blue dress is Gidge, and behind us is Amy)

The best part of the party this night was Amy was trying to change her clothes, and ended up in a 3-D box.  She couldn’t figure out how to get it off, so she came to the party with a box on.  It was hilarious and we all had a blast cracking jokes.  She was ‘hip to be square!’  You can read Amy’s version of the party, as well as see pictures of her in her box here

There was another party on Saturday night, and after having so much fun the night before, I just had to check it out again.  Besides, how often does a chance like this come up?  So I created a pretty snazzy party dress with red sequenced shoes.  Gidge was the volunteer again, and she offered us a champagne flute that had stars floating out of it.  Pretty cool. 

Again, after the party we went back to Gidge’s house, and danced, and tonight I mud wrestled.  While I don’t have pictures of it, since I was wrestling, it was fun. I won the best out of three in my first match, and then I wrestled the Queen herself-Gidge.  I almost had her in one of the rounds, but she quickly overpowered me.  The best part was, I didn’t even need to take my party dress to the cleaners.  As soon as I got out of the pit, it was clean.  I wish that happened in real life.  Here is a picture of me on the dance floor at the BlogHer party, and at Gadge’s house:


Gidge was so nice and so hospitable.  She invited me back to her house anytime, and even allowed me to set my homebase at her house.  I met a lot of friendly people- the whole thing is kind of surreal- who would have thought you could attend parties and have a blast, over your computer?

I am greatful BlogHer made the conference available to those of us who couldn’t attend, and I know even if I was at the conference in San Francisco, I would not have been throwing knives and mud wrestling.  I wouldn’t have been able to create my own clothes either-for free.  Can’t beat that. 🙂

While I had a great time with my first Second Life BlogHer experience, I have already vowed that I am going to the conference in person next year.  I know several other friends who are planning on it too.  If it is any indication how much fun and informative BlogHer is in Second Life, I can’t wait to be there for it in real life-even if I don’t get to mud wrestle and throw knives.   

Attachment Parenting Me Mothering Parenting

New Parenting Blog

I am an official blog contributor, with my first post being posted on Attachment Parenting International’s new blog, API Speaks

This new blog’s mission is to “capture the real stories of life as an AP family and to highlight the fact that, despite all the varied family structures, cultures, religions, and dynamics that exist in the world, there is one thing that unites us: Our love and compassion for our children.” (from API Speaks)

I will be a regular contributor with my posts appearing around the seventh of each month- give or take a few days.  The first post that appeared was a post that appeared on my blog, from last March- “Following My Instincts.” 

API Speaks, which was launched last month, is a helpful blog to read, and gain insight into different parents experiences with their children, ranging from birth, to feeding, to sleeping.  Even though every parent has different paths they take with their children in these areas, the common bond is, a respectful and gentle approach.

 It is so hard at times being a parent, and trying to do the best you can for your children.  For me it is like a breath of fresh air to read other parents have similar experiences, trials, and triumphs as I.

I hope you will not only read my posts at API Speaks, but read other experiences and stories posted there.  Check out this new blog- I am sure you will find something that speaks to you as a parent. 

Fun Stuff Me

Four Things Meme

I got tagged by Jen from Daily Mish Mash on four things about me-

Four Jobs I’ve Held

  • Floral Designer
  • Legal Assistant
  • Medical OSHA Consultant
  • Bookkeeper

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over

  • Gone With the Wind (best movie ever!)
  • Somewhere in Time (second best movie ever!)
  • My Fair Lady
  • Summer Magic (old 60’s movie with Hayley Mills- can you tell we had the Disney channel  growing up?)

Four Places I Have Lived

  • Albuquerque, NM (born there)
  • Boulder, CO
  • Estes Park, CO
  • Santa Barbara, CA (only for a summer, but I did live there!)

Four TV Shows I Like

  • Brothers & Sisters
  • What Not to Wear
  • Flip This House
  • Actually don’t watch TV anymore- can’t think of another show I still like.

Four Favorite Foods

  • Pizza
  • Salad
  • Anything Chocolate
  • Wine (does that count as a food?)

Four Places I would Rather Be

  • Anyplace tropical (Hawaii, Virgin Islands, Fiji, etc…)
  • With my little sister in Seattle
  • In a 5 star luxury hotel for at least one night, all by myself to sleep, sleep, and get more sleep, and to eat the little chocolate they put on your pillow
  • Austria

Four People I am Tagging