Cole Family & Friends Household Mothering Ryan

Don’t Mess with Hamburger Helper


I will admit it- I LOVE Hamburger Helper.  My mom used to make it a few times a month, when we were growing up, and somewhere along the way, it has joined the ranks with homemade macaroni & cheese, lasagna, and chicken enchiladas as a comfort food for me. 

This is pretty ironic, since all the other comfort foods I make are from scratch.  I suppose at times, everybody craves a processed, sodium, preservative enriched food. One time I posted on Twitter I was making Hamburger Helper for dinner, and one person told me that is THE meal her husband requests every year for his birthday.  The flavor he always wanted?  Beef Pasta!

The ONLY flavor of Hamburger Helper that I have ever eaten and probably ever will, is the Beef Pasta.  That was the only flavor my mom ever served, so Hamburger Helper to me, means Beef Pasta (but when we were growing up, it was called Beef Noodle).  With green beans.  Plus, I add a little Worcheister sauce to it as it cooks.  And I always use milk instead of water, to mix up the special seasoning packet.  It ends up much thicker that way.  On a cold winter night, it is hard to find anything that tastes as good as Beef Pasta Hamburger Helper cooked this way.

Because it is a comfort food, I don’t eat it very often.  Maybe three times over the winter.  I hate that it is processed, but it tastes so good.  Ryan and Cole are picky eaters.  I have no idea where they get that from (me).  But, even they like and will eat good old Hamburger Helper.  They will even eat some green beans with it.  Maybe Hamburger Helper is a taste that is acquired genetically.

Because it is not the healthiest food to eat, the other day I was in the store and spotted Annie’s Homegrown Organic Cheeseburger Macaroni.  The boys’ favorite food ever is Annie’s Mac & Cheese, and I don’t feel quite as guilty giving it to them, since it is all natural and doesn’t have the additives and preservatives in it. This looked great!  It was Hamburger Helper, with no guilt.  I bought a package and decided to make it that night.

The boys always ask what is for dinner, and I told them we were going to have Hamburger Helper with cheese- like mac & cheese.  They got that look- where they know you are trying to pull something over on them, but don’t know what it is yet.  I made green beans too. 

I was convinced the boys would dig right in, and I would feel good they had a healthy dinner.  As soon as Ryan and Cole  the food critics saw me bring their plates to the table, they faces turned down.  They looked at their plates and at healthy organic version of Hamburger Helper that I might add, costs almost double what the original version of Hamburger Helper does, as they turned up their noses.

My precious two-and-a-half year old looked at me with his blue eyes and asked,

“What the heck is this?” 

I didn’t even know he knew the word ‘heck.’

My other precious son, had to get his two-cents in, so he just made the comment,


I was the organic Hamburger Helper cheerleader. I told them to give it a try- they might like it.  I even sang the old commercial song about Hamburger Helper:

Hamburger Helper Helped her Hamburger, Make a Great Meal! (click on the link to hear the song.)

The boys were not amused.  And it wasn’t even because of my singing.  They ignored my cheerleading, and asked if they could have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I told them they had to eat some of their Hamburger Helper.

“But Mommy, this isn’t Hamburger Helper.”  Ryan told me.

“Not Hamburger Helper- this is YUCKY!” Cole added.

They had a point- it didn’t look like our beloved Beef Pasta Hamburger Helper. 

“This isn’t even mac & cheese.” Ryan told me upon further inspection, poking the hamburger around on his plate.

“This is YUCKY!”  Cole added, holding up a piece of hamburger.

I was not defeated yet. I sat down and told the boys this was a very good dinner and I was going to eat my plate of Hamburger Helper.  I took my first bite, and it wasn’t bad- but it wasn’t Hamburger Helper.  Ryan and Cole watched me eat a few more bites, and then Ryan tried a bite.  He looked like he was eating a cross between some dirt and some mud.  After he took a huge drink of milk he told Cole, “It’s not too bad Cole.”   Cole’s response was, “YUCKY!”

I had Cole eat a few bites, which was not fun, and the boys ate their green beans.  Then they were done.  As I was clearing the plates away, I overheard Ryan tell Cole “to watch mom at the store, and make sure she never buys that yucky food again.” I think the food critics have evolved now into food spies- they are going to cut me off at the pass. 

Since we don’t eat regular Hamburger Helper very often, I will just stick to the original processed version.  The boys like it, I like it, and they won’t have to hear me sing a commercial jingle from the 80’s.  Some things shouldn’t be changed, and Hamburger Helper is one of them. 

Now it is your turn- do you like Hamburger Helper? Do your kids like it? Which flavor is your favorite?  Let me know I am not the only Hamburger Helper lover out there.  🙂

Household Me Mothering

My Blackberry and I

I admit it.  I am not an electronics or gadget junkie.  I had no idea what the big fuss was when the iPhone was released.  I thought it was ridiculous anyone would spend that much money on a phone and wait in line overnight and camp out for one. 

In Colorado, where I live, people used to only camp out for Denver Broncos play-off tickets, or something equally as important- like Colorado Rockies World Series Tickets, or Colorado Avalanche Stanley Cup tickets.  I can understand that- after all, cheering on your favorite sports team when they have made it to the big game- it can be a once in a life time event.

I have failed to see what is so exciting about the next big ‘must have’ electronic device that motivates people to spend all night laying on the sidewalk in a sleeping bag in front of Best Buy.  Whether it is the latest phone, Mp3 player, computer, HDTV, or video game system.  It is just a thing

A little less than a month ago, I wrote that it was finally time for me to replace my almost two-year old cell phone, which was absolutely ancient in electronic years.  I had decided to get a Blackberry Pearl.  One of the reasons I liked the Blackberry was because it was not an iPhone. My boss has an iPhone, and I have used hers before.  I don’t like how sensitive the touch screen is.  Every time I thought I was touching what I wanted, I had touched something else instead.  I realized I need buttons I could push, and the Blackberry Pearl has buttons- yay! 

I knew there were other features that I would like, but the main reason I decided on the Blackberry was because of the buttons.  How high tech is that?  My friend, Amy, told me to watch out- I was getting a ‘CrackBerry.’  I laughed and thought that was funny, but I would never become that dependant on a phone- it is just a thing

Not even a month later, I am not laughing.  While I haven’t officially signed up at, I find every day I am becoming more and more dependent on my Blackberry.  I love it.  Never mind I can make phone calls.  It has a calendar in it. I no longer have to wait until I get home to write on the wall calendar an appointment- better yet, I don’t have to try to remember to write it down.  I just pull out the Blackberry and  presto- the appointment is in the calendar.  It even sends me a reminder just to make sure I really remember it.  My mommy brain doesn’t even do that. 

It has a note pad.  Now I don’t have to carry around 10 different pieces of paper with me (a.k.a. my memory), with the grocery list, the Target list, the Costco list,  the errands I need to do, or the tasks I need to complete.  I can start a new note for each one, and when I need it, I push a few buttons (love those buttons) and presto- my memory is at my fingertips.

I no longer have to be at the computer in the house to check e-mail.  I can receive and send e-mail from the phone.  I can respond to the important ones right away, like the one I received from my boss this week. I was out and about and it would have taken me hours to get back to her.  Instead I was able to respond moments after she sent the e-mail.  I was able to respond quickly to some e-mails regarding my blog too.  I can keep up with my family and friends via the cool Facebook application. 

There is a camera and a video recorder on the phone.  The other night Ryan was doing something cute, and instead of lugging out the video camcorder, I just hit the button for the video recorder and recorded him dancing.  There is a password safe, that keeps all my passwords in one place.  There’s an address book, voice dialing, speaker phone, Mapquest, the weather report, a multimedia player, and more features I haven’t even gotten around to learning yet. 

I can’t believe all the things this phone does.  Now I understand why people will camp out for an electronic thing– it makes life easier.  Instead of having a big, thick, day-timer that I have to lug around or relying on the calendar hanging on my kitchen wall, everything I need to run my life and stay on top of our schedules, fits in the palm of my hand. 

While I doubt I will ever be one of those people camping out for electronics, I do understand it now.  It is great when there is a gadget that can make our hectic lives run a bit smoother, and if you want to be one of the first people who has the latest gadget, more power to you.  I think I’ll save my camping out for the mountains, or maybe just maybe, Broncos play-off tickets in the near future.  🙂

Cole Household Mothering Parenting Ryan Shopping

To Complain, or not to Complain- That is the Question

I love Target.  I love shopping there, and could spend hours wandering down every aisle.  I usually have the boys with me though, and they are good for about half an hour, and then they are just done.  So I have shopping at Target down to a science. I know how much time I can spend lingering around, and how much time I need to actually shop.

Today after I picked up Ryan from school, we went to Target.  We had some more errands to run, so this was going to be a short trip.  Right on cue, about 20 minutes later, we were done, and the boys were getting restless.  There had to be 50 people waiting in the check-out lines and there were three lanes open. 

I used to work in  a grocery store.  I understand sometimes you just don’t have enough people to open more registers, and crowds come at odd times.  So I got into the ‘shortest’ of the longest lines, lane number 18, and waited.  And waited, and waited.  Fortunately we had the super deluxe cart, so the boys were having fun climbing on and off of it.  Fifteen minutes later,  when there was only two people ahead of me, I hear the cashier calling- “Ma’am, Ma’am,” and waving at me.

I don’t think of myself as a “ma’am,” so it took me a second to realize she was almost yelling at me.  I made eye contact with her and she informed me that she was closed.  She pointed to her light and it was off. 

I politely told her that I had gotten in her line before she turned the light off, and she informed me, rather loudly  (okay she yelled) and very rudely, “No you weren’t.”  Now I felt like she was implying that I have nothing better to do than to sneak into closed check-out lanes at Target, waste time standing there, and then lie about it- just for kicks.

I was contemplating my next move, when the mom in front of me, also with two boys, using their cart as a jungle gym, looked at the cashier and said nicely, but firmly, “Actually, she was.  I saw her get in line, and your light was most definitely on.” 

I told the mom, “Thank you, for confirming that for me,” and the cashier then said, “Oh, well- okay then, I guess you can stay in line.

She guesses I can stay in her line for the privilege of spending money at Target?   I so wanted to say something to her, but Ryan and Cole’s eyes were wide as saucers watching me.  Even though I had been ‘allowed’ to stay in the cashier’s line, there was no way I was going to- I was too mad.

So with my boys watching, I smiled again at the mom ahead of me, and nodded at her.  The cashier was still watching me, and I noticed they had opened another lane way down at the opposite end of the store (this was Super Target), so I told the cashier, “Actually, I am going to go to the line at the other end of the store- it seems to be moving faster.” 

I walked as fast as I could- I was so mad!  There was only one person in front of me, and he had one item.  When the new cashier asked me how  I was, I was honest. I told him I was upset, because I had just waited fifteen minutes in line, and then was told the line was closed, even though the light had been on.  I told him the cashier was very rude.  He apologized many times and told me he was actually her supervisor- he said customers should not be treated like that. 

I don’t complain at stores.  If I can’t find something, or they are out of stock, when they ask me if I found everything OK, I say yes.  I hope the cashier won’t get in trouble, but I felt like this was horrible customer service, and they needed to know customers were being treated like this.  I’m glad I spoke up this time.   

What about you?  Do you complain at stores when you receive bad customer service, or do you just let it go?

Activities Cole Family & Friends Health Household Mothering Parenting Ryan

Why I Haven’t Been Blogging

Yes, I am still alive!  I think this is the longest I have gone with out updating my blog- an entire week. 

I have good reason though:

  • My sister, Vanessa, was in town for a visit, and we spent a lot of time together
  • I have been working another half-day at work
  • I have been trying to learn all the features on my NEW  red Blackberry Pearl 8110 cell phone ( I love it. I can’t believe I waited so long to upgrade)
  • I’m working on my New Year’s goal of  trying to keep the house organized and clutter free- it takes time, believe it or not
  • I’ve been reading more (actual books– not blogs)
  • I’ve been spending more time with my family

We did a few fun things while Vanessa was in town. We had a sister-night-out, a night at my dad’s, where he made his delicious Mexican food, and on Monday night, we took the boys to Casa Bonita.  They had so much fun, and I have pictures, but I’m too tired tonight to upload them.  I will write more about the boys’ and their cousin Maelin’s first visit to Casa Bonita soon. 

I also received some good news from my doctor.  She said my blood work came back fine and normal.  She said I could wait 4-6 weeks and have my thyroid checked again.  She said if it was still enlarged, then it would be very important to have the ultrasound.  So hopefully in the next few weeks, it will return back to normal.  I was happy to hear that.

I am learning to appreciate the good things that happen every day.  Some days it can take longer to find something good, but it is always there.  🙂

Stay tuned for the Casa Bonita recap- coming soon.  🙂

Activities Family & Friends Health Household Mothering Uncategorized

Moved, Old Cell Phone, & My Thyroid

We are moved-finally.  I thought that would be it, but the fun is only just beginning.

We lived in our old place for 11 years, and it was clean- clean until we moved every last piece of furniture out, and took down every last picture.  How come I never noticed that the walls aren’t really white anymore, but more like a light gray, and where did all those crayon, and little dirty hand-prints come from? 

So now we have more work that we thought  on our hands to do as quickly as possible, so it is ready to rent.  We have managed to put away most of our stuff in the new house, so at least that is somewhat organized.    But until you move all your stuff into a new place, you never really know.  This new kitchen is bigger, but I can’t fit everything from the old kitchen into the new kitchen.  At least we have a basement for storage.

I also wanted to get the computer set up as quickly as possible, and called a few weeks ago to make sure Internet would be on.  It was, but they failed to tell me I needed a new modem.  So I had to wait for that to be shipped to me.  I kid you not- the computer had been up and running for five minutes, when my cell phone locked me out.  It has never done this before, and it is the only phone I have in the house.  It wanted a PKU code- whatever that is- it was locked on that screen.   I tried taking the battery out and resetting it, and it didn’t work. I looked for help on-line and T-Mobile said they would send me the code-to my cell phone!  That wasn’t going to help me, because the screen was locked waiting for the PKU code!

After posting my frustration on Facebook, I realized that the phone was still hooked up at the old house.  As soon as the boys woke up from their nap, I loaded them in the car and went back to the house to call T-Mobile.  The boys were running and playing  around, and every noise they made was amplified by about 500% in the empty house.  It was lovely trying to tell the nice lady at T-Mobile that I was at the end of my rope with this cell phone.  A few minutes later she had it unlocked, but could not tell me why it had locked up in the first place.

I really, really, wanted to take the phone and back over it with the Jeep.  But I needed a phone for tonight and tomorrow.  I didn’t think my phone was that old, but it is almost two years old, and I have been told any phone over six months old, is considered old.  Evidently, I have a dinosaur for a cell phone. 

It wasn’t that big of a deal when I had a land line at home too, but now since this is my only phone, I can’t have another day like today, and thank goodness there wasn’t an emergency.  So after work tomorrow, I am going to go cell phone shopping.  Time to say good-bye to the Nokia 6010. 


I know what kind of phone I want- we’ll see if I end up with it.  🙂

If that wasn’t enough, I had a yearly exam today, and I was told my thyroid is enlarged and it needs to be checked, ASAP.  I asked the doctor what does that mean, and she said it shouldn’t be enlarged and something is causing it- hormones, stress, a growth, or in rare cases cancer.  She drew some blood to check my thyroid levels and said that would tell her in a few days some information, but I need to go get an ultrasound at the hospital so they can look at it.  I really think this is stress or possibly hormone related, so I am not going to dwell on it for now, but if you want to send some positive thoughts my way, I would appreciate it. 

I know I promised pictures of the house, but I can’t find the camera.  Maybe I can take some on my new cell phone and post them soon. 🙂