Cole Household

Three-In-One Week

I lost three outfits for Cole this week.  No, I didn’t misplace them, they completely wore out. 

They were footed one-pieces, like this, which I really like.  


Cole seems to move around really well  in them, and since no socks seem to fit him right now, these were great, since they had the built in footies. 

One outfit was a blue print with dogs by Carter’s.  One of the toes in the foot gave out, and by the end of the day, Cole’s entire foot was sticking out of it.  The second one-piece was a gray Old Navy one, with a polo collar.  This was a hand me down from Ryan, and I guess it couldn’t take anymore crawling, because at the end of the day, there was a hole in the knee.  The last outfit, was also by Old Navy, and it was gray, blue, and yellow stripes, and Cole’s toe poked out of it today, and again by the end of the day, the entire foot was a hole.

So I went from having about six of these down to three.   I don’t think I’ll get any replacements, since they only seem to go up to 12 months, and all three of these outfits were 9 months.  Whoever said you can use baby clothes over and over again, didn’t account for active, growing, crawling, babies.  

Cooking Household

What’s For Dinner?

Ah- the question almost every mother, wife, home-maker, or person “in charge” of fixing dinner hates to think about or hear. 

I am very excited to have found a website that will e-mail you a menu with a main and a side dish, shopping list, and recipes every week.  A mom on a parenting group board that I belong to, recommended them.  It is called Relish and I have only used the free trial menu, but have been very impressed.  You can cook up to 5 meals a week, and the neat thing is they code each meal with a letter, so if you only want to make 4 meals, or there is meal you don’t want to try, you just cross off the shopping list all the items that correspond to that letter. 

Their shopping list was VERY organized, and in my local store, all the ingredients were actually categorized correctly with Relish’s list.  They list all the produce, baking goods, meat, etc. on the list and keep it all to one page.  I was a bit skeptical but I tried it last week. I was in and out of the store in 45 minutes, and spent what I usually do, when I would just wander the aisles with no menu in mind.  For the final test, the food has to taste good and not take forever to prepare.

Well, they passed those tests too.  The first night we had Soy and Ginger Flank Steak with Asian Spinach Salad.  We had enough for left-overs, so we had that the next night too.  Then I made Creamy Chicken Pot Pies with Ambrosia Salad.  We had left-overs again, and tonight I made Spinach Lasagna Roll-ups with a Garden Salad.  There was one recipe I didn’t want to make, and I haven’t made the last one yet.  All of these are under the trial menu.

The meals are generally healthy and follow the prep and cook time very close, with most the meals under 30 minutes to cook; even with my two boys in the kitchen and underfoot.  I also love that you can easily tailor the recipes for your particular tastes.  One of the menus I haven’t made yet is Mu Shu Chicken Wraps and it called for chicken thighs.  Since we don’t eat dark meat, I just bought the same amount of breast tenders.  You could also sub. vegies or tofu for meat, chicken for fish, and vice-versa. 

We also want to try more vegetarian dishes and this is a great way for us to get started.  The Spinach Lasagna looks very good, and I plan to take it to a mom’s-night-out potluck I am going to tomorrow. 

So I am sold and plan to sign up.  It costs $7 a month, which I believe will more than pay for itself in saved time for me wondering the grocery store, trying to think of something for dinner, and hopefully we won’t have to resort to going out to eat so much when I can’t think of anything for dinner.  When we do go out, we usually spend at least $15, so if this prevents us from doing it once a month, we have already saved some money. 

One of my friends told me either Good Housekeeping, or Better Homes and Gardens does the same thing, but I haven’t checked that out for myself yet.  She said she also didn’t think they categorized everything so well for you either, but it may be worth looking into if you want to try something like this free, before you buy a membership. 

Cole Household Ryan


To save time, we usually try to give the boys a bath at the same time.  Ryan is pretty serious about “his” toys, and “baby Cole’s” toys, and Cole wants to play with whatever toy Ryan has (of course).  In the interest of keeping the peace, we will usually try to get Cole washed and out of the tub fairly quickly since he likes to go to bed anyway, and Ryan likes to play in the tub longer.

Yesterday, all the stars must have been lined up correctly, because not only did both boys take a bath at the same time, they shared the toys, had fun, AND posed for a picture-



No, Cole isn’t growing that fast either- he is standing all the way up and Ryan is kneeling.  Two happy, clean, and smiling children before bed- who could ask for more than that?

Household Ryan

Cleaning Day

 Today I finished up some cleaning that Joe and I started on yesterday.  We actually now have the entire house from top to bottom clean, which doesn’t happen too often.  Before we had kids, Joe and I could clean the house in about an hour.  Now it is a two day (at the very least) stop-and-go event.  When we get a bigger house, I am not sure how we are going to manage to keep up with it.  One of the first things I am going to do when I return to work regularly, is get a cleaning service / person to come in at least once a month and do the “heavy duty” cleaning.  Maybe with some of that out of the way, we can maintain it easier on a day-to-day basis.

I am happy I have discovered Method natural cleaning products.  I know you can make natural cleaning products, but frankly I just don’t have the time.  If had time to make cleaning products, cleaning itself wouldn’t be such a time-consuming project.   

So far, I have seen Method at Target.  I only have the french lavender all purpose surface cleaner which is in the above picture, but so far so good.  I have used it to clean the kitchen counters, and the bathroom sinks.  I was using Pine-Sol in the bathroom and Method does just as good as a job.  I love that Method is non-toxic, biodegradable, naturally derived, and never tested on animals.  It doesn’t make my eyes water, burn, or make my lungs burn, like bleach does, and I am glad that I don’t have to worry about Ryan and Cole breathing those fumes in.  I will definitely be buying more Method products in the future.  Their website is:

It warmed up some today, and Ryan got to go outside and play with his snowplow- a $5 toy we got him after his haircut at the toy store.  It has paid for itself already, he LOVES this thing.  He went outside on our iceberg, on our patio, and pushed his plow around in the snow for an hour, while I was cleaning, and Cole was napping.  Later he wanted his Thomas train, and he had a blast, even though he refused to wear his mittens and he decided he likes to eat snow now.  I told him to make sure he eats only the white snow; no yellow or brown stuff.

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Later when he came in, and I was finishing cleaning the bathroom, he helped me clean the hand mirror, and then decided our stairs needed some repairs.  


I am very lucky, I have such good help around here.  Tomorrow I am going to tackle the laundry.