We have had a crazy, busy, week, trying to catch up on everything we got behind on from last week, and Cole has had another fever for three days, and has been basically crying non-stop. I think he is teething, and he keeps clearing his throat, so I believe he probably has a sore throat. I didn’t have too much time to blog.
This week will be busy as well- Ryan starts his next session of swimming lessons. He is really looking forward to them. He asked me every day this week, if today was the day he got to go to swim lessons, so he should be excited on Monday, when that day is finally here!
This coming weekend we also have a big family birthday bash for my father in law, celebrating his 80th birthday! He turned 80 in March, but decided to have the party during the summer so his siblings and relatives could come in from out-of-state for it. We have been looking forward to this for a while, and it should be lots of fun. We are hoping Ryan will sing Happy Birthday with his cousins at the dinner on Saturday night, so we’ll see. Maybe if he doesn’t want to sing, we could get him to dance and show some of his moves. 🙂
We had a hard day today, with Cole crying- I was at the end of my rope. To top that off, on Thursday night, our tenant called and said there was water leaking in one of her closets. Since we live next door, Joe went over and determined it was a broken float from the swamp cooler, so he had to turn off the water to her cooler, and ours. Needless to say, we had a hot couple of days, until he got it fixed early this afternoon. We now have cool air again- yea!
Cole seemed to be feeling better tonight, but after 3 days of crying, fussing, and about 6 hours of total sleep for me (in the 3 days-) I am just worn out and exhausted. His fever has kept him from sleeping well, so he just wants to be held, but then he just squirms around, so obviously I can’t sleep either. I was about on my last straw today.
I finally got dinner on the table, and Cole actually wasn’t crying, and the doorbell rang! We tend to get a lot of solicitors so I have a sign near the door that basically lists everyone that I do NOT want coming to the door, and it works well! So I wondered who it was. I was irritated though- I just wanted to sit down and eat, but I went to the door, with Ryan following behind me.
I opened the door, and saw our next-door neighbor, and he asked if Ryan wanted a pony ride!
I was like “huh-pony?” (that is my conversation level when sleep deprived). He pointed over to his yard, and sure enough there was a pony in the yard!
I told Joe to get his shoes, and he grabbed Cole and we went over to see Ted, the pony. Ryan petted him, and our neighbor explained that they had just bought him at an auction for his 6-year old stepson. Ted was so cute. There were cars going by, and he was really calm. The neighbor’s wife explained she had horses on some land about 30 miles away, so they were going to move Ted there, but her horse had thrown her son, and so they were hoping Ted would get her son back on a horse.
They showed Ryan how to pet Ted, and then he was ready to climb on Ted. Look at this picture- do I need to say more?
Right after this picture was taken, they led Ryan around in their yard on Ted, and he was thrilled! Cole got to pet Ted a few times, but with him being sick, he didn’t quite get to the excitement level as Ryan did.
Ted was a nice surprise and we joked with the neighbors, we now know who to call if we need a pony for a birthday party!