Cole Family & Friends Health Ryan


We have had a crazy, busy, week, trying to catch up on everything we got behind on from last week, and Cole has had another fever for three days, and has been basically crying non-stop.  I think he is teething, and he keeps clearing his throat, so I believe he probably has a sore throat.    I didn’t have too much time to blog.

This week will be busy as well- Ryan starts his next session of swimming lessons.  He is really looking forward to them.  He asked me every day this week, if today was the day he got to go to swim lessons, so he should be excited on Monday, when that day is finally here!

This coming weekend we also have a big family birthday bash for my father in law, celebrating his 80th birthday!  He turned 80 in March, but decided to have the party during the summer so his siblings and relatives could come in from out-of-state for it.  We have been looking forward to this for a while, and it should be lots of fun.  We are hoping Ryan will sing Happy Birthday with his cousins at the dinner on Saturday night, so we’ll see.  Maybe if he doesn’t want to sing, we could get him to dance and show some of his moves.  🙂

We had a hard day today, with Cole crying- I was at the end of my rope.  To top that off, on Thursday night, our tenant called and said there was water leaking in one of her closets.  Since we live next door, Joe went over and determined it was a broken float from the swamp cooler, so he had to turn off the water to her cooler, and ours.  Needless to say, we had a hot couple of days, until he got it fixed early this afternoon.  We now have cool air again- yea! 

Cole seemed to be feeling better tonight, but after 3 days of crying, fussing, and about 6 hours of total sleep for me (in the 3 days-) I am just worn out and exhausted.  His fever has kept him from sleeping well, so he just wants to be held, but then he just squirms around, so obviously I can’t sleep either.  I was about on my last straw today. 

I finally got dinner on the table, and Cole actually wasn’t crying, and the doorbell rang!  We tend to get a lot of solicitors so I have a sign near the door that basically lists everyone that I do NOT want coming to the door, and it works well!  So I wondered who it was.  I was irritated though- I just wanted to sit down and eat, but I went to the door, with Ryan following behind me.

I opened the door, and saw our next-door neighbor, and he asked if Ryan wanted a pony ride! 

I was like “huh-pony?” (that is my conversation level when sleep deprived).  He pointed over to his yard, and sure enough there was a pony in the yard!

I told Joe to get his shoes, and he grabbed Cole and we went over to see Ted, the pony.  Ryan petted him, and our neighbor explained that they had just bought him at an auction for his 6-year old stepson.  Ted was so cute.  There were cars going by, and he was really calm.  The neighbor’s wife explained she had horses on some land about 30 miles away, so they were going to move Ted there, but her horse had thrown her son, and so they were hoping Ted would get her son back on a horse.

They showed Ryan how to pet Ted, and then he was ready to climb on Ted.  Look at this picture- do I need to say more?


Right after this picture was taken, they led Ryan around in their yard on Ted, and he was thrilled!  Cole got to pet Ted a few times, but with him being sick, he didn’t quite get to the excitement level as Ryan did.

Ted was a nice surprise and we joked with the neighbors, we now know who to call if we need a pony for a birthday party!

Activities Cole Family & Friends Ryan

The “Big” Wedding

As promised, here is my post (and pictures- I had so many neat ones turn out, it was hard to decide, but these are the ones I like) on my brother’s wedding. 

Ryan woke up on Thursday (the wedding day) and was very excited.  He jumped on our bed and said, “Today is the Big Wedding!” 

We had about a 50 mile drive to the wedding site, and left at 2, to get there at 3.  It was another hot day, so we decided to just wear our normal clothes and then change at the place.

We arrived at the venue just after 3, and Joe and I quickly got the boys changed, and then Joe and I changed.  We had about an hour to kill, so Joe kept the boys occupied, while I checked in with my sister, M., who was the matron of honor, and K. the bride.  Everyone was doing really well, and K. was one of the calmest, cool, and collected brides I have ever seen.  She was in her room, looking at her dress in the mirror, twirling around in it, just as relaxed as could be. 

I remember how stressed I was, right before my walk down the aisle, and I think it was great she was able to have some fun.  She looked absolutely stunning, and gorgeous.  I was going back and forth between her space and where my brother was hanging out, and I couldn’t help myself- I told him how beautiful K. looked, and he said he was getting really excited to see her.

After I was dressed, we took this picture of me with my two sisters (you can click on any of these pictures to see them larger):


Left to right, is M (matron of honor), (the middle sister- and third born), V. (the youngest sister, and “baby” of the family), and me- (the oldest sister, and second born).

I went back downstairs and saw Ryan dancing around the dance floor.  I got a few pictures, but they turned out pretty blurry, but got this one of Cole, checking out the chairs:


Before we knew it, it was time for the wedding to start.  There was a driveway to walk down, on to a sandstone patio area which overlooked the valley below.  I stayed back, in order to help Ryan if needed, and Joe stayed with Cole.  I was able to get these pictures of the party on their way down:

pictures-045-bw-blog.jpg             pictures-046-bw-blog.jpg

The second picture is of Ryan, with his two-second cousins.  (I love this picture- it is my favorite of all the ones I took!)

Once they were off, I had to basically climb down to the patio over some rocks, and boulders,- otherwise I would be walking down the aisle, before the bride- not good.  Ryan was supposed to walk next to his second cousin, who was a flower girl, but I found out later from K., that he walked completely alone and by himself down the aisle and did great.  He did just what he was supposed to do!  I guess the practicing came in handy.

After I climbed down the rock embankment, without twisting an ankle, I walked up the side and was able to sit in the front row, next to my mother.  I got lots of nice pictures of the wedding party, and of Ryan.  Here is one that captures basically what a 3.5 year-old-boy would be doing during a wedding ceremony (playing with the ribbon on his pillow):


The ceremony was wonderful, and my brother totally broke down with tears, when he saw K.  I knew she looked wonderful.  The ceremony was short and sweet, about 15 minutes.  It was hot, but there was a breeze, and I was amazed that Ryan stood up there, the entire time- he was such a good boy!  Here is a picture of my brother, and new sister-in-law:


While we were waiting for the photographer to get some pictures set up, my sister’s friend took this picture of my three siblings and I:


So obviously the new face is that of my oldest and only brother, J.  He has always been a wonderful brother, and I am so happy for him and K.  I cried during the ceremony, and reception after seeing how happy they are.  I am so glad my brother finally found someone he can share his life with. 

So after we all dried our eyes, and ate a delicious dinner, it was time to dance!  It was so fun, but the biggest surprise of all was Ryan.  He started dancing, and had no fear.  He was doing summersaults, dancing with older girls, his cousins, dancing for the videographer, photographer, and spinning on the floor like a break dancer.  I have no idea where he picked up all these dance moves, but be busted them out! 

Joe and I were both stunned- where did our shy little boy go, who would barely even talk to a new person?  He was talking up a storm to almost everyone he met, and he had just the best time- I dare say the best night ever in his short life. 

The next morning Joe called him John Travolta Jr., and almost a week later, he’ll drop to the ground and do a dance “move” and say “this is one of my tricks.”  He told my dad today that he was “born to boogie.”  Who knew? We are going to get a copy of the videographer;s DVD of the wedding, so we can have Ryan’s dancing debut forever.

My sister’s friend, “snuck” some extra chocolate covered strawberries for Ryan, and he loved those along with some cake:


Joe was wonderful- he held Cole for me the entire night so I could enjoy the party.  Cole fell asleep around 8:30, so he sat with him in the foyer, and laid him on a couch.  About 9:45, I joined them, while Ryan was still dancing, and running around with his second cousins.  My dad kept an eye out on him, but he was unstoppable.  I know I am getting old, when my 3.5 old son can out party me!

Much to Ryan’s dismay, at 10 pm, we decided it was time to go.  I got one more dance in with Ryan: (this picture is from earlier in the night- he looks so sad, because he didn’t want me to pick him up- I was cramping his style!)


The boys fell asleep in the car before we left the parking lot.  It was a wonderful wedding, and everything was so pretty, beautiful, and thought-out.  Sometimes weddings aren’t like that, but K.’s family was terrific and everyone just had so much fun.  This one was one of the best weddings I have ever been to.

K., and everyone who helped her, did such a fantastic job- it is an honor to have her as a new sister, and I am very thankful to her, for making my brother so happy.  Thanks for including us, and Ryan in your special day- we all had a blast!

The rest of the weekend was busy, with us visiting relatives in from out of town, but all in all it was beautiful.  It was the best of what families can be.

Activities Family & Friends Ryan

Married Off

My brother’s wedding was on Thursday, July 5th, and it was great!  Everyone had a blast- the wedding was lovely, the reception was fun, we discovered Ryan is a “John Travolta Junior” (more on that later!) and we all couldn’t be happier for him and his wife- my new sister in law!  Congratulations guys!!

We have been running around basically non-stop- we still have out-of-town relatives in town and are trying to spend as much time as possible with them, and my sister, who leaves to go back home on Sunday, is spending Saturday, and Saturday night with us. 

I will write more about the wedding soon, and post a lot of pictures I’m sure- I took over 100! 

On Tuesday we had the rehearsal and then a lunch.  Ryan enjoyed practicing, and on the ride down he kept saying it was his wedding.  He did really well at the rehearsal, considering it was VERY hot, and there was a lot of activity going on.  Joe’s mom watched Cole for me, so I could focus on Ryan and make sure he understood what he needed to do.

 He loved the lunch- it was at an outside bistro with a waterfall, and he had free roam of the place, with my dad keeping an eye on him.  We had a nice lunch, and it was fun visiting with all the friends and relatives.  Here are a few pictures from the rehearsal:

pictures-024.jpg Ryan holding his practice ring bearer pillow (this was the pillow used in my wedding- Joe’s mom made it)

pictures-054.jpg Ryan and I at the lunch- Love the goofy look on his face- it is hard to get a 3.5 year old to give you a “proper smile”

pictures-055.jpg Ryan playing with my dad behind the waterfall- I LOVE this picture- it is my favorite from the day.

Activities Family & Friends

Bachelorette Party

My older (& only) brother is getting married this Thursday.  Last night, I attended a bachelorette party in honor of my almost sister-in-law (K), and I had a blast!

There were eleven of us, and we started out having drinks and dinner at an Asian themed restaurant on their roof-top patio.  It was decked out with lounge couches, seats, stools, and lots of bamboo.  Despite it being about 100 degrees outside, we managed to stay mostly cool until 8pm, when we headed into our state’s capitol downtown area.

K did her homework! She found a place that let ladies drink FREE from 8-10 pm, with no cover.  So what if you had to enter it from the alley?  So what if there was no one else there?  The lights were neat, the bartender was fun, (he did a shot with K) and they really did serve free drinks- anything you wanted made with vodka, or champagne.

At 10 pm, as we were moving on, a ton of people started to come in- guess that was the magic time, because we had the place to ourselves until then.  Two of the ladies, who are mommies too, had to leave, and for once I wasn’t the first person leaving.  Another mom, whose kids are older, and who were spending the night at their grandparents was there, and I joked I could never out-last her…she is the ultimate mommy partier- never mind she just got done working a 12 hour shift! 

K. knew of another place, about 4 blocks away, where it was ladies night from 10-12, and again the drinks were free.  One of the girls in our group thought it was at a sportsbar when she heard the address, and when we got there, it WAS a sports bar, but again we could have our pick from anything with vodka in it, or beer.

We decided to sit outside, and after about half an hour there, with not much happening- except for guys watching TV, as they do in sports bars, we decided to go dancing!!  Yea!!

We walked another few blocks to a really fun 80’s dance place, where I actually went for my bachelorette party, way back when.  K. “snuck” me in behind her veil- it was pretty funny- I felt like I was in high school, trying to sneak into a concert. 

When we were all in (some of us were also snuck in, and others paid), we started dancing.  It was so fun!  I went and asked a few guys throughout the night if they would dance with K, and they all said yes.  At one point the DJ said all the bachelorettes could get up on the bar and dance, so K hopped right on up and started dancing. 

The only bad thing was their air conditioner was broke, and it literally had to be about 150 degrees in this place.  We could only dance for about two songs, before we had to go outside and get some air.  At least it was only about 90 degrees outside, with a light breeze. 

As I was sitting outside with everyone, I realized I had not been out dancing since MY bachelorette party at this very place, just about 5 years ago!  I can’t believe how much has changed in 5 years, and never, never 5 years ago, did I ever think I’d be back at this place, 5 years later, with two boys of my own.

At this point it was 12:30, and I realized we had walked about 9 city blocks from where I parked, and I had about an hour drive home.  So I said good-bye to everyone and we all agreed we needed to do this again, and not wait for another bachelorette party.

I walked back to my car, which was a little nerve-racking at that time of night- there were a couple places that were a little seedy, but I quickly got back to the area where the bars, clubs, and restaurants were, so there were a ton of people walking around.

I got back to the car half an hour later, to discover a $30 parking ticket for having an expired temporary license plate.  URG.  We have been so busy, we haven’t had time to go get the permanent plates for Joe’s car (which I drove), so I guess that charge, off set my free drinks, and free admission- oh well.

I got home at 1:30, saw Joe sleeping with Cole on his chest, who immediately woke up when he heard my footsteps.  He reached out for me, and it was so nice to snuggle with my baby Cole.  After he fell back asleep, I went and peeked in on Ryan, who was sleeping soundly.  I gave him a kiss and went to take a shower. 

Since I don’t get to go out very much, it made me appreciate and really value the time that I had last night.  Of course I don’t want to do that all the time, but every now and then would be great. 

I think I am realizing that it is okay to take time for myself and do things that I enjoy, and my kids will be fine.  It is so hard to find that perfect balance, but I think it is important to try, in order to fill the “mommy tank” back up. 

So that was my “wild” night of “debauchery”- can’t wait until I can do it again.

Activities Family & Friends Me Ryan

My New “Do”

Before having children, I was devoted to getting my haircut every two months.  Even if I didn’t want to take any length off, I would at least have the ends trimmed out, and my hair thinned out.

That’s right-thinned out.  I have very thick, curly hair.  My siblings used to call me “hair helmet” when we were growing up, because it was curly, thick, frizzy, and I had a ton of it.  

I realized a week ago, that it has almost been a year since I have had my hair cut.  A YEAR….gasp.  The last time was last July, right after Cole had been born, and my sister was visiting me from out of town.  She offered to stay with the boys, so I could go get it cut, and I took her up on it.

Needless to say, I needed a haircut desperately.  I have been reliving my “hair helmet” days.  I think I have beat my old record and have worn my hair in a ponytail for probably three months straight now- it is the only thing I can do with it, when it gets this way, so it isn’t totally frizzy and out of control.

It is funny how something that was SO important to me before having kids, now barely registers on the scale.  In fact, if I didn’t have a family wedding coming up, with several parties, in the next few weeks, where I actually have to stop and figure out what I am going to wear, and then-oh-yeah- what am I going to do with my hair? pops into my brain, I probably wouldn’t have thought of it.  

I guess when the only people who see me day in and day out, is a three-and-a-half-year old, and a one-year-old- who hug me and kiss me all day, no matter what I look like, how my hair is cut, doesn’t matter that much to me anymore.  That being said, I do want to look nice at these family events and am glad that I finally got it cut. My neck feels about 5 pounds lighter, and my head feels a lot cooler, without all that extra hair hanging around.  No more ponytails for a while!

Here is a picture of me the night before I got it cut- no make-up on, and in my tie-dye shirt that I bought at the little studio where we took Ryan and his cousins to make their shirts at: (please don’t laugh too hard)  🙂 


Here is a picture of me from yesterday, at my future sister-in-law’s bridal shower, and I am holding my niece.  I’d like to point out that actually have dress on, AND make-up:


I was feeling very nice, and pretty, on my way out the door to the shower yesterday, and then Ryan saw me.  Here is how that went:

RYAN: Mommy, why are you dressed like that?

ME: I’m going to a bridal shower for Aunt Kat.

RYAN: Why are you wearing this for the shower?  (walks over to me and touches my dress) What is THIS? (scrunches up his nose, like I am wearing a burlap sack or something)

ME: This is a dress honey; Mommy wears a dress, for special occasions.

RYAN: What are those things on your shoes?

ME: Those are called high heels.

RYAN: I don’t like those…where are your flip-flops?

ME: These are nice shoes to go with the dress.

RYAN: I don’t like the dress…where are your shorts?

SIGH…. obviously my son doesn’t see me dressed up very often.  He’ll be in for a surprise when he sees me in the dress I bought for the wedding.  It is probably one of the nicest dresses I have bought in recent years.

But I have to admit, it did feel nice to get dressed up, even though it was a very hot, day- about 100 degrees, and it was lovely to go to a nice tea, and eat little finger foods, and not have to worry about cutting up someone’s food, or making sure they didn’t break a tea-cup or a dish, or answer “Mommy Why?” questions all afternoon, or try to soothe a crying baby.  When my niece started to cry, I got to hand her back to her mother, and that was a switch- usually I am on the receiving end of a crying baby.  Most of all, I enjoyed talking to other adults and having uninterrupted conversation for 2 whole hours! 

Maybe I need to get out of the house more, but darn-it- I’d have to get my hair cut on a regular basis then.