Activities Cole Family & Friends Me Parenting Ryan

Social Weekend

On Friday night, I met up with my very good friend, Mary, We used to work together, and now she is an RN and lives about 40 miles away.  I wish we could say we are great staying in touch, but we are both so busy, we don’t get together as often as we like, but when we do, it is like we pick right up from where we left off, from the last time we talked.  I have two sisters, but Mary feels like my “third” sister. 

We met for dinner at a delicious Italian restaurant- we sat outside on the patio and it was just a lovely evening.   At one point the wind started up, and it looked like it was going to rain, and there was no room inside the restaurant for us to be reseated, but it never did rain.  We got to visit for about three hours, and when I arrived home, just past the boys’ bedtime, I expected to find Joe trying to put one or both boys to sleep.  Instead, he was watching TV, and there were no little boys in sight.  He got them both down, and they were soundfully sleeping.   

On Saturday night, my dad and step-mom generously treated my sister, my two teen-age cousins, and myself to a musical-The Little Mermaid, produced by Disney (of course) and it was wonderful! 

I really didn’t expect too much, but it had everything-good story, exceptional singing- wonderful characters, excellent music, awesome dancing (there is even a tap dance number in it- I love tap dancing, and it doesn’t seem like you see very much of it any more), and very touching song lyrics and dialogue.  This was different from The Little Mermaid movie, allthough they “borrowed” parts from the movie.  There was a lot of added dialogue that frankly made it more “adult” and less for kids.  There was a scene at the end, where Ariel’s father, King Titian, talks about loving your children and how you love them so much you can’t let them go, but because you do love them, you have to let them go.  It was so moving- there wasn’t a dry eye in the place, especially among the parents! 

Of course they had all of classic songs from the movie, like “Under the Sea,” and “Kiss the Girl.”  Another cool aspect was there was not a drop of  water on the set, and the actors were not on lines, trying to make them look like they were swimming- they used the Healey shoes- to roller blade across the stage, to mimic the swimming, and it worked!  It was very creative. 

It was so entertaining, and there was something for everyone.  It was a wonderful night!

When I was getting ready to leave, Ryan gave me the once-over and asked me, “Where are you going dressed like that?”  As I was walking out the door, I called goodbye to him.  He was in the kitchen with Joe, and he called back, “Okay, good-bye, have fun, and be careful.”  Sometimes I think he is 3.5 going on 30!

I got home rather late, and of course Joe had the boys bathed, and sleeping once again.  Should I have expected any less?  He was terrific with them, and it was very nice to actually go out for two whole nights kid free. I’m very fortunate Joe is such a terrific father and hubby.

Today we went back to the same town to visit Joe’s brother and help him with some household projects.  The boys did great visiting their uncle and playing with their two doggies.  They were asleep in the car five minutes after we left.  They briefly woke up when we got home, but they both fell back asleep within minutes.

Joe has to work tomorrow, and I have to go grocery shopping and get things ready for the week.  We had a very nice weekend, and I hope everyone has a great Labor Day tomorrow.  Here are two pictures from last night:

music-002-copy.jpg Me with my niece, Maelin, who is five months old.

music.jpg (L to R) Maelin, Me, My sister, & My sister-in-law. We all three ended up wearing black (and very dark navy) lacy outfits, but did not plan this.  I guess we were all on the same wave length!  🙂

Activities Cole Family & Friends Health Mothering Ryan

A New Phase

We are finally all healthy again!  Joe got the “crud” on Friday afternoon after he got home from work, and was sick until Sunday.  It was a rough weekend, because the boys wanted to play with their daddy, and they couldn’t.

On Friday night my in-laws and I took the boys to an end of summer festival on our Main Street.  The boys had a terrific time, and I did too!  There were some bouncy castles, a big bubble tower that blew tons of bubbles out- they boys had fun trying to catch them.  There was also a mini-train ride that Ryan rode three times, and once I managed to squeeze my self into one of the cars, and hold Cole on my lap.  He thought he was quite the big boy.  He kept waving to Grandpa, and was quite proud of himself.

The big surprise was a local dance studio was having some performances of their dancers- girls from probably about age 10 to age 17, and Ryan loved watching them!  He wanted to keep going back and see the dancers.  One set they did had a boy dancing too, who was probably about 11 or 12, and Ryan kept asking when the boy was going to come back and dance.  Cole was jamming out, bopping to the music in his stroller.  I think I have two little dancers on my hands.

On Sunday I went shopping with Cole for about 4 hours for some new clothes.  He did so unbelievably well.  I don’t think he has ever had a day since he has been born where he didn’t cry / fuss at least once.  Yesterday he didn’t!  He sat in his stroller, waving at people, babbling, and playing with his toys.  I had about 10 people stop me and tell me what a cute little baby I had.  In the dressing rooms, he just looked at himself in the mirror, “hung” the clothes back on the hangers for me, and just had fun.  He was like the poster child of a perfectly happy, contented baby.  So we had a fabulous afternoon. 

We are entering into a new phase with Ryan though.  He has suddenly decided that he is the boss, and throws fits now when he doesn’t get his way.  Saturday night, we had a bad episode, where he was in a fit, and he actually slapped my face.  I was stunned- I can’t believe my sweet little boy did this.  When you get hit in the face, my first reaction is to hit back.  I felt my hand go up, but I stopped, and just put him in his bed.  I told him he is never, never, to hit me.  He cried and cried, and about twenty minutes later he came out of his room and apologized.  I told him he hurt me very, very, much.  He said he was sorry again, and Joe took him back to his room to talk to him. 

It will be interesting to see what happens during the next fit.  I can put up with a lot, but having my son hit me, is not one of them!

Activities Cole Cooking Family & Friends Ryan

Getting Back in the Swing of Things

We have had a pretty low key week- on Wednesday we finished unpacking and did some laundry, and went to the grocery store to restock.

Joe had to go back to work yesterday, so the boys and I had a relaxing day at home- they played outside and got reacquainted with their toys.  After lunch, Ryan’s grandpa came and got him and took him to a ranch supply store in town that had “The World’s Biggest Horse,” visiting.  This horse is a Belgian Draft horse and is in the Guinness World Record Book as the tallest living horse- he is 6’7 1/2″ at the withers and weighs 2600 pounds!

Ryan really liked seeing him, and then he went back to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for a nap and dinner. 

I finally got out to the garden to start harvesting my tomatoes- I love growing them, and there were some that were just getting ready to pick before vacation, so I had lots that were ready- here is a picture of my “first fruits” of the season:


I used the two bigger tomatoes last night- I sliced them, drizzled them with olive oil and garnished them with fresh basil, salt, and pepper, and then let them sit for about 20 minutes before we ate them with dinner- they are great that way.

Tonight I picked two more big ones, and we had BLT sandwiches- yum!  There isn’t anything quite like fresh picked, homegrown tomatoes.

Finally this morning, we met up with some friends at one of the kiddie pools in town for an end of summer swim play date.  All the pools in our town close on Sunday, since school is starting next week.  There was a nice turnout- about 5 mommy’s, and about 9 kids.  Ryan liked going out in the “deeper” water, which only got to 2 feet, 8 inches- he was actually doing some skills he learned in swim lessons, and he was very comfortable in the water. 

Cole liked playing the shallower end, but I got him out in the deeper end a few times, and spun him around and played with him, and he liked that once he got used to the water.

I love these last few weeks of summer- it is a nice excuse to be lazy before all the fall activities begin.

Activities Cole Family & Friends Parenting Ryan

Back From Vacation

I’m back!!  Our vacation was wonderful…fun, relaxing, not too long, not too short, and the boys had a blast! 

Here is a daily summary of what we did.  I have lots of pictures at the end as well. 

Day 1: Planes, Trains, Automobiles, & Boats

We left at 7am for the airport.  We arrived at the airport at 8,- the plane left at 10.  Cole nursed and fell asleep before the plane took off, and slept for an hour and a half.  Then he woke up and played with the window shade, toys I packed, and ate his snacks.

Ryan and Joe were sitting two rows back from Cole and I, so I didn’t get to really see or hear what Ryan did on the flight, but he did like his etch-a-sketch and snacks.  He enjoyed looking out the window, and he got all the apple and orange juice he wanted- he thought that was neat.

We arrived at 2pm, local time.  We rented a car, and had to take a shuttle bus a few blocks away from the airport.  As we were loading up the car, about an hour after we arrived, we realized that we only had 4 bags, but brought 5- my bag was missing- yikes!!  We drove back to the airport, and I dashed back into the baggage claim, after getting a “warning” from a security guard that I wasn’t allowed to just hop out of the car in the middle of the lane- whatever. (sometimes I think these guards in small towns really don’t have a lot to do.) 

I went to the carousel and didn’t see my bag.  There were some bags lined up against the wall, but mine wasn’t there.  I was getting nervous, thinking I would have to go stand in the lost baggage line- you know how fun that is- but then I saw my lone bag sitting on the carousel towards the back. 

We then stopped for lunch, and we were on the road by 4.  The boys did great, considering it was a really long day, and around 6 they both got cranky, so we stopped at a grocery store, got them some grapes, and let them stretch their legs.  We arrived at my grandma’s around 8pm.

The boys ran out to the beach immediately, where their grandpa was, and started playing.  We realized the boys had been on a plane, train (at the airport), and an automobile all in one day. We laughed and joked that they just needed a boat ride, and then they would have been on practically every mode of transportation.  My dad then put Ryan in a raft, and gave him a “boat” ride.  Ryan smiled the entire time and said, “This has been a big day!” 

Day 2: First Beach Day-

In the morning Joe, Cole, and I went to town to stock up on groceries, and spent about 2 hours doing that.  Ryan stayed with Papa Dan (my dad), and started his first day playing on the beach and in the water.

Some neighbors loaned us their grandkid’s sand toys, so Ryan was equipped with sand pails, shovels, molds, and even a Tonka bulldozer, and dump truck.  Talk about a 3-year old boy heaven!

When Joe and I got back, I went out in the water with my dad and Ryan.  My dad pulled Ryan in the raft to deeper water where there is an anchored raft.  Ryan had fun sitting on the raft and then I asked him if he wanted to jump in the water to me.  He did, and then spent the next two hours jumping in to Papa Dan, Joe, and I.

My dad and step mom were wonderful in helping with the boys- my dad sat with Ryan in the shallow water so he could play in the sand, my step mom sat on the deck and read, and listened for Cole to wake up from his nap, and Joe and I got to go out for a swim by ourselves. 

For dinner, my dad grilled hamburgers, and I made a green salad. 

Day 3: Date Night / No Sleep

We all took a walk to the library on the peninsula (except for my grandmother, who obviously knew better than us, not to walk).  It is only about a mile and it was cloudy and cool when we started out, but then the sun came out and there were enormous, steep hills to climb. I could barely make it up with Cole in an umbrella stroller!  Poor Joe had to carry Ryan on his shoulders the entire walk.

Needless to say, we were hot and sweaty when we arrived at the library, but it was air conditioned, so we stayed a while and browsed to gear up for the walk home.  We got the boys a Builder Bob DVD and a few books to read for our visit. 

We got home at noon.  It was so hot and we were hungry!  We ate lunch and then hit the water.

I took Cole in later for a nap, and then went back in the water.  Joe and Papa Dan played with Ryan in their “sand kingdom,” and Cole joined in too, until dinner. 

My step mom, (Grandma Jean) made spaghetti.

Joe and I gave the boys a bath and put them to bed by nine.  We got to go to a movie!! Woo hoo!  We went into town and saw Bourne Ultimatum.  It was really good!

We got home at midnight, and Cole was up with Papa Dan, and Grandma Jean.  He had been crying, but the grandparents had him eating some Cheerios, but he did NOT want to go back to sleep.  I had a very hard time trying to get him down.  He would drift off for a few minutes, and then wake up crying.  My grandmother’s house is pretty small, and I didn’t want to keep everyone else up with Cole’s crying, so I put him in the car and drove him up and down the peninsula for about an hour, listening to “soothing music” from the XM satellite radio that was in the car.  He finally fell asleep at 3 am!  He woke up again, when I put him back in the Pack N Play, but he rolled over and stayed asleep.  It was a long night. 

Day 4- All Aboard!

My dad said he would watch the boys in the morning so I could take a nap to recover from the night before, and he didn’t have to offer twice!

When I woke up, Cole took a nap and then Papa Dan and Grandma Jean took Ryan to pick blueberries.  When they got back, Joe, Ryan, Cole, and I left around noon and took the boys to a park in town, where we rode a train that went around the park- complete with a real engineer, steam, and a whistle.  They loved it!  Cole and I rode once, and then Joe bought him and Ryan another ticket for another ride.  For some reason the engineer decided to go around twice, so when Ryan got off the train he was excited and said, “I got to go around two times, Mommy!”

We were planning on taking a short drive to another town about half an hour away, but ended up just driving around where we were.  We stopped for a late lunch / early dinner at Chili’s.  Then the boys fell asleep in the car, so we drove around some more, and parked at a pretty park, overlooking the water.  Joe and I talked, and snoozed ourselves, until the boys woke up.

We got back home around 7, to see some other relatives who were leaving after a visit.  Then the boys played in the sand.  My grandmother, Mimi, made a delicious blueberry cobbler with some of the blueberries Ryan picked.

After the boys went to bed, I played cards with my dad and step mom and read.

I stayed up until 2am to finish Two Little Girls in Blue, by Mary Higgins Clark (click to see my review).  It was a page turner!

Day 5: Daddy Day

We all slept in late this morning- until 10 and 10:30. 

I took my dad and Jean back to the library to help them reserve a rental car for their trip back to the airport (out of the same town we flew into- they drove up with my grandma, but didn’t want to have to have her drive them back down).

Ryan and Cole stayed with Joe.  He built them a huge sand pit, and lined it with a trash bag to keep the water in it.  Mimi extended her garden hose all the way down to the beach, so there was a slow but consistent flow of water into the hole.  I don’t think I have ever seen my two little boys happier!

After the library, the three of us ran some errands and picked up some local food in town.  We returned home 3 hours later, to find Joe reading and BOTH boys down and sleeping for their naps.  I guess Dad has the magic touch. 

I had a snack, read, went swimming, and snorkeling.  When the boys woke up, we played in the water until dinner. 

Mimi made pork loin roast with farm fresh green beans (from a garden just up the hill from her), and Jean made roasted potatoes. 

We watched the sunset, and Cole was having trouble going to sleep.  Joe got him to sleep after putting Ryan to bed.  He put both boys down for their naps and bed today- super, super, Dad!

Unfortunately, Cole did not stay sleeping.  He had another bad night.  He woke up around 2, and did not want to sleep.  He was doing the same thing from a few nights before.  He kept waking up my grandma, so I took him to the car again. 

By this time it was 4 am.  I was so tired, I wasn’t going to drive- I was afraid I would be too drowsy- so I just held him in the car, while sitting in the passenger side of the car.  He finally went to sleep and I was dozing.  I thought to myself, “Five more minutes,” in order to make sure he was really in a deep sleep, before I would bring him back into the house.

Then, all of a sudden, the car alarm went off!  I have no idea why or how it went off. The horn was honking, and as quiet as it is on my grandmother’s peninsula, it might as well of been a space shuttle being blasted off.  The noise was deafening, and I know the noise woke up everyone within miles!

Joe came up to the car, and wanted the keys.  I didn’t have them, since I wasn’t planning on driving.  He went back to get them, and finally got that damn alarm to stop.  Of course everyone was awake, and I felt terrible.  Cole seemed very excited, but as soon as we went back into the room, he conked out!

That was about all the excitement I could handle.  I hoped and hoped, that Cole would not have another night where he couldn’t sleep (and he didn’t!). 

Day 6: Shopping

I slept until 9 am, and then Ryan told me when I got up, that his bear (stuffed animal), had had a hard time going to sleep, and he had a rough night with his bear!

Jean and I decided to drive into a town about 20 minutes away to browse the shops and pick up some local jams and jellies.  We took Cole with us, and Ryan stayed back for more fun in the sun with Dad, and Papa Dan.

Cole did well on our shopping outing- we browsed, had lunch at a local grill, and then found the shop with the goodies!  I got wild blueberry jam and my all time favorite- strawberry rhubarb preserves, which were all made locally!

We headed back home to find Ryan still playing in the water.  Cole had reached his limit, so he and I headed in the house for a two hour nap, which we both took.  Ryan was still in the water, (no nap), having a blast.  Cole woke up, and we went in the water as well.

For dinner I made pizza- it was pizza from the deli, which I “doctored” up with some mushrooms, and green peppers.  I made another green salad too. 

Joe gave the boys a bath and then it was bed time.  Cole fell asleep very fast, so I went into Ryan and Joe’s tent to snuggle with Ryan, but he informed me that no girls were allowed- but I stayed anyway.

I finished reading Ravenhill, by Timothy Hillmer, (click to see my review), which was another fantastic read. 

Then Joe and I went into town for dessert and got to talk for a while.  We drove back to the peninsula and stopped to look at the stars.  It is so dark on the peninsula, we could see billions of stars, and we even saw the Milky Way Galaxy.  I also saw two shooting stars.

When we got back both boys were still fast asleep, and we went off to sleep.  It was a very nice and relaxing day!

Day 7: Lake Michigan

We drove today, and ended up at a beach on Lake Michigan.  It was awesome!  The waves were fun, and the water was just right. 

Cole just wanted to run right in- he had no fear what so ever.  We had to really watch him, because he kept trying to run in.  At my grandmother’s the water is very shallow and gradually gets deeper and deeper.  Where we were on the lake though, there was only a few feet where it was shallow, and then it dropped off considerably.

Ryan got used to the bigger waves and played in the water with Papa Dan.  After an hour or so, the boys were getting cold, so we headed back.  My dad and Jean took my grandmother’s car, because we all couldn’t fit in our rental car, and they decided to stay for a while longer.

We drove back and decided to stop at Olive Garden for dinner.  It was nice, and the boys behaved well.  Joe and I got dessert to go!   

This night, about 2 am it started to rain.  It was a complete downpour and the lightening was only about a mile away from us.  The thunder was so loud, it woke me up, but it was so cozy to be tucked into bed, where it was so dark, I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face, except for when the lightning would flash and light up the entire house. 

The bottom of Ryan and Joe’s tent got soaked but they were on an air mattress, so they were able to “ride out the storm”, without getting their bed wet.

Joe sleeps very deeply and he didn’t wake up with the thunder.  He said he heard Ryan going, “Dad, oh Dad,” and he woke up and saw Ryan standing over him.  He was shaking and was scared.  The thunder was very loud.  So he cuddled up with Ryan, and he said he could feel his heart pounding about 200 beats a minute!  Poor little guy- but he went back to sleep- what a trooper!

Day 8: Another Day Bumming Around 

By now, this is probably getting pretty boring- more swimming, napping, eating, and hanging out.  I don’t think we could have been any more relaxed if we tried.

My dad and Jean told us they were going to spend the night with my dad’s aunt, and then go fishing with her and her husband the next morning. 

Then my grandmother said she was going to spend the night at one of her friend’s house, so we actually ended up having the place to ourselves Sunday night.

We ate a late lunch, so we weren’t really hungry.  I made grilled cheese for the boys and Joe, and I had some left over ravioli from the night before.

We decided to take the boys into town for ice cream.  The one place downtown that we love, was closed so we went to another place that serves soft-serve.  It was ok, but Ryan really liked it for some reason. 

We got back to the house, and Joe bathed the boys, and we put them to bed.  Then we hung out, and we read.  I finished The Memory Keeper’s Daughter, (click to see my review), by Kim Edwards.

Both the boys slept really well and it was nice to have a quiet evening to ourselves. 

Day 9: Our Last Full Day

We all woke up about 8, and decided to go into town to a wonderful place for breakfast. 

I got cherry-pecan French toast with eggs, and Joe got a Denver omelet.  The boys got eggs and pancakes.  They gave the boys their milk in a kiddie cup, and it had a really think bendy straw, all Cole wanted to do, was take the straw out, and then put it back in again.  He did that for the entire breakfast!

When we got back to the house, my grandmother was home.  We talked for a while and then Joe went in with Cole to take a nap, Ryan played on the beach, and I watched him, and read. 

It was a lot cooler this day, so it was kind of cold to go swimming, but we all got in the water to our waists and I chased Ryan around the water.  We had so much fun- he is still talking about me chasing him.

Then I took a shower, and stared getting us packed up, so I wouldn’t have to do it in the morning.  My dad and Jean came back with fresh salmon filets they caught that morning on Lake Michigan!  Guess what we had for dinner?

The boys went to bed, and Jean and my grandma watched a movie.  I was trying to read and finish a book Jean had gotten at the library, but I was really tired.  I just couldn’t keep my eyes open.  My dad was tired too, so we actually went to bed early, and left Joe reading, and Jean and Mimi watching the movie.

Day 10: Home

We got up at 7, to get ready to leave.  We finished packing, ate breakfast, got the boys ready, and were ready to leave for the drive back to the airport at 9:15. 

My dad and Jean were leaving the next day, and I actually started to cry when I said goodbye to them and my grandma.  They were all so helpful, and helped us have a fantastic vacation.  It was just perfect. Even with the few bad nights Cole had, no one complained or made me feel bad. 

They were all great about helping us with Ryan and Cole, and allowed Joe and I to have some much needed time for us, and just catch up on sleep, relax, and unwind. 

I  know we didn’t do our “fair share” of cooking or cleaning, but no one minded, and my dad told me that was why they were staying an extra day, so we could just relax and not have to worry about it.

So, we are so thankful and grateful to my dad, Jean, and Mimi.  Thank you guys, for giving us such a wonderful break and vacation, and being so great and loving to Ryan and Cole.  They had a terrific time as well.

On the way to the airport, Cole threw up- I think he was gagging himself, and of course, as soon as I picked him up, I got it all over my shirt.  So we stopped at a rest area to change, but we still made it into the town an hour early.

We stopped and got some lunch and then dropped off the rental car.  We managed to get all our bags this time, and arrived at the airport an hour before the flight. 

Ryan kept asking when we would be in the clouds again, and was super excited when we finally took off.  Cole fell asleep again, and slept for two hours.  I dozed off and on, and noticed that Ryan was sleeping too.

Joe’s dad came and picked us up from the airport, and then his mom had a delicious meal of hamburgers, sweet corn, cucumbers, green beans, and home grown tomatoes for us.  It was so nice of her to cook for us, and it was just the perfect ending to our vacation. 

The minute we walked in the door, the boys went to their toys, and Cole had a smile on his face like, “Hey, I remember this place.”

Ryan was thrilled to be in his own bed again, and I find it true for myself as well- no matter how much I love vacations, there is something to sleeping in my own bed.  I don’t think anything feels more like home to me, then those first few minutes after I am laying in my bed after being away.  It was a great vacation, but I am happy to be home- back in my own bed.

If you have read this far, thank you, and now for the pictures: (you can click on any of them to see them bigger)

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Activities Cole Family & Friends Ryan

Vacation at Last!


After not having a vacation where we went anywhere, since 2005 due to pregnancy and having a newborn / high needs baby, we left today for a 10 day beach vacation at my grandmother’s house in the Great Lakes region.  The above picture is at my grandma’s from her deck at sunset.  My sister just returned last week, and this is a picture she took. 

She has a beach house, w/ her own private beach and it is just wonderful.  Joe and I have gone several times before we were married, and it is just a peaceful, quiet retreat.  We took Ryan for the first time when he was 6 months old, back in 2004, and then when he was 1 1/2 in 2005, and he had the best time playing on the beach.  His big thing was to dig holes in the sand, and then have us pour water into them.  He sat out on the beach for hours doing that!

This time he should be able to enjoy the water as well, and we’ll see how much the swimming lessons paid off.  I know Cole will have a blast in the sand (if we can keep him from eating it), and he is a water baby already! 

It is kind of like “getting away from it all,” at my grandmother’s.  She lives on a peninsula about 15 minutes away from the nearest town.  She doesn’t have a computer (and we are leaving the laptop at home), and her TV only gets a few local stations.  Usually at night, everyone will sit on her deck, watch the sun go down, sit around talking, and then read and talk. I am bringing about 6 books w/ me, and Joe thinks I’m crazy.  He says the days of us sitting around, and reading are over, but I’m not giving up that easily.  I can read pretty fast, once I get going, so if Cole stays asleep at night we’ll see. I am hoping he’ll be so tired at the end of the day, he’ll just want to conk out!

It is a slower pace at my grandma’s and one that I admit, that I miss.  Seems like as much as I try to “slow down” at home, there is always another load of laundry to do, or something a child needs from me. 

I also have to say that we are looking so forward to this vacation, because my dad and step mom are coming with us.  They absolutely adore Ryan & Cole and have already offered all the babysitting we want.  Every night sounds good to me.  🙂

With Cole being such a high needs baby, the last 14 months have been rough on us.  Joe and I have been so sleep deprived; some days it just seems like it is all we can both do, to get through the day and we haven’t had the energy to devote to “us.”   So we plan to take my parents up on their offer (and often) and get out for lots of dates, movies, fun, and some time alone.  We both need it.

 We have a direct flight to a city about 3 hours away from my grandma’s and then we are renting a car and driving.  I have a bag for Cole and Ryan, with new books, toys, and snacks.  Hopefully, that will keep them happy and somewhat content on the airplane. 

So there are my wishes and plans for our vacation. I know things don’t always go to plan, but we should have fun regardless. 

I won’t be blogging obviously, for a while, but check back around the end of next week.  Hope everyone has a great few weeks.  🙂