
If I Had Known Then What I Know Now

Today as I was unloading the dishwasher and putting away the dishes, I realized that we have been using the same 3 or 4 dinner plates all the time, and just re-washing them.  I have about 10 other dinner plates, but it seems like they have never seen the light of day.  This is how it goes:

Joe eats breakfast- plate in dishwasher (ok, usually the sink and Heather puts it in dishwasher) Heather eats breakfast puts plate in dishwasher.  Heather eats lunch, puts plate in dishwasher, Joe and Heather eat dinner, two plates go in dishwasher.  Next morning, Heather unloads dishwasher, puts plates on top of the stack, and process starts all over.

It occurred to me I could just start putting the plates at the bottom, but who wants to lift 10 heavy plates to do that?  Then I started looking at my cupboards, and I had to just shake my head.  When we got married almost five years ago, we did the usual gift registry, mainly at Crate & Barrel.  As I looked at 10 ice cream dishes today, 10 milkshake glasses, and 10 margarita glasses, I wondered what was I thinking?

Oh yeah, I remember- it went something like this:

Joe and Heather in Crate & Barrel on a Saturday morning, in 2002

HEATHER: Oh look at the cute ice cream dishes, honey…won’t these be nice for when we have kids?

JOE: What do you mean?

HEATHER: Well, when we have kids, we’ll all have the same nice dishes to eat ice cream in.

JOE: Okay, how many do you think we need?

HEATHER: (not even taking into consideration they are a thin glass that a baby, toddler, and basically any person under the age of 18 would break, by just looking at them): Ten should be good, then we’ll always have enough even if some are in the dishwasher.

(Heather inputs 10 in the scan gun.  Joe and Heather continue down the aisle.)

HEATHER: Look at these adorable milkshake glasses.  These will be perfect for the kids when I make milkshakes for them. 

JOE (assuming the reasoning is the same as it was for the ice cream dishes): Okay, how many do you think we’ll need?

HEATHER: Well, if we have a few kids, and then if they have a few friends over, and then we want one, and then if one breaks, maybe 10 will do it.  I guess we could always get a replacement one if we need it.

(Heather zaps 10 milkshake glasses in the scan gun. Moving on down the aisle)

JOE: Hey, those are pretty cool margarita glasses.

HEATHER (excited he was finally excited about something in the store): Yeah, they are.  Those would be great when we have people over, or have Mexican Food Night.

JOE: Let’s get eight.

HEATHER: Might as well make it 10 in case one breaks. (enters 10 in the scanner)

Back to modern day-

Well needless to say, it will be a cold day in h*** before I would give my kids the glass ice cream dishes, or milkshake glasses.  At least I did consider one of the milkshake glasses may break, but having people over for Mexican Food Night?  I wish I had time to make just myself a margarita- let alone entertain with a Mexican Food Night.

If I knew then what I knew now, we would have skipped Crate & Barrel and went right to the Tupperware kiosk and stocked up on plastic plates, plastic bowls, sippy cups, washcloths (to clean up the ice cream and milkshake messes) and then went to the liquor store to stock up on pre-made margarita mix from the bottle. 

As it stands, everynow and then, I’ll have a dish of ice cream in my ice cream dish, and I have probably made at most, two milkshakes served in the milkshake glasses. I have never hosted a Mexican Food Night, but in the rare event down the road, if Joe and I can ever manage to find some time to pour the pre-made margarita mix from the bottle into the glasses, (salting them would be another bonus), we’ll at least have very nice glasses to drink from, and could each drink 5 before we’d have to stop and wash the glasses again.

Breastfeeding Cole Family & Friends Ryan

Relatives in Town

My niece, Maelin, arrived on April 6th, and my mom and my youngest sister, who both live out of state, have been able to come out last week, and this week.

Last week my mom, came in for the weekend, to meet her new granddaughter.  We met in a park and had sandwiches, and she got to catch up with her grandsons. 

I also got to hold Maelin, who is still very small.  She is  6 lbs., 9 oz, and it is fun to hold such a little baby.  Ryan was 6 lbs., 15 oz, when he was born, and Cole was 7 lbs. 5 oz. at birth, so I never had a baby that little.  Here is the proud aunt, with her sweet niece, and you can see Cole sitting on a towel in the background (he’s still afraid of the grass  :-):


My sister arrived yesterday, and she is staying with Maelin and her mom (of course), but they drove up to my house, and we hung out with the kids, nursed, and when Joe came home from work, I got to go out to dinner with my sisters, without the boys.  It was a nice break, and Maelin slept the entire time.

As a side note, it was really interesting nursing Cole, and then having my sister nurse Maelin at the same time.  I never ever thought about my sisters and I having kids at the same time, and it was one of those things that you probably could never plan, but now that it has happened, it was neat- even though our children are different ages, and she is a new, first time mom, and I have 2 kids, nursing is still a common bond for us.  By the way, Maelin and her mom, have totally gotten the hang of nursing, and Maelin is a nursing champ!

Today, the boys and I went on a long walk, with me pushing both of them in the double stroller up hill, for the half the walk.  I realized I was pushing 50 lbs, between the two of them, and I was really sweating.  I hoped I burned off some of the Mexican food I had last night.  🙂

Tomorrow, Cole and I are going to go meet my sisters for an afternoon of shopping.  I am hoping to find a few summer capris and shorts, as I have *almost* lost all my baby weight (10 lbs to go), but sometimes that last 10 lbs., is hard to lose while you are still nursing.  I actually can get in to a few of my pre-baby spring clothes, but it is cutting it pretty close.  I would like a few outfits, I don’t have to “suck in it” if I want to keep the button from popping off.  And of course, I’ll be on the lookout for some summer clothes for Ryan and Cole.

Then my dad is coming over to my sister’s house to make his delicious chili rellenos.  My youngest sister loves chili, but where she lives, they don’t really have hot green chili.  So I plan to pig out on Mexican again.

On Sunday, the weather is supposed to be beautiful, so we are planning another picnic in the park, for the afternoon, before my sister has to catch her flight home.  It is great spending time with everyone and I only wish we could do it more often. 

Activities Cole Ryan

Day at the Goat Farm

We live near a goat farm, which produces cheese.  They offer tours a few days during the week, so last week, Ryan, Cole, and I met some friends to tour the farm, and see the new baby goats.

Ryan and I went last year in April too, and I was nine months pregnant with Cole, it was really warm, and Ryan was pretty scared of the goats.  Not this year!  He ran right up to the wheelbarrow they had out with greens to feed the goats, and he didn’t want to leave.  He thought it was really funny when the goats would try to eat his coat.    Cole was a little scared at first, but he quickly snapped out of it, and liked standing up, holding on the goat’s pen.  What a difference a year makes! 

Here are some pictures of the outing:    

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Breastfeeding Mothering Ryan

Dr. Seuss For Nursing Mothers

Today I saw this posted on a parenting board that I belong to, and I really liked it, especially since Green Eggs & Ham, is one of Ryan’s favorite books. 

It appears the author is unknown, but it did appear June 9, 2006 in Mothering under -Breastfeeding by Barb (and she stated she didn’t know who the author was).  Hope you get a smile out of it.  🙂

Would you nurse her in the park?
Would you nurse him in the dark?
Would you nurse him with a Boppy?
And when your b00b are feeling floppy?
I would nurse him in the park,
I would nurse her in the dark.
I’d nurse with or without a Boppy.
Floppy b00b will never stop me.
Can you nurse with your seat belt on?
Can you nurse from dusk till dawn?
Though she may pinch me, bite me, pull,
I will nurse her `till she’s full!
Can you nurse and make some soup?
Can you nurse and feed the group?
It makes her healthy strong and smart,
Mommy’s milk is the best start!
Would you nurse him at the game?
Would you nurse her in the rain?
In front of those who dare complain?
I would nurse him at the game.
I would nurse her in the rain.
As for those who protest lactation,
I have the perfect explanation.
Mommy’s milk is tailor made
It’s the perfect food, you need no aid.
Some may scoff and some may wriggle,
Avert their eyes or even giggle.
To those who can be cruel and rude,
Remind them breast’s the perfect food!
I would never scoff or giggle,
Roll my eyes or even wiggle!
I would not be so crass or crude,
I KNOW that this milk’s the perfect food!
We make the amount we need
The perfect temp for every feed.
There’s no compare to milk from breast-
The perfect food, above the rest.

Those sweet nursing smiles are oh so sweet,
Mommy’s milk is such a treat.
Human milk just can’t be beat.

I will nurse, in any case,
On the street or in your face.
I will not let my baby cry,
I’ll meet her needs, I’ll always try.
It’s not about what’s good for you,
It’s best for babies, through and through.
I will nurse her in my home,
I will nurse her when I roam.
Leave me be lads and ma’am.
I will nurse her, Mom I am.

Cole Fun Stuff Mothering Ryan

It’s Slinky, It’s Slinky

Ryan got his first Slinky for Easter.  He wasn’t that thrilled with it, but the other day, I needed something to keep him occupied for a few minutes, and tried to get him interested in the slinky again, to no avail.

Cole, on the other hand, came right over to it and was very interested.  I don’t know where or how my brain remembered the Slinky song from the commercial when I was a little girl, but I just started singing it, without missing a word, like I had heard the song yesterday.  How’s that for a good advertising jingle?

Ryan laughed, and LOVED the song.  All of a sudden he wanted to play with Slinky, and now he had to wait until Cole was done.  As soon as Cole was finished playing with it, Ryan went over and picked it up, and insisted that I keep singing the Slinky song.  So I obliged, and now he loves the Slinky, and sings the song too, while he is playing with it. 

I swear, I haven’t heard the song since I was probably about 10, but tonight I looked it up on good old You Tube, and found the Slinky commercial and the song that I remember from the 70’s.  It was pretty funny to see it again after all these years.  Check it out if you have a minute.

It is pretty amazing the things that get stored away in your brain.  Sadly for me, it isn’t some deep thought, or mathamatical equation- It’s Slinky, It’s Slinky.