Breastfeeding Pregnancy & Birth

Another Reason to Breastfeed

I got this new study from HealthDay today, via a BabyCenter bulletin.  I thought it was very interesting that research now points to breastfed children being less stressed than children who were bottle-fed, even 10 years after birth.   Here is the article:

Breastfeeding may give kids lasting protection from stress

Sun, Jan 6, 2008 (HealthDay News) — Breastfeeding is considered a great way for a mother to form a close bond with her infant. And now there’s evidence to suggest it may also help kids be more resilient to stress.

Researchers in Sweden and the United Kingdom examined data on almost 9,000 children born in Great Britain in 1970. Relevant information was collected at birth and again at ages 5 and 10 from parents, teachers, health-care workers and midwives.

Teachers were asked to rate the kids’ anxiety levels on a zero-to-50 scale at age 10. And parents were asked about major life events — including divorce or separation — that occurred when their children were between 5 and 10 years old.

Not surprisingly, children whose parents had divorced or separated were more likely to have high anxiety. But what the researchers found striking was the difference in stress levels between breastfed and bottle-fed kids. Breastfed children were significantly less anxious than kids who hadn’t nursed at their mother’s breast.

Lead author Scott Montgomery, an associate professor at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, said the research team was interested in examining whether there are any specific early-life exposures that make children better able to cope with stress later in life. The study attempted to replicate animal studies that showed close physical contact between a mother and her offspring may have a positive impact on the development of the offspring’s stress response, he said.

“The best marker of maternal physical contact in the first month of life that we could find among the research information at our disposal was breastfeeding,” Montgomery said.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that healthy women exclusively breastfeed their infants for at least the first six months of life and continue breastfeeding “for at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child.”

Breastfeeding offers many health and development benefits for baby, says the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development. Kids get the right balance of nutrients to support optimal growth, fatty acids to promote brain development and protection against many childhood illnesses. And there are important emotional and physical benefits for moms as well.

“There is no question that breastfeeding is better for the health of mothers and children,” said Nicole Else-Quest, an assistant professor of psychology at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, “but it is less clear how breastfeeding affects the mother-child relationship.” Breastfeeding may help to establish an early bond, she added, but “it is only one of many ways to do so.”

As for why there might be differences in stress between breastfed and bottle-fed kids, Else-Quest said it is difficult to speculate “given that many factors influence the decisions to breastfeed in the first place.”

The research team considered factors that might affect a child’s reaction to stress and ability to cope, such as maternal depression, parental education levels, social class, and smoking habits. Even after accounting for those factors, breastfed children were less anxious than their peers. In addition, bottle-fed children whose parents divorced were more anxious than breastfed kids.

Yet the study findings don’t prove that breastfeeding itself reduces anxiety. It may be a mark of close, early physical contact, the researchers noted.

“A child without such regular contact may perceive greater danger reacting to stress — indicating a potentially dangerous situation — with a more reactive and less well-controlled stress response,” Montgomery said.

It’s also possible, he added, that mothers who breastfed simply have a better relationship with their child.

“The parent-child relationship influences the child’s health and development in many ways,” Montgomery said. “A good relationship with parents is important, and this relationship begins in infancy, so good early contact with the child is important.”

The study findings were published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood.

What you can do:

Breastfeed your child if you can. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding your baby for at least the first year of life, and longer if both you and your child wish to continue.

• See our breastfeeding area for more information.

Family & Friends Household Me Mothering Ryan

Mommy Day

I got a lot accomplished today!  Joe took the boys this morning out to his parents house, while he changed the oil in my car.  While I had the house to myself, I cleaned, cleaned, and cleaned. 

I did three loads of laundry, cleaned both bathrooms, mopped both bathrooms, mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned the kitchen, and dusted upstairs.  All of this in less than three hours!  It is amazing what you can accomplish without two little monkeys (a.k.a. Ryan and Cole) underfoot. 

I was bummed though that I didn’t get the upstairs vacuumed; I was just turning on the vacuum when Joe and the boys came home, and the boys were tired, and needed their naps.  Then I made myself think of everything that I did get done, and felt pretty good.  I can finish vacuuming tomorrow.

Tonight I had girls night out at a Mexican restaurant.  It was really nice to have a kid-free dinner and catch up with some of my friends that I haven’t seen for a while. 

I wasn’t planning on being home for the boys’ bedtime, but when I arrived home, they were just going off to sleep.   Cole was out like a light, so I snuggled with Ryan.  He asked me if I had missed him, and told me he loved me so much, and Dad made him the best dinner ever.

Of course I asked him what this wonderful dinner consisted of, and he told me, cheese, tortillas, carrots that were cut up, and strawberries.  Guess I don’t need to make him his own gourmet pizza anymore- evidently Dad has the culinary touch.

Health Me

Braces Update

I had an appointment with the orthodontist my dentist recommended today, to get his opinion on whether or not I need braces.

I was very impressed with his professionalism.  I am very happy to report, that he thought braces would be “an overkill,” for my situation.  I was almost certain he would be trying to push them on me- more money for him-right?

He did agree with my dentist that I am grinding my teeth very hard in my sleep, and my teeth have moved, and a few of the teeth are loose.  Evidently some of the top teeth are pushing the bottom teeth out of alignment.  Over time he said, the contact between the teeth, will break down the ligaments and I will develop spaces and gaps between my teeth.  He told me I had two options:

1.  Do nothing orthodontically, and get a night guard, which actually will work as a great retainer, and keep my teeth where they are now. This should prevent any further damage for the time being. 

2. Get aligners to reposition the top and bottom teeth that are out of alignment first, then get the nightguard.  While aligners don’t move teeth like braces, they will move the teeth back some, but do nothing to lengthen the teeth.  He pointed out that I have one canine tooth longer than the other.  The only way to fix that would be to have braces. He also said the thinking has changed in that braces will help TMJ.  He said braces will move the teeth, but it doesn’t do anything to help TMJ- patients still have TMJ after they are done wearing braces. 

He told me if the position of my teeth don’t bother me now, then doing any work before having my dentist make a nightguard wasn’t necessary.  However he said over time, the teeth that have moved out of position could keep shifting, since they can’t do anything to stop the grinding, and I could still be grinding during the day, unconsciously.  He told me he sees way more women with grinding problems than men, and it is a nervous system issue in how stress is being dealt with (more on all this in a moment.)  He stressed that if I didn’t like the position of my teeth, now would be the time to fix them, before a nightguard is made.  The nightguard is made with the impressions of your teeth, and if I changed my mind, then I would have to buy a new nightguard.

So after taking all this in, and talking to Joe, I have decided to go ahead and do the aligners.  They are like a plastic mold that fits over the teeth.  They will also act as a guard at night, so I don’t undo their work if I keep grinding at night.  They aren’t cheap, but are way less than braces, and I feel like it is a wise investment.  I don’t like the way some of my teeth look now, after all this grinding, and I don’t want any more problems down the road.  He told me I should only have to wear them for 3 or 4 months, and then I can get the nightguard made. 

Interestingly, I made an appointment with my regular D.O doctor a few weeks back to get his thoughts, before I made a decision, and he said a lot of what the orthodontist told me today.  He said braces would not do anything to address the grinding issue, and to him the most progress could be made if we figured out WHY I was grinding in the first place, and how to stop it. 

I decided to try acupuncture with the M.D. who is also a licensed acupuncturist in his office.  I had my second session today, right before the the ortho. appointment.  What a difference!  I can feel the muscles relaxing more in my jaw, and feel a lot less stressed overall.  She told me after our first session, that sometimes the body gets “stuck” in a stress mode, and the energy has to be fixed, in order for it to let go of that stress.  Having had a few stressful years, with babies, and car accidents, I think what she said really makes sense in my case. Initially she suggested six, once a week sessions.  I felt so much better after the first session, that she suggested after today, I come back one more time next week, and then we could cut the sessions to once or twice a month. 

Overall, I am still bummed I have this issue with my teeth, but I am trying to be proactive and try to stop the grinding as much as possible.  I am also thankful this orthodontist turned out to be so honest and open.  I feel like he really does have my best interests in mind, and isn’t just trying to “sell” me expensive braces that won’t end up helping me in the long run.  I hope my acupuncture sessions will keep working as well, and maybe in a few months, I won’t be grinding anymore either.  It doesn’t hurt to hope, right?!

Activities Cole Family & Friends Ryan

Ryan’s Birthday Bash

The indoor amusement park party, was a bit hit!  There were lots of fun rides, for kids of all ages including a suspension bridge ending in a slide, a carousal, a giant ball pit, a tea cup ride (think of the tea cups at Disneyland), and an enclosed Ferris wheel to name a few.  Even my 9-month old niece had fun on the rides.  But by far, Ryan and Cole’s favorite ride was the train, that went around on a real track.  I think we ended up riding it no less than twenty times.

We arrived at the building and saw Joe’s sister, with her three kids, getting out of their car.  Cole had fallen asleep on the ride down, so Joe opted to stay in the car with him for a while and let him sleep. My sister-in-law helped me bring some of the food in, and as soon as we checked in, she took Ryan off with her kids to start playing.  My brother and sister-in-law, arrived, and my brother helped me carry in the rest of the items.  My brother’s wife told me that she used to come to this place when she was a child, and loved it!  She took my brother around to show him all the fun! 

It seems like everyone started arriving pretty much around the same time.  There were other families, and parties there obviously, and everyone was off with their kids, enjoying the rides.  I would catch a glimpse of  a friend or family member, and try to get over to them to say hello.  At 12:15 it was time to eat. We had some pizzas, vegetable and fruit trays.  After the kids were done eating, they wanted cake!  So we obliged.  Ryan loved his Thomas cake.  Joe was filming the singing and blowing out of the candles, but told me on the way home, the camera wasn’t on!  Fortunately, some of my family at least got some good pictures of Ryan blowing out his candles, so I’ll have to get those pictures from them. 

After lunch, most of my family left- they had another party to go to, but it was nice that most of our friends were able to stay and play longer.  It seemed like everyone was having a fun time.  We had to drag Ryan and Cole out, around 2:45- they were both so tired, but didn’t want to leave.  They wanted to ride the train one more time.  🙂  We are so fortunate to have such wonderful family and friends who helped us make Ryan’s day so special!

Ryan kept saying on the way home, what a fun party that was.  At one point he said, “Man, that was fun!”  He sounded so grown up.  After some naps (Mom and Dad included), we headed out for some dinner, and then dropped by Joe’s parents house, to finish off the birthday cake with them.

This morning at 8:04 (Ryan’s birth time), I hugged him and told him, “Happy Birthday.”  He hugged me back, and said,”Happy Birthday Mom- I love you so much.”  I got tears in my eyes.  That was the sweetest thing, I think I have ever heard. 

Ryan wanted to play with his gifts the rest of the morning, and Joe and I did some serious cleaning of the house, re-organization, and put all the Christmas stuff away.  It was sunny, but a bit cold, but we decided to take the boys to the park anyway.  We lasted about half and hour, before the wind was just too cold.

We had a pretty low-keyed evening and I gave Ryan his toy trumpet, which he just loved!  Unfortunately, Cole loved it too, and wants one.  He followed Ryan around crying, trying to grab it from him.  I may have to have a relative get another one from the toy store “in the big city” for Cole.  But Ryan could blow into it, and make notes.  He was even marching in time to his little songs. 

Before the boys’ bath, they had some ice cream, and we put a candle in Ryan’s, and sang to him one last time.  Before bed, I curled up with Ryan and read him one of his new gifts, Farmer Boy Birthday, from Little House on the Prairie.  He loved the story, and wanted Joe to read it to him again.

Now that his fourth birthday is over, I can’t wait to see how my little guy changes over the course in this next year.  One thing is for sure…I’m sure it won’t be boring.

Breastfeeding Mothering Parenting Pregnancy & Birth Ryan

Four Years Old


Our sweet baby boy is four years old today!  As I have written previously, that just doesn’t seem possible.  Wasn’t it just a few months ago, that I sat the night before his birth, writing in my pregnancy journal, how much I wanted to meet him, and wondered what he would be like? 

The night before his birth, Joe and I went out for dinner- one last quiet dinner before baby arrived- (we didn’t know his gender).  We sat there, so excited wondering what our baby was going look like, if he was a boy or a girl.  Thinking back, neither one of us really had any idea how much having Ryan would change our lives.  I was having him via scheduled C-section, since he was a breech baby.  I was nervous about the C-section, but was trying not to focus on that. 

Later that night, I couldn’t sleep, even though I knew I should at least try.  I was too excited to sleep, knowing in about 8 hours, I would finally have my baby, whom I waited my entire life for, in my arms.  I wrote one more journal entry to him in the pregnancy diary I was keeping.  I have it packed away now, but I do remember writing how much I loved being pregnant, and what a sweet baby he was already!  I wrote I was so happy I was going to finally meet him, and was looking forward to getting to know him as a little person, instead of just this “concept” inside of me.  I talked to him and told him, I would always do my best to make sure he was loved and happy, and I wanted him to become the person he was supposed to become.  Finally, I thanked him for choosing me to be mama, and Joe to be his daddy.  After that, I went to bed.

We had to be at the hospital by 6am, so were up early, and Joe took one more video shot of me before we left, telling baby we were leaving to go have him.  On the ride to the hospital, about 20 minutes away, we were pretty calm.  I remember it was a very cold morning.  It was -4 when we got to the hospital.  As I walked into the hospital, I knew my life would never be the same- in a few hours, I would have my baby, and when I walked out of the hospital in a few days I would be leaving with my first baby!

The C-section was very rough and hard on me- I’ll save that for another post, but the end result at 8:04 AM, January 6, 2004 was more than I could have ever expected, hoped, or dreamed of.  My sweet firstborn, baby boy arrived safely and healthy.  He was folded in half, with his little bum sticking out of my stomach.  The Dr. got him out, and held him up.  I heard Joe tell me it was a boy, and my heart has never been the same.  I loved Ryan the second I saw him.  The nurses weighed him, and he weighed in at 6 lbs., 15 oz.  Joe brought him to me, and I kissed his sweet face.  I couldn’t believe this baby was all mine. 

Joe went with the nurses and Ryan to have the tests done, while the doctors finished sewing me up.  At 8:20, they were done, and I went into the recovery room, where Ryan had just arrived.  I nursed him right away, and he latched on like a champ.  He nursed the entire time I was in the recovery room, and I am so happy we got this special bonding time.

The next few days were the hardest I think I have ever had.  I was in so much pain from the C-section, and had never been hospitalized for anything before.  It was so hard trying to recover from a major surgery, and trying to be a new, first-time mom, taking care of an infant at the same time.  But we got through them, and came home five days later.  The rest as they say, is history.

Fast forward to today, and I really did not know how many emotions I would have for Ryan over the last four years.  As any parent will tell you, you simply just do not know how much you will love your baby, until you actually have your baby.  I still sit in the glider where I nursed Ryan.  I remember his head fitting in the palm of my hand. I remember his body length, didn’t even cover the length of a Boppy pillow.  I breathed in his scent, and tried to memorize all his details. I loved him so much, I cried.  I never, never, wanted him to change.  I wanted him to be that newborn forever- I never wanted to get out of that glider.  I wanted to sit with him forever, holding him near me, nursing him, being able to coddle him forever.

Now, he sits next to me as a little boy- not a baby.  Now, I love him even more than I did during those first few weeks- I have a son with an amazing personality.  Instead of just loving him because he is a baby, I love him for the person he is too.  I love his smile, his sense of humor, his blue eyes, his empathy.  I love that he can express his love back to me.  I love how he plays, I love that he loves books, trains, planes, and his family.  I love that every day, he is becoming less and less of my baby, and becoming more and more of his own person- the person he was meant to be.

Remembering all of this now, I realize that Ryan has to grow away from me to become the person he is supposed to be- that is what I want for him, and what I promised him I would help him achieve, the night before his birth, four years ago.  As he becomes more and more independent, I know this is where he is supposed to be, and hope that by allowing him to be, he will continue to grow, not as I would like, but as he is supposed to.

Four years ago, I could not have imagined this.  I only had my thoughts and ideas on being a mother.   I learned quickly, motherhood never goes as you think or expect.  I learned never to say never.  But most of all, I have learned how to open my heart and love freely and unconditionally.  There is nothing like having your first baby.  You can never do it again, or go back to that time before you were a parent. 

These last four years with Ryan, have been absolutely amazing, and full of joy.  Ryan will always make me smile or laugh every day- no matter what.  Even though he won’t know how much  I love him, until he has his own children, I know in his mind that he knows how much his dad and I love him.  He has been everything and so much more than we could have imagined or hoped for, when we decided to have a baby.

Happy Birthday, Ryan!  I love you more than you can ever imagine.