
Snowed Out

Earlier in the week I wrote about how excited I was we were going camping this weekend.  That was before the weather report on Wednesday night called for cold conditions and up to a FOOT of snow in the mountains this weekend- right about at the elevation we were going to be at.

It’s one thing to be caught in a rain storm when camping, but sitting in a tent, with two little boys, freezing our you-know-what’s-off, is not my idea of a good time.  So we are going to try for this next coming weekend.

We ended up making the right decision.  It has rained practically non-stop since Friday, and today the temperatures were only in the 50’s.  I don’t even want to think about how cold it has been in the mountains. 

So keep your fingers crossed that we will be able to finally get away next weekend- if the weather gods cooperate.

Activities Family & Friends Me

Garden Sitting- When Things Go Wild (Part I)

I have been gardening more or less ever since I was six- helping my mother in her her huge vegetable gardens in the summer.  I can’t really remember a time when I haven’t been growing something

Some years I haven’t had a full-fledged garden, but always had flowers, or tomato plants, or something growing.  I would never claim to be a gardening expert (I’m not), but I enjoy it and can tell the difference between a plant and a weed on most days.  A few years ago, I even participated in a community garden plot with some of my friends, and to my surprise, I was able to pass down a few gardening hints here and there.

So when my good friend, Amy at Crunchy Domestic Goddess, asked me to garden sit her garden for two weeks while she was on vacation, at the end of July/beginning of August, I jumped at the chance.  Amy’s garden was just the perfect size-not too big, not too small.  Amy had tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, squash, strawberries, some herbs, a cucumber plant, some beans, and some sunflowers in her garden. 

Due to a few reasons, I didn’t plant a garden myself this summer, so I was really excited to have a few weeks where I could garden!

Amy left town on a Saturday, so I went over on Monday evening for my first time. The garden was beautiful.  Tall tomato plants, with tons of green-just-turning-to red-tomatoes, and strawberries.  There were a few nice yellow pear tomatoes just getting ready to turn.  Everything was green, with no signs of weeds, pests, or any other problems.

Despite it being record heat, I felt confident on my way over for my next visit on Thursday.  I had watered deeply and didn’t want to over water, so I felt my timing would be right on.

Imagine my shock as I slid open the patio door, overlooking the garden, and discovered all the tomato plants top leaves had been eaten!  I could see the bug bites through the door, and saw the sunflower leaves had huge chunks of them gone! Upon further inspection, Amy’s garden was being attacked by insects.  The only thing that didn’t have major bug bites on its leaves were the strawberries, cucumber, and the beans.   

I immediatly thought tomato worms for the tomatoes, but the bites weren’t very large, but there were hundreds of them in the leaves.  I didn’t see any tomato worms on the plants, and didn’t see their droppings.  I searched high and low for signs of what was eating the garden.  I saw an earwig and an ant, but I knew they couldn’t do that kind of damage in just two days. 

Amy’s garden is organic, so I was not about to put anything on it without her permission, but I was stumped.  At the rate this was going, Amy would not have a garden when she came home.  I wish I had taken pictures, but I was really shocked.  I had never seen anything like this before.

After consulting with Amy and our other friend, Julie (who is a master and an organic gardener), Julie said it had been a bad year for pests and recommended some diatomaceous earth, to kill the insects.  She was a lot calmer than I, and seemed to think everything would be OK, and balance out.

I headed out the nursery for some diatomaceous earth, and applied a layer of it over the entire garden Friday evening.  The insects had continued eating, and had started in on the beans, and basil.   I really hoped the earth was going to help, because I was not feeling optimistic about the garden. 

We still had record heat the next few days- until Wednesday- so I went over almost every night to water, and monitor the insect situation.  Happily, Julie was right.  The earth seemed to be working, and it didn’t appear like the plants had sustained any further damage.

The tomatoes were staring to grow new leaves, and I was confident that Amy would still have a pretty nice garden to come home to.  The only thing that concered me was the diatomaceous earth washed away every time it got wet, and we were getting some rain showers at night.  Julie said it eventually washes away, so I figured every other day re-applying the earth would be OK.

On the Wednesday evening (3 days before Amy was due back), I was at my in-laws house after work having dinner.  The heat seemed to have broke, clouds were moving in, as well as a breeze and it felt great.  I was looking forward to going over to the garden that evening and working in the cool air, giving it some exra TLC. 

At the time, I could not have imagined what was in store for me a few hours later, and sadly for the garden.

Stay tuned for Part II

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday- Brothers

Check out more pictures at Wordless Wednesday

Activities Cole Current Events Family & Friends Ryan

Going Camping

We are going camping this weekend on what is shaping up to be our only vacation/getaway of the summer.  We thought we would be moving this summer, so we didn’t plan any vacations, and boy can I feel it. 

I feel like I am in a rut and need a change of scenery.  My dad arranged a family camping trip this weekend, and I couldn’t be more excited.  I feel like I am going away for a week instead of a couple days.  The boys are super excited as well, and can’t wait for s’mores the camp fire, and sleeping in a tent.

I am off to the stores to get everything we need for our 2 day/2 night camping trip.  I wish we were going for a bit longer, but on the plus side, at least I don’t have to pack two weeks worth of clothes and other necessities for the family.

In other news I have been riding my bike almost every night, and am really enjoying the exercise. Joe got the part needed to fix our bike trailer so he and the boys can start going with me.  We got Cole a bike yesterday- he just has to keep up with Ryan.  He cried every time Ryan got on his bike, and he didn’t have a bike to ride.

Finally, I am completely into the Olympics.  I am loving Michael Phelps and Dara Torres (the 41-year old mother, who is in her fifth Olympics), and gymnastics.  Fortunately I have been able to get some tagging done for a consignment sale while watching the Olympics.  You’ll have to forgive me if my blog posts are lacking this week.  If there are no posts, you’ll know I’m doing my part in supporting the US Olympic team!  🙂

Current Events

Chandler Grafner

 Chandler Grafner

UPDATE: 8/12/08: The jury found Chandler’s foster father guilty of murder in the first degree.  He will receive a mandatory life sentence without the possibility of parole.  The father’s girlfriend, pleaded gulity, and made a plea bargain before her trial started.  She will be sentenced to 48 years in prison. 

**Before you read any further, please be warned that this is a horrible and heartbreaking case of abuse.  I can’t even follow it in any detail- it is too horrific for me, and I won’t be writing about the awful details, but I feel it is important to help raise awareness on child abuse.**

The child abuse that Chandler Grafner, a 7 year old boy suffered by his half-brother’s dad, and his common-law wife, who by the way were his legal guardians, are just horrendous and gruesome.  You can read a brief summary of what happened to him on Wikipedia here.  (This is a summary and does not go into all the details.)

The “father” of Chandler is now on trial for first-degree murder charges, and if you can stomach it, you can read what is happening in the case, and all the sickening details of how these people abused and eventually killed Chandler here.  (About half way down the page, in the right sidebar, there is a box of related links, and you can start there if you want to read about the entire case.)

While I know the basic details, I can’t read about this story for more than a few seconds without crying. It is just so heartbreaking to know a child was treated like this.  What is worse, is so many people failed Chandler from social services- people who should have been able to recognize what was happening. 

I believe a teacher of Chandler’s did report possible abuse to Denver social services, as did the assistant principal, but evidently social services did not do enough to save Chandler. Eventually Chandler was pulled out of school because the teachers and school were asking questions, and trying to get help for Chandler, but again, social services did not catch the extent of what was happening.

Whether others suspected abuse was happening or not, I don’t know- I can’t read the story in enough detail to know.  But I do know that nothing like this should ever happen to a child, but sadly it does.  I just can’t help but think how many other children are being abused in our communities, right under our noses?

This little boy should not have had to give his life, which hadn’t even started, up to child abuse.  I can only hope that if anything slightly positive can come from the senseless death of Chandler and so many others like him, is this can serve as a wake-up call in our society and communities.

We have to be more aware and stop thinking that other kids aren’t our business.  We should stop worrying if we will offend the parents, or come across as nosey, if we suspect a child is being abused.  We have to start focusing on kids. Instincts are seldom wrong- if you suspect a child is being abused, don’t ignore it. Report what you suspect, and pray that social services will do their job- even though they failed Chandler.

People talk about the evil out in the world- terrorists and the such, but this just shows we have plenty of evil right here in our society.  We have to get more involved when we think a child is being abused. It is far better to report a possible child abuse case, and be wrong about it, than to continue to have innocent children like Chandler suffer, and die painful and horrible deaths.   

If you suspect a child in your neighborhood, school, or community is being abused, it only takes a simple, brief, and usually anonymous phone call to your social services department. They can be found in your phone book, or on-line.  Or you can contact the The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or The Child Abuse Hotline.  You can also make tax-free donations to organizations like these, and help support their important work. 

I pray and hope Chandler and the other thousands of children who die at the hands of child abusers are in a better place and are finally free from their sad, painful, and heartbreaking short lives.   

How we treat and protect our children shows what kind of a society we are.  I think this quote sums it up perfectly, 

     There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children

~Nelson Mandela