Cole had his nine-month check-up this week. He is 21 pounds, and is 29 inches long. The doctor said he was doing great!
He has his two front bottom teeth in, and just got his top 4 front teeth in- ouch! Poor little guy- no wonder he was so fussy last weekend.
He is starting to stick out his tongue, and will do it, if he sees someone else do it. He loves to clap- he claps when it is time to get out of the car, when it is time to eat, play, bath, or time for bed.
He drinks out of a cup really well, and loves to eat! Seriously, he almost eats the same amount of food Ryan does. He loves everything so far he has tried, except for broccoli.
I think my favorite thing right now is his adorable, cute, pudgy, chubby, cheeks. I love squeezing them, and he just laughs every time I do. I also call him “Roly Poly Colely.” My sister called him that when she was out for a visit in November, and it just kind of stuck.
He is still a very cuddly baby, and is happiest when he is being held, or is having attention being paid to him. He is starting to really enjoy and want Dad, which is a welcome milestone.
He has also been sleeping pretty well in his crib, next to our bed. I think he is getting used to it. Tonight he nursed for about 10 minutes, and when I placed him in the crib, he rolled over and fell right asleep. He is growing up a little every day, and I am sure I will be wondering where the time went with him very shortly too.
I hope to have some better pictures soon of Cole, but here were a few we took this week after we went for a walk, and he decided to play with his hat.
One reply on “Cole at Nine Months”
Roley Poley Coley! I love it! He is so darn cute. I think he’s the same size Quinn was at 15 mos, exactly. What are the chances of that!?