Breastfeeding Current Events

UPDATE: Nursing Mom Gets Extra Time For Test

Here is an update on the story of Sophie Currier, the nursing mother of a 4-month old, who sued the National Board of Medical Examiners, because they would not allow her extra breaks to pump, during her nine hour medical licensing exam. 

An appeals court judge ruled on Wednesday, that she must be given extra time for breaks. 

Good for Sophie, for challenging the ruling, and it looks like she missed her first test date, since she was suing, but is set to take the test now on October 4th and 5th.  Good luck to her on the exam, and this is a great story on how one person CAN make a difference.

Here is the link if you want to read the entire story.

3 replies on “UPDATE: Nursing Mom Gets Extra Time For Test”

Good for her and good for her baby. I’m so glad she took this stand. Hopefully, it might help pave the way for the rest of us who have to pump 4 hours worth of milk in 10 minutes in a supply closet next to a copier because no one will step up and help cover our classes….

Wow, that was a vent! Anyway, good for Sophie!!

i was torn on this for a while because it seems like this woman has already received a lot of concessions for taking this test, but ultimately, i do think it is her right to have the opportunity to pump and i’m glad that she won. i know they said she could pump in a private room while she took the test, but there’s no way i could concentrate on a test and get my milk to let down, etc. while pumping. it’s too distracting.

and to mara – i’m so sorry you have to pump in a supply closet without help to cover your class. 🙁 keep on voicing your frustrations and maybe you can help bring about change for future mamas at that school.


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