Activities Cole Family & Friends Health Me Ryan

Another Busy/Sick Week

I haven’t been blogging much for the following reasons:

SICK- Both Ryan and Cole have been so sick with a viral infection.  It is just plain gross, how much congestion is coming out of their noses and eyes.  They have sore throats and fevers.  Ryan a stomach bug on top of that.    We took them to the doctor on Friday, who informed us since it is viral, antibiotics won’t help. She said if it lasts more than 10 days, or they get worse, they just have to wait it out. 

There is no way that I could be around all that gunk, and not pick it up myself.  So since last Thursday, I have had the same infection, minus the stomach bug (thank goodness).

WORK- I have been working like a madwoman trying to finish up my project from work that was due today.  I didn’t feel much like working on it over the weekend, and frankly couldn’t.  I had such a sinus headache, looking at myriads of numbers, and trying to compute and organize them into a budget, was the last thing on my mind.  I have put in about 17 hours since Monday, getting this done.  Ten of those hours were from home, while sick, while trying to take care of  two sick boys (and myself).  I don’t think I have ever been as happy to e-mail a document, as I was tonight when I was finally able to e-mail the draft of the budget to the client.  YAY!!  It ended up being so complicated, one of the accountants had to help me figure it out, but I learned a lot! The client will have a few minor changes, and then I’ll have to incorporate them in for a final draft, but compared to the two weeks of budget marathoning I have been doing, that will be a piece of cake!

SISTER IN TOWN- Unfortunately, I only saw my sister for a few hours on Monday- before she left for the airport.  We were all so sick, we didn’t want to get her sick, and I know she would have a lot better time hanging out with family and friends “in the big city,” then she would at our House of Sickness, watching us go through tissues like crazy.  I was so disappointed, but hopefully it will work out better next time.  She is hoping she can come back in March.  We’ll keep our fingers crossed.

After what has been two of the most stressful, sick, and disappointing weeks, Joe and I have a big night coming up this weekend.  We get to cash in his Christmas present, and go to a rock concert of a band we both like!  My dad and step-mom are going to watch the boys for us, and Ryan will probably spend the night, as long as he is feeling up to it.  We are really excited, and it will be a great date night, and a chance to have some fun.  We are ready- rock on!