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Ina May Gaskin

Tonight I got to hear “The Greatest Midwife in the World”, Ina May Gaskin, speak for two hours.  She was amazing, and had wonderful things to say about birth, how she became a midwife, her birthing experiences as a mother and as a midwife, breastfeeding, and parenting.

I read one of her books, “Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth,” when I was pregnant with Cole, and it affirmed my desire to attempt a VBAC (vaginal birth after a Cesarean) with Cole.   The book was so powerful for me, in helping me realize that my body knew what to do, and I didn’t need to be afraid of childbirth.  I used some of what I read by her, while I was birthing Cole, and I know it helped me have a successful VBAC.

It was an honor to hear her speak, and I even got to chat with her for a few minutes afterwards, and got her autograph!  I feel like a birth groupie.

My friend, Amy, wrote a very nice piece on Ina May today, on her blog, so if you want to find out more about Ina May, and some of her background, visit Amy’s blog

If you are pregnant, do yourself a favor, and at least read, “Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth.”  I guarantee you will find something in there that will help you feel more confident and in control of your birthing experience, as well as learn amazing and wonderful things about your body, and how childbirth works.  She has a wonderful tone and approach and reading the book is almost like chatting with a very experienced friend, who has been through it, and can tell you anything you need to know.  I enjoyed the book so much, I read it in two hours.  You won’t regret reading it. 

In my opinion, they should make this mandatory reading for every teen-age girl in school, so future generations of girls / women will understand how their bodies work, and this will start the process of changing the attitude that birth is a medical emergency, and also take the fear out of childbirth. 

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